South Africa Villa by Saota

Avec sa vue imprenable sur la montagne Lion’s Head à Cape Town en Afrique du Sud, OVD 919 est une villa pensée par le célèbre studio d’architecture Saota. En plus de son cadre idyllique et de sa structure ouverte, cette incroyable demeure comprend une terrasse avec piscine ainsi qu’un étage avec chambres privées. À découvrir en images.


Vintage-Style Mars Travel Posters

SpaceX a récemment dévoilé cette série de trois posters aux illustrations de style vintage qui promeut avec humour les voyages touristiques sur la planète Mars. Sur ces affiches, le touriste est invité à découvrir la planète rouge, décrite comme terre martienne de gouffres et de cratères.


Kaleidoscopic Paintings by Michelle Hinebrook

Les tableaux de l’artiste Michelle Hinebrook sont d’une complexité créant des effets visuels impressionnants. Avec des effets de transparence, elle donne de la profondeur à ses toiles, dont les graphismes et les couleurs sont un subtil mélange entre caverne de cristaux et explosions de couleurs kaléidoscopiques.


Adorable Felt Figurines – Anna Dovgan's Wool Sculptures Are Inspired by Animals and Food (GALLERY)

( Ukrainian artist Anna Dovgan is known for creating adorable felt figurines that are inspired by food and animals. From hugging avocados to married cherries, the artist’s stunning sculptures…

Rugged Adventure Bikes – The Super Enduro is a No-Holds-Barred Adventure Bike

( The Revit #95 is a supremely solid, stylish and functional motorbike that is designed for people who like to get off the beaten path and explore. Revit, a Dutch motorcycle company, describes itself…

Irish Media Restrained in Reporting of Billionaire’s Dealings

A dispute between one of Ireland’s richest businessmen and its national broadcaster has raised questions about constraints on the country’s media.

Aeroponic Subscription Services – Windowfarms Delivers Urban Gardening Kits to One's Door (GALLERY)

( Windowfarms’ urban gardening kits are a great solution for apartment dwellers with limited outdoor space. Consumers’ growing desire for fresh and nutritious food is making urban…

Mamilos 27 – Reforma política e só


Os memes, trending topics e polêmicas que circularam a internet durante a semana

> LEIA MAIS: Mamilos 27 – Reforma política e só

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Vitriol in the Media Adds Drama to Talks on Greek Bailout

Some analysts say sensationalism and obsessive coverage have made the negotiations more difficult.

Feared Hollywood Reporter Turns to Fiction

Barred by a settlement from practicing journalism about the entertainment industry online, the intrepid reporter Nikki Finke is writing fiction for her new website, Hollywood Dementia.

Cães despertam o que há de melhor em nós, destaca Pedigree


Filme criado pela BBDO de Nova York ensina importante lição

> LEIA MAIS: Cães despertam o que há de melhor em nós, destaca Pedigree

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Google Compare lembra que diferentes gerações podem aprender umas com as outras


Avô e neta compartilham experiência em filme dirigido por Stian Smestad

> LEIA MAIS: Google Compare lembra que diferentes gerações podem aprender umas com as outras

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Os Caça-Fantasmas enfrentam monstros modernos em animação


Será que eles vão conseguir sair dessa?

> LEIA MAIS: Os Caça-Fantasmas enfrentam monstros modernos em animação

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Pedigree "The Walk" (2015) :45 (USA)

It’s okay, everyone. Racism is officially over. MLK’s dream has come true, thanks to commercially produced dog food. First Starbucks tried, but we just weren’t ready to accept that message. Now, thankfully, reports are already coming in that Ferguson, and Baltimore race relations have never been better, and now, I am told, Bahar Mustafa has reportedly apologized for her tweet using the hashtag #killallwhitemen, thanks to finding the love of a Labradoodle.

This is a great example of having a really smart insight (you always meet someone on a dog walk, and these encounters bring us together) and taking it to such a ridiculous conclusion that somewhere, someone in the approval process should have raised their hand and asked some questions along the lines of “The idea that owning a pet is an effective soothing balm against racism…isn’t this just a wee bit of an over promise? Isn’t it hitting the audience over the head to have this in black and white? Don’t we come across as being just a bit naive and/or self-serving by jumping on a topic like this? And with Baltimore still smoldering from riots, does this not seem like the wrong time to be bringing forth a message like this?”

Congrats on joining the conversation, Pedigree.

Anheuser-Busch providing water for storm victims.

Anheuser-Busch is halting production in its Georgia brewery to produce 50,000 cans of water for the victims of storms in Oklahoma and Texas.

They’re partnering with the Red Cross to deliver 2,000 cases of water to those areas devastated by the severe rainfall which left in its wake a few thousand damaged homes, and a death toll of 25, with dozens more still missing.

The rains also ironically reversed a historic drought in that area.

Classy act for a brewery.

55 Examples of Urban Garden Innovations – From DIY Urban Farming Kits to Portable Herb Planters (TOPLIST)

( As more people continue to move into cities, the urban garden has become a clever way of adding green space to any home. While some urban gardens are large enough for growing crops and herbs, other…

Spectacular Aerial Pictures of Cuba

Unseen Cuba est un projet du lituanien Marius Jovaiša : le premier photographe à avoir pu capturer des clichés aériens des paysages cubains, depuis un hélicoptère. Le service de locations d’hélicoptères à la Havane n’était pas adéquate ; ils ne possédaient que de vieux hélicoptères russes MI-8 qui n’étaient pas viables. Il lui a donc fallu 5 ans pour voir le projet se concrétiser, 1 million de dollars et un hélicoptère rapatrié d’Australie.


Miniature Versatile Axes – The Latest Device from 'Survco' Can Transform into Over 20 Tactical Tools (GALLERY)

( The ‘Tactical Credit Card AX’ from ‘SURVCO’ is only the size of a credit card, but it has the remarkable ability to transform into over 21 different tactical tools. While…

Washington Bans Political Ads From Public Transit

The ban, which remains in effect through the end of the year and follows a similar move in New York, came after ads critical of Islam were submitted.

Plum Organics Launches ‘Parenting Unfiltered’

Plum Organics launched the in-house effort, “Parenting Unfiltered,” the first national campaign for the organic baby food brand.

The spot aims to give an honest portrayal of parenting’s ups and downs, including pumping breast milk at work, messy diapers and sleepless nights. Refreshingly, it avoids gender stereotypes, instead focusing on moms and dads as parenting equals, while also featuring same sex couples and parents from all walks of life. The ad delivers the message, “If it feels like parenting isn’t always perfect you’re doing it right” before ending with the tagline, “This is parenting unfiltered.” It’s a spot that leverages honesty to give the impression that Plum Organics is a trustworthy brand.

“When we first launched seven years ago, our marketing strategy was super scrappy, focused solely on grassroots, word of mouth and PR. We’re still that brand at heart,” Neil Grimmer, CEO and co-founder of Plum Organics, explained to AdFreak. “So as a concept, Parenting Unfiltered came very naturally to us.” He added, “The ultimate goal is to be thought of by our consumers as a trusted source and friend, so when they’re in the baby-food aisle and it comes time to make that purchasing decision, Plum is that friendly face on the shelf.”