The BBC Rolls Out a Galaxy of Stars (and a Tiger) in This Lavish Cover of 'God Only Knows'

Does Brian Wilson know who Lorde is? Or why there’s a tiger on his piano?

This lavish video boasts an array of stars performing Wilson’s 1966 Beach Boys classic “God Only Knows” to help launch BBC Music, described by the company as “an ambitious wave of new programs, innovative partnerships and ground-breaking music initiatives.”

Karmarama created the clip, which features luminaries representing various generations and styles. The Impossible Orchestra, as it’s called, features Wilson, Lorde, Elton John, Pharrell Williams, One Direction, Stevie Wonder, Dave Grohl, Jake Bugg, Emeli Sandé, Chris Martin and many more. Kylie Minogue floats in a soap bubble. Baaba Maal rides by in a balloon. Alison Balsom sits perched in a gilded cage.

The extravaganza debuted yesterday during a pan-channel BBC broadcast, and the video’s nearing 800,000 YouTube views already. The song also benefits BBC’s Children in Need charity, is available for download and streaming and was released as a physical CD single in the U.K.

“One of the things that interested me most about this project was the ideas of bringing together so many different styles of music,” says Ethan Johns, who produced the tune. “To make so much diversity work within one piece of music was quite a challenge.”

Naturally, the initiative’s been compared, favorably and otherwise, to other musical megastar team-ups, such as the 1997 Children in Need reboot of Lou Reed’s “Perfect Day,” which was a global smash. (Elton John is only star from that outing to appear in “God Only Knows,” by the way.)

One story in the Guardian brands the new effort as “not quite a perfect day,” noting “There’s something self-aggrandizing about this—but with the amount of music the BBC covers, perhaps it is deserved?” Coverage elsewhere on the site disdainfully notes that “God Only Knows” arrives just as “the corporation’s battle to retain the television license fee [is] getting almost tougher by the week.”

Tough crowd.

BBC Music director Bob Sherman explains the project, and the song choice, thusly: “Everybody gets the significance of ‘God Only Knows.’ And that’s what we’re trying to do with BBC Music. We’re trying to make it feel like it’s an all-encompassing brand for everybody.” That quote comes from the “making-of” clip, in which Queen guitarist Brian May—whose trademark fret runs on “God Only Knows” are a highlight—seems to offer a slightly different take, calling the song “quite enigmatic, really.”

Some view the CGI effects and costumed theatrics as overkill, but I’d say the grand scale fits the message, which is quietly captured in the closing bars of the performance. Wilson sits alone at the piano, sans tiger or bombast, just looking into the camera and singing his brilliant song.

Beach Boys como você nunca viu

Graças ao Alexander Chen, Diretor Criativo do Google Creative Lab em Nova York, é possível apreciar de uma nova forma a genialidade de Brian Wilson enquanto líder dos Beach Boys, marcado pelo apurado ouvido ao criar melodias que sempre que escutadas, algo de novo é percebido.

Chen criou uma visualização dos sons com as famosas harmonias gravadas pela banda. Baseando-se no conceito de sinos, em que seu tamanho corresponde ao tom da nota que produz, Chen usou uma série de círculos para representar as notas de cada parte da música.

Uma relação matemática entre circunferência e tom, onde cada nota é um círculo e o seu tamanho varia de acordo com o tom.


“Eu me pergunto se visualizar as diferentes camadas de música ajuda a ensinar nossos ouvidos a serem capazes de identificar as peças que a compõe de forma individual para, quem sabe, se tornar um melhor ouvinte.” – Chen

Escolhendo a música “You Still Believe in Me” como teste, por ter sido inspirada em coro de igreja, os vocais foram isolados e as harmonias foram meticulasamente transcritas, nota por nota, para posteriormente serem renderizadas e tocadas usando o software open source Processing.

Diferente daquelas animações que saltam na tela de forma descoordenada, o resultado do experimento mostra de fato o que você está ouvindo, e somente o que você está ouvindo, nota por nota.

Especialmente no final desta música, múltiplas camadas de harmonias entram em ação e vemos coisas que nem sequer nos damos conta de que estamos ouvindo – como todas aquelas vozes distintas se fundindo em uma só no final.

Em uma era obcecada por dados, este é um dos projetos que melhor cuida para relacionar o campo da visualização com a música, em uma busca por traduzi-la visual e fisicamente, oferecendo novos olhares sobre cada nota.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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