SodaStream capitalises on ad ban in new ‘censored’ campaign

SodaStream is again hitting out at Clearcast’s final decision to ban its “SodaStream effect” television ad, with a print campaign brandishing the word “censored”.

100 Lavish Tech Accessories – From Blinged Out Headsets to Diamond Encrusted Smartphones

( Ranging from somewhat pricey to extremely expensive, these lavish tech accessories marry functional applications along with fashionable design aesthetics. From gilded headphones and compact laptops…

Star Trek: Além da Escuridão [Trailer]

Saiu o primeiro teaser trailer de “Star Trek: Into Darkness”, sequência do filme de 2009 também dirigido por J.J. Abrams. Essa versão é exclusiva para web, já que no dia 14, antes das sessões de “O Hobbit: Uma Jornada Inesperada”, deve estrear um novo trailer.

O filme traz de volta os Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin e John Cho, com as adições de Benedict Cumberbatch, Peter Weller e e Alice Eve.

Veja a sinopse oficial:

“Quando a tripulação da Enterprise é chamada de volta para casa, eles descobrem que uma incontrolável força de terror dentro de sua própria organização detonou a frota e tudo que ela representa, deixando nosso mundo em um estado de crise. Com problemas pessoais a resolver, o Capitão Kirk lidera a caça para capturar uma arma de destruição em massa em uma zona de guerra. Enquanto nossos heróis são empurrados para um jogo de xadrez de vida e morte, o amor será desafiado, amizades serão destruídas e sacrifícios devem ser feitos para a única família que restou a Kirk: a sua tripulação.”

Star Trek: Além da Escuridão” estreia em 26 de julho de 2013. Enquanto não chega, relembre a nossa entrevista com o diretor J.J. Abrams.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Modernized 70s Apparel – The Bambi x Nasty Gal Lookbook Showcases a Thick Eyebrow Model (GALLERY)

( Modernizing a time period is a hot ticket item in the fashion world; the Bambi x Nasty Gal photo shoot features the super model posing in 70s-inspired gear, voluminous hair and wing-tipped eyeliner….

Up Coffee Table

Le studio design Duffy situé à Londres, connu pour le projet Swing Table, a présenté « Up Coffee Table ». Proposant une illusion de lévitation, cet objet design donne l’impression qu’un morceau de verre est suspendu par de petits ballons. Fait à la main et limité à 20 exemplaires, ce produit est vendu pour £5,800.00.

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Infiniti’s F1 boss: Why Infiniti Red Bull Racing is the right move for both brands

Infiniti’s global F1 director Andreas Sigl, a former marketer at Intel, Audi and Nissan, told Marketing about the decision to become title sponsor of championship-winning Formula 1 team Red Bull Racing.

Instagram disables Twitter photo feature

Instagram, the photo sharing site that was recently acquired by Facebook, has disabled a feature that improved the way its photos are displayed in Twitter users’ streams.

Josh Cole Photography

Focus sur Josh Cole, un artiste qui a connu des problèmes de délinquance durant sa jeunesse avant de devenir photographe. Il a d’ailleurs gardé un très fort intérêt pour le milieu des gangs mais aussi celui de la musique en se baladant dans divers endroits du monde comme Manille, Los Angeles ou Johannesburg.

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Branson and Google ‘substitute cinema with YouTube’

A documentary about the war on drugs produced by Sir Richard Branson’s son is premiering free on YouTube for a limited month-long “online window'” in a trial breaking the norms of film marketing.

The 10 most popular ads among YouTube UK users

Ads from Honda, Peugeot and Durex were the three most viewed by YouTube UK users so far this year, in a top 10 that features two films by VCCP.

Flying Lotus – Tiny Tortures

Pour illustrer le morceau Tiny Tortures, Flying Lotus a demandé à David Lewandowski de réaliser cette vidéo mettant en scène l’acteur mondialement connu Elijah Wood. Visuellement impressionnante, cette création illustre le réveil étrange d’un homme ayant perdu son bras droit. Plus dans la suite.

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Sink-Centric Concept Kitchens – The Simple Life Kitchen Sink System Increases Food Prep Efficiency (GALLERY)

( Until this Simple Life Kitchen Sink System, there might not have been such a dramatic change proposed for the domestic food preparation area since Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky’s Frankfurt…

Convertible Cargo Cafes – Zucker&Betton LunchBox is a Pop-Up Restaurant for All Seasons and Spaces (GALLERY)

( Upon first seeing the Zucker&Betton; LunchBox, I immediately thought of Christchurch. The south island city in New Zealand can currently demonstrate how effectively shipping containers perform as…

RKCR/Y&R picks up Vodafone digital

Vodafone has appointed Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R to handle its digital advertising account, estimated to be worth £10 million, after a pitch.

Grey adds Graeme to senior line-up

Grey London, which last week appointed Bill Scott as its managing director, has further strengthened its senior team with the appointment of Natalie Graeme as its managing partner.

BBH names Kolbusz deputy creative chief

Bartle Bogle Hegarty has promoted David Kolbusz to the role of deputy executive creative director.

LBi recruits Ling as chief media officer

LBi has poached Ed Ling, the MEC managing director of global solutions, to become its UK media director and chief media officer.

Audi UK opens talks with digital shops

Audi UK has kicked off a pitch to find a digital agency of record to handle its website and digital strategy.

Labour review to revisit curbs on advertising

The Labour Party is to consider a further clampdown on junk food and alcohol advertising during the policy review that will shape its manifesto for the 2015 general election.

Dyson kicks off £130m media contest

Dyson, the brand best known for its vacuum cleaners, is reviewing its estimated £130 million global media planning and buying account.