Saison card – Use your head" – (2014) :30 (Japan)

Saison card - Use your head

Meet Rina Tekada. She looks adorably classy in a pink dress and heels, while tossing her pearls to the side. Presumably so that you can clutch them instead, because you will soon see her special skill. She studied karate since she was ten and is ridiculously good at…



Vittel . Water Refresh Cap (2014) :45 (France)

Vittel . Water Refresh Cap (2014) :45 (France)

This brilliant little invention on Vittel’s liter bottle caps could make me buy their water loyally forever. See, people at Ogilvy Paris must have figured out that people like me who take espresso intravenously all day, plain forget to also drink water.



Bits Blog: Gladwell on Amazon: ‘It’s Sort of Heartbreaking When Your Partner Turns on You’

One of Hachette’s biggest authors is wondering if authors needs to get together against the retailer and make a forceful protest.

Vietnamese Landscapes Paintings

Le peintre Phan Thu Trang, natif d’Hanoi, peint de très belles peintures de la ville et de la nature des villages du Nord du Vietnam. Elle travaille les différentes saisons selon différents code couleurs et apporte beaucoup de texture et relief à ses petites scènes. A découvrir en images dans la galerie.


Como foi (re)criado o icônico rugido do Godzilla

O rugido do Godzilla é um dos efeitos sonoros mais reconhecidos da história da cinema. Criado em 1954, foi feito esfregando as cordas de um contrabaixo com uma luva revestida de resina.

Para o remake de 2014, o sound designer Erik Aadahl também optou por métodos analógicos.

Começou dividindo o berro em partes. O som metálico foi feito com gelo seco dentro de uma caixa de metal, uma combinação assustadora para os ouvidos. O ruído final, esse que parece fazer a terra tremer, foi tentado com pedras e sons de baleia. No fim, acabou simplesmente arrastando uma caixa gigante de madeira sobre um piso polido.

Para que o rugido presente no filme reverberasse de forma realista, ele foi captado diretamente de um alto falante com 3 metros de altura, 5 de largura e 100 quilowatt de potência. Ouça abaixo:

O design de som é um trabalho que geralmente fica para a pós-produção, mas no caso do novo Godzilla foi um dos primeiros aspectos finalizados, já que ajudaria na concepção visual do monstro.

No vídeo lá no topo, Erik Aadahl, o diretor Gareth Edwards e o produtor Thomas Tull contam o processo de criação do rugido.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Helping California Stay Golden – A Conversation with the California State Bear (SPONSORED) (VIDEO)

( The California State Bear has left the flag to rally, teach, and activate fellow Californians to better manage their energy use, water, and other precious resources this summer. Recent national…

Droga5 Reveals Moto E for Motorola in Style

Droga5 reveals Motorola’s new entry-level smartphone, the Moto E, in an imaginative and inventive 60-second spot.

The spot, entitled “Meet Moto E,” utilizes time lapse footage to show the phone’s durability, while also communicating a host of other features, during a three second free fall during which the phone takes a wealth of abuse. Moto E runs around $130 and, as Adweek puts it, “isn’t going to win over gadget gurus looking for power and superlative specs.” So Droga5 markets the phone as a durable option with a long-lasting battery and enough features to please the consumer who’s just looking for an everyday phone that won’t break down or break the bank. Droga5 was able to accomplish this, with help from production company 1stAveMachine, while also crafting a fun, visually impressive ad with excellent attention to detail that makes the phone look good by association. Stick around for credits and behind-the-scenes footage after the jump. continued…

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

‘Wimpy Kid’ Author to Open Bookstore in Hometown

The author, Jeff Kinney, wants to help restore the downtown area of Plainville, Mass., which is southwest of Boston.

Facebook Seeks Patent for Tech to Let Kids on Its Network (Legally)

Facebook restricts users to those over the age of 13, but anyone who’s talked to a tween lately knows how effective that is.

But now it appears Facebook wants to create a way for young people to go legit on the network — and still comply with the law.

In a patent application filed in November of 2012 and made public yesterday, Facebook describes a system to let parents authorize and supervise accounts for younger children in compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. That law regulates how websites and apps can collect data from children younger than 13 and calls for “verifiable parental consent” from publishers that do.

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Black And White House

La « Kerferd Place » est une maison construite par Whiting Architects et qui a été entièrement conçue en noir et blanc, dans un design d’intérieur minimaliste légèrement boisé et une façade avec des touches de brique rouge. Une très belle maison à découvrir dans la galerie à travers les photos de Sharyn Cairns.


F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Gets Sentimental for Electrolux

Well, Mother’s Day may have been over two weeks ago, but apparently May is Mother’s Month now (who knew?) so technically F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi isn’t late to the party with their maternally sentimental spot for Electrolux, entitled “Best Mother’s Day Present.”

The 2:30 spot tells the story of a daughter leaving São Paulo for college on Mother’s Day, and the sentimental surprise she received on her flight, causing the airline to make an exception to its menu. F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi reverse the traditional role of mothers receiving gifts on their day, ending with the message “Because being a mom is the best Mother’s Day present.” Be warned that, if you’re the kind of person who is strongly affected by this kind of thing, the emotional spot may make you shed a few tears at work, so you just might want to wait until the week is officially over to check it out. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Moving Portraits of 9/11 Rescue Dogs

« Retrieved » est un livre de portraits réalisés par la photographe hollandaise Charlotte Dumas qui prend en photos les chiens ayant survécu et sauvé des vies lors des attentats du 11 Septembre 2001. Des regards émouvants de chiens mis en lumière 10 ans après la catastrophe, à découvrir.

Bailey – Franklin, TN.

Abigail – Ojai, CA.

Bretagne – Cypress, TX.

Duke – Thousand Oaks, CA.

Guinness – Highland, CA.

Merlyn – Otis, CO.

Moxie – Winthrop, MA.

Orion – Vacaville, CA.

Red – Analpolis, MD.

Tara – Ipswich, MA.


Toda criança pode ser um artista com LEGO

Quando publicou suas versões pixelixadas de obras de arte, todas feitas com pecinhas de LEGO, o designer italiano Marco Sodano não imaginava que iria conquistar tantos elogios. Aliás, o sucesso foi tanto que chamou a atenção da própria marca de bloquinhos de montar.

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Menos de 6 meses depois da postagem das suas criações no Behance, Marco publicou outra série de obras de arte pixelizadas, dessa vez contanto com alguns créditos no final – dessa vez, as criações faziam parte de uma campanha da agência Geometry Global, de Hong Kong, que contou com o apoio de Marco como diretor de arte.

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Por essa, o designer (provavelmente) não esperava.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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PVH Corp. Selects We Are Social to Manage Social Media for Van Heusen, IZOD

PVH Corp. has appointed global social media agency We Are Social to manage and consult on all social media activity for the apparel company’s Van Heusen and IZOD brands in North America. PVH Corp. also owns and operates the Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger brands worldwide, which are not undergoing any agency change.

“Both the Van Heusen and IZOD brands have long histories and remain in demand because we continue to promote them in ways that are current and relevant to consumers,” said Anthony Trama, senior vice president of creative services, PVH Heritage Brands. “Social media increasingly plays an important role in each brand’s ability to drive incremental growth, and we look forward to partnering with We Are Social to help take our brands to the next level.”

“The Van Heusen and IZOD brands have great stories to tell, based on the combination of authentic American heritage and contemporary appeal,” added Leila Thabet, managing director, We Are Social US.  “We’ll work in partnership with the brand team to bring each brand’s story to life within social media.  This begins by developing an understanding of their respective audiences, including online behavior habits, which will then allow us to create engagement strategies driven by these insights.”

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Carl's Jr., Hardee's: We Have Biggest Breasts in the Business

Carl’s Jr. And Hardee’s are all about big breasts — chicken breasts, that is.

The chains’ just-launched Big Chicken Filet Sandwich is being promoted as having the “biggest chicken breasts in fast food.” To prove the point, this weekend the company tomorrow launches a commercial from 72andSunny titled “Everybody Wants Some” — apparently even roosters, who are shown in the ad running amok to the tune of Poison’s “Nothin’ But a Good Time” in search of bigger chicken breasts.

Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s have been long known for ads featuring scantily clad women, and some might call this one suggestive, albeit tamer than the chains’s spots featuring Paris Hilton.

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Osteoid, o gesso do futuro

Quando se diz que as impressoras 3D vão revolucionar o nosso futuro, estamos falando não só de montar pecinhas customizadas para o seu gadget, mas de conseguir reinventar como lidamos com processos muito básicos do cotidiano.

A proposta do Osteoid é uma delas. Ele foi criado pelo estudante turco Deniz Karasahin e incorpora a tecnologia de impressão 3D e tratamentos ultrassônicos em um dos procedimentos básicos da medicina: a imobilização para permitir que ossos quebrados possam cicatrizar, processo conhecido como ‘consolidação óssea’.

Olhando na figura, já dá para entender boa parte dos benefícios. Ao invés do uso do gesso, Deniz propõe a criação de uma carcaça de material  leve, resistente e lavável, que é impressa personalizada para cada paciente. Os furos nessa estrutura permitem a ventilação do membro que for imobilizado, e a resistência à água permite que o paciente tome banho quase que normalmente. Por ser leve, não é necessário o uso de tipoias, e acaba-se com coceiras e aquele cheirinho ruim de algumas semanas sem limpeza.

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O estudante também encontrou no Osteoid a possibilidade de incorporar o uso da tecnologia ultrassônica, que ajuda na cicatrização óssea. Até agora, esse tipo de tratamento era muito difícil de ser realizado, pela dificuldade de passar pelo gesso – tradicionalmente usado para imobilizar fraturas – para que os sensores pudessem encostar na pele do paciente para realizar essa terapia vibratória. Com o Osteoid, é possível posicionar os sensores exatamente no local que precisa receber a vibração.  Com sessões diárias dessa terapia, Deniz informa que é possível reduzir em até 38% o tempo necessário para a cicatrização de uma fratura.


Com tanta vantagem, você nem vai sentir falta daquelas assinaturas no seu gesso quando quebrava a perna ou o braço.

Pela sua criatividade e inovação, o Osteoid de Deniz foi um dos vencedores do A Design Award 2013 – 2014, em uma merecida premiação para produtos impressos em 3D.

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AAF Elects 2014-2015 Board of Directors and Officers

The American Advertising Federation (AAF) has elected industry executives to its board of directors effective July 1, 2014. Among those elected by the Federation’s membership at the AAF’s 2014 National Conference in Boca Raton, Florida are Rich Stoddart, CEO, North America, Leo Burnett, as the new chairman and Jim Norton, global head of media sales, AOL, as the Federation’s vice chairman. Stick around after the jump for a partial list of American Advertising Federation’s 2014-2015 Board of Directors. continued…

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Watch a Dark New Ad from Beats, Starring an Angry Ed Sheeran

Every weekday, we bring you the Ad Age/iSpot Hot Spots, new and trending TV commercials tracked by, a company that catalogs, tags and measures activity around TV ads in real time. The New Releases ran on TV for the first time yesterday. The Most Engaging ads are showing sustained social heat, ranked by SpotShare scores reflecting the percent of digital activity associated with each one over the past week. See the methodology here.

Among the new releases, Beats Electronics — the headphone maker and streaming-music service that Apple agreed on Wednesday to acquire for $3 billion — promotes its new, lightweight Solo2 model, which starts arriving in stores this weekend. The spot stars Brit singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran (“The A Team,” “Lego House”), who’s also promoting a new product — his next album, “x,” out on June 23 — and, more immediately, his new single, “Don’t,” which he’s shown working on in a hotel room using (of course) a MacBook Pro. Solo2 headphones are “tuned for emotion,” and “Don’t” is about cheating. “The story in ‘Don’t’ is 100 percent true,” the English singer-songwriter told Billboard last month. “I could have gotten nastier — there was more shit that I didn’t put in.” A minute-long version of this commercial was also released yesterday on YouTube and, as of this writing, already has 956,694 views.

As always, you can find out more about the making of the best commercials on TV at Ad Age’s Creativity.

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So Much For Motorola's Made in the USA Marketing

Last July, when Motorola Mobility launched its newest phone, the Moto X, it went full-on patriotic. Then Google-owned, the company ran a sweeping print campaign on the July 4th weekend, emblazoned with the copy for the “first smartphone designed, engineered and assembled in the USA.”

Well, scratch that.

A year after opening its handset facility in Fort Worth, Texas, Motorola has announced it will shut the factory by the end of the year. The company cited fledgling sales numbers and rising costs of U.S. production.

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Pikachu será estampado na camisa da seleção japonesa

A Nintendo não está mais relacionada apenas a jogos sedentários. Um dos mais conhecidos personagens de uma das suas marcas mais bem sucedidas, o Pikachu, agora além de mascote oficial da seleção japonesa, aparecerá também estampado nas réplicas das camisas do time.

O Pokémon aparecerá em duas cores, azul e branco, logo abaixo do logo da patrocinadora Adidas, com o descarado objetivo de conquistar o público infantil, que poderá adquirir outros souvenirs da seleção japonesa que trazem o desenho do Pikachu, como chapéus, mochilas e cachecóis.


Os jogadores em campo, contudo, usarão a camisa oficial do time, que não traz o mascote estampado no peito. A camisa do Pokémon da seleção japonesa com o eletrizante Pokémon será vendida aos torcedores por 740 ienes (cerca de 162 reais).

Quem diria que seria desse jeito que a Nintendo iria cumprir a sua promessa de focar mais em atividades físicas, hein?


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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