Evian suggests granny piggybacks with #liveyoungjanuary

Evian will suggest how people can use the spirit of youth to beat the January blues throughout this month, in an ad campaign prompting consumers to “beg your granny to give you a piggyback” or “play sleeping lions” at work.

Why the Lowly Banner Will Go Down as Hero of Post-Search World

Every good story needs a hero. Back when I wrote “The Search,” that hero was Google. The book wasn’t about Google alone, but Google’s narrative worked to drive the entire story.

So what might the hero be of today’s post-search digital world? Allow me to propose an unlikely candidate: The lowly banner ad.

For my next book, I’ve been identifying “artifacts” extant in today’s world that, one generation from now, will effect significant and lasting change on our society. Most of these artifacts are well-known, but all are still relatively early in their adoption curve: Google’s Glass, autonomous vehicles, or 3D printers, for example. Some are a bit more obscure but nevertheless powerful — for example, microfluidic chips (which may help bring about DNA-level medical breakthroughs).

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Pesquisadores japoneses desenvolvem levitação acústica manipulada

Não é algo que se faça em casa todo dia, mas o estudo da levitação através de ondas sonoras é comum. Pequenas partículas podem ser sustentadas no ar através de ultrassom. Porém, dando um passo além na tecnologia, pesquisadores da Universidade de Tóquio apresentaram um novo estudo.

No vídeo acima, eles manipulam os objetos através da acústica de forma tridimensional. Controlando as frequências das ondas sonoras, as partículas podem ser movidas em diversas direções.

Certamente é algo que abre a imaginação para pensarmos nas aplicações da tecnologia, mas eu só consigo pensar em carros voadores movidos a dubstep. Ainda bem que são ondas sonoras inaudíveis para os ouvidos humanos.

Levitação Acústica
Levitação Acústica

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Top 100 Eco Trends of 2013 – From Plantable Food Packages to Eco-Friendly Portable Hotels (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) In 2013, eco trends spanned more industries than ever before, and showed that a wide range of businesses are capable of integrating eco-friendly innovations.

One of the most apparent spheres that…

Beware a Public Debate About Data Privacy

The ready availability of data that consumers volunteer about themselves underpins many of next year’s marketing plans. We should be prepared that it will not remain so readily available in 2014.

Our ability to watch, record, analyze and apply insights into consumer behavior and intent would make a mind-reader blush. Big data has changed the way we envision the very function of marketing, moving us away from trying to imagine what consumers want to focus on to what we know they will need and do. Our use of data is also changing how we staff marketing departments (how many of those marketers recently fired by Unilever will be replaced by apps?). Data’s ready availability — especially online — is what’s driving the wildly optimistic monetization plans for social-media platforms.

Only we don’t really know if our scrutiny matters to consumers, because they don’t really know what we’re doing.

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Sainsbury’s boosts disability sport support with British Athletics deal

Sainsbury’s has renewed its sponsorship of British Athletics for four years as it seeks to build on the momentum of its backing of the London 2012 Paralympics.

Top 100 Business Trends of 2013 – From Subway Car Grocery Stores to Traveling Bookstores (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) 2013 was a year that saw much innovation in business trends, particularly with respect to retail strategy and campaigns.

With respect to retail stores, the role of vending machines showed a huge…

Change4Life unveils new ‘smart swaps’ ad

Public Health England (PHE) reveals what is “really” in sugary drinks in its latest TV ad, as the marketing body’s Change4Life Plasticine family counts the number of sugar cubes in a bottle of fizzy pop.

Dubai bate recorde com show de fogos de artifício na virada do ano

Com seu show de fogos de artifício na entrada de 2014, Dubai entrou no Guinness com a maior apresentação do tipo. Foram mais de 500 mil fogos durante seis minutos, disparados de 400 locações diferentes ao longo do litoral da cidade.

Para se ter uma dimensão, o recorde anterior era de 77.282 fogos. Os juízes do Guinness afirmaram que apenas o primeiro minuto de show já serviria para bater a marca.

O evento foi transmitido ao vivo no YouTube, e pode ser visto na íntegra abaixo:

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Top 100 Social Good Trends of 2013 – From Cigarette Food Ads to Marriage Equality Memes (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) This year, social good trends seemed to make a bigger splash than ever before. With many social good campaigns going viral, the amount of exposure these efforts gained is heartening.

This year, the…

Bare-chested biker lives ‘Happily Ever Active’

A desert. A tiger. A boxer. A starter pistol. A discus thrower. Then gymnasts, swimmers, cyclists. And a bare-chested biker riding through the desert.

How to Stop Mismanaging Your Brands

Steve McKee

The last time I went shopping for a TV was both confusing and enlightening. And a little bit embarrassing.

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Vertu seeks global CRM agency

Vertu, the luxury mobile phone manufacturer, has approached agencies to appoint a new shop for global CRM.

Snapchat sees 4.6m usernames and numbers published as messaging service is hacked

Snapchat, the picture messaging service, has been hacked and a reported 4.6 million people’s usernames and numbers have been published.

Uli Knorzer Illustrations

Focus sur Uli Knorzer, un illustrateur basé à Berlin qui travaille actuellement pour divers magazines et revues. Des oeuvres centrées sur l’être humain, retranscrivant avec talent les émotions et les visages. Des créations aux crayons de couleurs, à découvrir dans la suite en images dans la suite de l’article.

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Scott Monks departs Box TV

Scott Monks, the executive director of Box Television, has left the Bauer Media and Channel 4-backed broadcaster after 17 years.

Generation Now: Embracing the Power of Living in the Moment

One of the problems facing marketers is that everything feels “over” before it’s even begun. We all know that culture is accelerating — there are now eight fashion seasons a year instead of two; email has given way to Twitter and now Snapchat; #YOLO (you only live once) is the mantra for the post-millennial generation. And don’t let’s get started on FOMO. Everything is quicker, faster, more “now.” Our relationship with time is changing.

With so much going on and so much to keep up with, focusing on the “now” has become an essential strategy for consumers and marketers. Evidence of this is everywhere. Speed dating has evolved into hook-up culture via new apps like Tinder, Twine and Grindr, and pop-up shops and restaurants are the norm. New apps eliminate the wait for a cab, a date or a restaurant table, and there has been a huge rise in demand for same-day delivery services such as Instacart.

Everything from last-minute holiday bookings to instant streaming of TV shows and movies is evidence of our growing impatience and the demand for instant results in every corner of our lives.

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Northern & Shell mulls £900m Channel 5 sell-off

Northern & Shell has appointed Barclays to look at the possibilities of selling Channel 5, which could be valued at as much as £900 million.

Sculpted Skin Furniture

En reproduisant l’aspect humain de la peau, l’artiste anglaise Jessica Harrison propose un contenu étrange pour ces meubles miniatures. Cette série pour le moins surprenante joue avec talent sur les matières et les formes pour nous surprendre. A découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

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BA focuses on digital holiday-curation services in latest TV ad

Exploring Lisbon, living it up in New York, relaxing in Dubrovnik – these are among the destinations showcased in British Airways’ campaign promoting its holiday packages.