BBH Sheds Light on Youth Cardiac Risk in PSA for CRY

BBH London created a PSA campaign for Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY), a UK charity founded in 1995 which “raises awareness about sudden cardiac deaths in young people resulting from undiagnosed heart conditions.”

In a 60-second PSA video, a group of young men engage in a game of rugby. Throughout the spot we hear a heartbeat, adding an element of unease, until at one point the hearbeat speeds up and one of the boys falls to the ground. The message, “An undiagnosed heart condition can kill an apparently healthy young person instantly. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Get your heart tested.” It’s a harrowing message, bringing attention to an issue many don’t know about. Crafted to shock and startle viewers, it just may succeed in its goal of getting young people tested for heart conditions.

The spot was created by BBH London Assistant Producer David Lynch (not to be confused with that David Lynch), with help from Creative Directors Nick Kidney and Kevin Stark in adapting the original script. “I knew about CRY through a friend who was helped by them in the past,” Lynch said. “I wrote a script and showed it to my then producer, Ruben Mercadal. He said I should run with it. As I’m an Assistant TV Producer and not a Creative, I sought help from two of BBH’s best Creative Directors..To my surprise they were of the same opinion as Ruben and said if I ever get the chance to make it, they would love to mentor me through it.”

BBH then enlisted director AG Rojas and Park Pictures to bring the project, which Lynch called a “particularly emotive and rewarding campaign to work on,” to light. “Once we began production, it became clear that so many of the people who helped us had also been affected – or knew someone who had been affected – in some way,” he added.


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W+K Amsterdam Debuts ‘There’s Power in Every Game’ for Powerade

W+K Amsterdam have a launched a new, global World Cup 2014 campaign for Powerade, “the official sports drink of FIFA.”In addition to television, the campaign also includes print/out of home, digital, and online documentary films (more on that later).

“There’s Power in Every Game” centers around Andrés Iniesta, the Spanish star who scored the winning goal in the 2010 World Cup. He takes center stage in the 60-second spot (featured above), which also features five amateur athletes from around the world. Each of these athletes has “overcome challenges in their lives and in the process have lifted their teammates, rallied supporters and inspired communities through their dedication and achievements in the sport” — which exemplifies the campaign’s #PowerThrough message.

Each of these amateur athletes will be featured in their own documentary, starting with the inspirational story of Nicolai “Nico” Calabria. Debuted at the Kicking + Screaming Football Festival in New York last week and being released as a television spot in addition to its online release, the two minute film tells Nico’s story growing up with one leg and defying expectations to succeed as an athlete. Incorporating an impressively-edited mix of home video footage and live action film, it’s a powerful telling of Nico’s story, and well worth a watch.

“Nico’s story is one of unwavering determination,” said Brynn Bardacke, global group creative director for Powerade. “He truly embodies what we mean when we say there’s power in every player and power in every game.”

Stick around for “Nico & Powerade,” along with credits, after the jump. continued…

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Thanks to Duracell, a Deaf Seattle Seahawks Player Is the NFL’s Feel-Good Story of the Year

Derrick Coleman isn’t exactly an NFL superstar. But, thanks to a new campaign for Duracell and by helping his team, the Seattle Seahawks, earn a place in next weekend’s NFC Championship game, he may soon become a household name.

From Saatchi & Saatchi NY and Park Pictures director AG Rojas comes the above “Trust Your Power” spot, which in just two days has already netted 1.6 million plays on YouTube. Following Coleman’s career from his days as a young boy being mocked for his hearing aid through going undrafted out of college, it’s a well-told story of overcoming adversity and, remarkably, ties Coleman’s success to Duracell in a not-so-terrible way.

In case you’re wondering, the spot doesn’t mention that while Coleman went undrafted after college, he was picked in 2012 by the Seahawks and made his NFL playing debut earlier this year. The highlight of which so far was the above TD scored on Monday Night Football last month, which itself is accidentally symbolic of the unlikelihood of Coleman’s career. If this Duracell spot is playing during the commercial breaks, it will be downright impossible to root for anyone other than the Seahawks to win the Super Bowl this year.

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