100 Dynamic Desk Designs – These Modern Furnishings Are Available for the Back to School Season (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) With the Back to School season fast approaching, students of all ages are set to love these practical and aesthetically striking desk designs. This diverse list of furniture products includes…

Colossal Spark is a crowdsourcing Colossal Joke

Colossal Spark is a brand new crowdsourcing website for advertisers, and creatives alike. Now I know what you’re thinking: Great, another exploitive site a la Victors and Spoils, where the partners make a boat load of money while enlisting thousands upon thousands of minions to work for free or next to free. I’ll bet they’re just waiting patiently to be bought out by a holding company, there by making even MORE money.

But wait! It’s totally not like that, you guys.


Pencil Lamp

Les designers londoniens de Michael & George ont eu l’idée extravagante d’imaginer une lampe sous la forme d’un crayon géant. Un projet où la lumière jaillit depuis une ampoule placée au niveau de la gomme appelé HB Pencil lamp qui changera pour sûr votre intérieur.

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Master and Apprentice Are Back, and Ridiculous as Ever, for Steak 'n Shake

The latest ads in Carmichael Lynch’s master and apprentice campaign for Steak ‘n Shake continue to use sound effects and choice props to comic effect.

This time, the main featured sound effect is the comically exaggerated air karate chop. The latest series of wooshes reminds us fondly of Weird Al’s absurd dance sequence in his 1988 parody of Michael Jackson’s Bad (“Because I’m fat …”). As for the prop, it’s a black blindfold that Master wears in his “Pin the tail on the donkey” like search for a milkshake in the desert. The tagline remains, “Hunger wisely.”

As with last year’s spots, these were directed by Harold Einstein.

Client: Steak ‘n Shake
Spots: “Kung Fu Elbow,” “Blindfold”
Agency: Carmichael Lynch, Minneapolis
Chief Creative Officer: Dave Damman
Executive Creative Director: Marty Senn
Art Director: Matt Pruett
Art Director (Food): Teela Shandess
Writer: Nick Nelson
Director of Production: Joe Grundhoefer
Executive Content Producer: Freddie Richards
Senior Content Producer: Jon Mielke
Producer (Food): Jenny Barnes
Business Manager: Vicki Oachs
Account Service Team: Stacy Janicki, Sarah Brehm
Senior Project Manager: Lisa Brody
Postproduction Company: Dummy Films
Director: Harold Einstein
Executive Producer: Eric Liney
Director of Photography: Ramsey Nickell
Edit House: Arcade Edit, New York
Executive Producer: Sila Soyer
Editor: Dave Anderson
Assistant Editor: Mark Popham
Online Artists: Tristian Wake
Telecine: CO3
Colorist: Tim Masick
Sound Design: Butter & Heard City
Audio Post: Heard City
Mixer: Keith Reynaud
On-Camera Talent: Mark Montgomery (Master), Alex Miles (Apprentice)
Voiceover Talent: Tom Hair

Cartoon Figurine Photography – Disney Infinity Characters Star in Kurt Moses' Disney Photo Series (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) Inspired by the dynamic Disney Infinity figurines, Kurt Moses and Disney teamed up to create a Disney photo series that puts the tiny characters where you actually might find them if they came to…

60 Surrealist Photography Examples – From Animal-Faced Portraiture to Whimsical Wonderland Imagery (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) Following in the footsteps of famed artists like Salvador Dali and Renee Magritte, these surrealist photography examples play with their viewer’s perception. Since photography’s inception,…

Outrageously Delicious Burger Ideas – Stacked Meat Burgers From to Grilled Cheese Burgers (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) Finding a delicious burger is easy but finding one that pushes all sorts of fast food boundaries is like finding a nugget of gold in a mine of coal. As gourmet and fast food flavors collide, finding…

Nude Reactionary Portraits – Trevor Christensen Strips Down Behind the Lens (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) Upon first glance, there appears to be no nudity in Trevor Christensen’s series of so-called “nude” portraits. However, judging by the subjects’ expressions—ranging…

PLQ "A souvenir" (2014) 1:00 (Canada)

Quebec has a love affair with butter. Oh sure it went through rocky times when people became afraid of fat, but thankfully we righted our course and got back on track. This ad is for Les Producteurs de lait du Québec. Which is like the dairy board.



Vitaminwater's New Endorser is Scary Thin (Watch the Newest Ads on TV)

Every weekday, we bring you the Ad Age/iSpot Hot Spots, new and trending TV commercials tracked by iSpot.tv, a company that catalogs, tags and measures activity around TV ads in real time. The New Releases here ran on TV for the first time yesterday. The Most Engaging ads are showing sustained social heat, ranked by SpotShare scores reflecting the percent of digital activity associated with each one over the past week. See the methodology here.

Among the new releases, as summer winds down, True Value Hardware serves up a moment of father-daughter bonding to remind you that “fall is short” and you should “make the most of it.” And Coca-Cola’s Vitaminwater — which, over the years, has allied with various celebrities to promote its brand (including, recently, Kevin Hart) — has a new endorser who, frankly, could stand to put on some weight.

As always, you can find out more about the making of the best commercials on TV at Ad Age’s Creativity.

Continue reading at AdAge.com

26 Creative Disney Photos – From Stunning Magical Photography to Chic Disney Editorials (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) These creative Disney photos take inspiration from some of the most recognizable cartoon characters like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Elsa from Frozen and other Disney princesses.

These fun, fantasy-…

Just for men "Just you" (2014) :30 (USA)

Here’s an ad featuring men doing men stuff while a man talks about being a man and being the same man you were since you became a man.



Behind the Work: Y&R and VML Create Robo-Fountain for Drink Up Initiative

How about a little chit chat while you hydrate? Y&R, New York, and digital agency VML, New York, collaborated with the Partnership for a Healthier America to create a water fountain that starts talking when drinkers’ lips touch the water. It’s part of a new campaign to promote Drink Up, an initiative to encourage Americans to drink more H20.

PHA and its honorary chair, First Lady Michelle Obama, work across the public and private sectors to promote healthy physical and dietary choices in America. Last September, the non-profit and non-partisan organization started Drink Up and nearly a year after inception, the organization has launched a tech-driven camapaign to get the word out.

“We do everything we can to not look like your father’s public health campaign,” said PHA CMO Drew Nannis. The Drink Up Fountain, part of the #spreadthewater initiative, offers up greetings and encouragement to passersby pausing for a quick sip. “It doesn’t preach hydration facts or ounces consumed per day,” said Mr. Nannis, because its purpose is simply to encourage people to drink more water on a regular basis.

Continue reading at AdAge.com

Hungarian Colorful Post-War Houses

L’artiste germano-hongroise Katharina Roters a réalisé une série de clichés récensant les différentes façades colorées et singulières des maisonnettes hongroises appelées « Magyar Kocka« , des cubes hongrois que l’on peut retrouver partout dans cet ancien pays de l’Union Soviétique. Des batîments simples mais personnalisés par les habitants à découvrir dans la suite.

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Stenograffia Street-art and graffiti festival: robot

Advertising Agency: StreetArt, Russia
Director: Mikhail Kolokolov
Art Director: Andrey Kolokolov

wonga.com: Engagement ring

Advertising Agency: Black River Football Club, Johannesburg, South Africa
Executive Creative Director: Ahmed Tilly
Creative Director: Vanessa Gibson
Executive Producer: Daniel Kaplan
Agency Producer: Iolanthe Grobler
Production Company: Bioscope Films
Director: Hylton Tannenbaum

wonga.com: Petrol pump

Advertising Agency: Black River Football Club, Johannesburg, South Africa
Executive Creative Director: Ahmed Tilly
Creative Director: Vanessa Gibson
Executive Producer: Daniel Kaplan
Agency Producer: Iolanthe Grobler
Production Company: Bioscope Films
Director: Hylton Tannenbaum

wonga.com: Hotel room

Advertising Agency: Black River Football Club, Johannesburg, South Africa
Executive Creative Director: Ahmed Tilly
Creative Director: Vanessa Gibson
Executive Producer: Daniel Kaplan
Agency Producer: Iolanthe Grobler
Production Company: Bioscope Films
Director: Hylton Tannenbaum

Electrolux: Experimental art

Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Thailand
Executive Creative Director: Nuntawat Chaipornkaew
Art Directors: Shayne Chomchinda, Kajohnchai Rodklongtan, Prapat Patomchaiwiwat, Weerayut Angkharach, Poowadon Potichat
Copywriters: Tanongsak Tanoparat, Chavanon Tantisiriseranee, Nattinee Hemwanno
Producer: Athip Vichuchaianan
DoP: Panit Jirawattananunt
Agency Producers: Pattira Kietivanichanon, Chanida Noikampan, Aitthipat Boonkumol
CGH: Papop Chaowanapreecha, Krissada Jun-Orn, Pornpen Rattanasaksopana, Taejay Lee
Account Service: Krittinee Kampitak, Nuttaphan Godden
Production Company: Wakeup Rabbit
Director: Pagorn Jungrungruang
Co-Producer: Nuttheera Payakken
Assistant Director: Thitipong Pimolwetkul
Cinematographers: Vijaktre Thirapat, Chalongwut Chorruangsak
Artist: Pitchanan Sornyen

Toth+Co Enlists Drew Brees for Wrangler

With football season around the corner, Toth+CO enlists Drew Brees in their latest spot for Wrangler’s new Advanced Comfort Jeans. And the results are…exactly what you’d expect from a Drew Brees Wrangler ad.

Brees sits on a cooler on the back of a truck, plays some football with his buddies and his son, and takes his lady out to dinner. Pretty generic stuff. Interspersed with this footage are graphics of Wrangler’s “4-way flex technology” which offers “20% stronger” reinforced fibers. And the spot ends, of course, with Brees delivering the longtime tagline of “Real. Comfortable. Jeans.” There’s nothing fresh here, but fans of Brees, and football fans who can’t wait for the new season, should still find it a welcome sight. (more…)

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