55 Chic Sufer Styles – From Swimwear-Inspired Fashion to Modern Athletic Menswear

(TrendHunter.com) Whether channeling a retro inspiration or modernizing traditional streetwear, these chic surfer styles embraces a minimalist style motto. The effortlessly elegant features promote a strong sense of…

Fish Tank Jewelry – The Miniature Fingertip Aquarium Holds Tiny Sea Life (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) Created by Alliah of Etsy store Marimo in a Bottle, the Miniature Fingertip Aquarium is quite possibly the tiniest aquarium on the face of this planet.

This ring is a tiny vial that sits on your…

Dr Tint: Day&Night

Advertising Agency: Bleublancrouge, Montreal, Canada
Creative Director: Gaetan Namouric
Art Director: Sebastien Lafaye
Copywriter: Maxime Paiement
Photographer: Alain Desjean
Retoucher : Claude Lafrance

Febelfin: Amazing Mind Reader

Dave is an extremely gifted clairvoyant who finds out specific financial information. This video reveals the magic behind the magic, making people aware of the fact that their entire life can be found online. And by doing so urging everybody to be vigilant.

Advertising Agency: DuvalGuillaume, Belgium
Creative Directors: Geoffrey Hantson, Katrien Bottez
Creatives: Jonas Caluwe, Ralf De Houwer
Production company: Caviar
Director: Tom Willems
Producer: Jonas Van Herp, Kato Maes
Music: Gregory Caron
Planning: Maarten Van Herck, Kris Hoet
Account team: Elke Janssens, Tuyen Pham Xuan

Bike Chain Jewelry – LifeCycle Bracelets are Made Using Recycled Materials (VIDEO)

(TrendHunter.com) Recycled out of discarded bicycle chains, the LifeCycle Bracelets collection created by Ben Gould is a sustainable line of jewelry.

The hardy bike chains are salvaged from bike shops where these…

10 Dual-Threat Scooter Designs – From Shopping Cart Scooters to Golf Segways

(TrendHunter.com) Getting from Point A to Point B isn’t the only thing these dual-threat scooter designs are good for. In the past, the scooter was designed solely to move people. Nowadays, there are a ton of…

Last week’s most read news in advertising, marketing, media and PR (2 – 8 Dec 2012)

Missed some key industry developments? Catch up in one minute with our recap of the most read and shared stories across Campaign, Marketing, Media Week, PRWeek and The Wall.

Connecting the Dots of This Year’s Trends

Earlier this year, my wife Erika asked me, very delicately, about my inclination to share jogging stats on Twitter and Facebook.

It was a delicate subject because my near-compulsive NikePlus app usage was actually starting to net results, culminating in my first 10K race since college.

“But the actual minutes per mile? Is that part really necessary?” she lovingly probed.

Continue reading at AdAge.com

In a BuzzFed, Gawkerized World, Photos of Naked Celebs and Barnyard Animals Are Interchangeable

As I walked through a show titled “Mario Testino: In Your Face” at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts the other day, I felt a vague sense of apprehension.

The show is a major retrospective of the London-based Peruvian fashion and celebrity photographer whose work you know even if you don’t know his name, given that he’s taken iconic photographs of everyone from Kate Moss, Stephanie Seymour and Gisele Bndchen to Madonna, Mick Jagger and Princess Diana. Testino’s “gallery” is more typically the newsstand at your local CVS or Barnes & Noble, given that his three-decade career in creating provocative portraiture has been financed, for the most part, by glossy magazines — in many cases, Cond Nast magazines, from Allure to Vanity Fair.

Seeing Testino’s loud, larger-than-life prints at Boston’s stately MFA — home to works by the likes of Degas and Picasso — is rather jarring (Testino’s aesthetic is often sexually charged), but my apprehension had more to do with an economic subtext. If the print-media universe continues to contract, I kept thinking as I took in the show, who is going to finance the creation of the defining photography of our time, the work that will endure and find its way onto museum walls? Because right now, many of the photographers who matter the most are financed by glossies.

Continue reading at AdAge.com

Want to Really Serve Consumers? Offer Them an Experience

Here’s a prediction for 2013: Experience marketing will overtake do-good marketing as the Next Big Thing. And it can’t come soon enough for me.

All this talk about how brand building is a noble mission clouds the basic purpose of marketing and also creates a disconnect with the CEO. Non-marketers attending an Association of National Advertisers conference in the past few years would think they’d stumbled upon an evangelical meeting, so intense was the zeal of “serving” the consumer.

The problem with do-good marketing is that it does nothing to help the brand become more authentic and relevant — other than to make consumers feel all warm and fuzzy.

Continue reading at AdAge.com

27 Gingerbread House Designs – From Sci-Fi Edible Abodes to Edible Presidential Gingerbread Houses

(TrendHunter.com) As the holidays approach and holiday cheer can be felt in the air, making gingerbread houses is a dominant festive holiday activity that is not only fun to make but also doubles as a delicious treat….

20 Questionable Kids Toys – These Bad Kids’ Toys Range from Gross to Creepy (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) The majority of children’s toys encourage positive play but these bad kids’ toys are sure to be the most inappropriate choices you can make for your children.

This collection features a…

34 Max Abadian Photoshoots – From Bottom-Centric Editorials to Detained Model Depictions (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) All of the Max Abadian photography pieces are the epitome of undying cool. Max Abadian is known for taking all of his photoshoots to the next level by invigorating a large amount of subversive…

100 Wild Fashion Features – From Savage Editorials to Animalistic Accessory Pieces (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) Taking inspiration from the beautiful world of nature, these wild fashion features embrace a more is more style motto. From animal prints to savage editorial concepts, these photoshoots, runway shows,…

100 Breezy Bohemian Features – From Modern Boho Beachwear to Tribal Gypsy Shoots (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) Bohemian features are becoming a major part of mainstream culture.

In the past, bohemia was limited to select groups of people and now with the introduction and popularization of boho chic fashions…

10 Zombie Survival Guides – Make it Through the Undead Apocalypse With These Helpful Charts (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) Making it through an undead apocalypse is a little easier with these zombie survival guides that detail everything from food to fighting.

The Mayan calendar is coming to an end on December 21st and…

Financial Cheating Infographics – This Chart Explores Avoiding Money Problems in Relationships (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) Relationships are tough enough without having to dread on topics revolving financial issues, and with the ‘Avoiding Money Problems in Relationships’ infographic, one can help solve their…

MoMA cria rede social para mapear a arte moderna

Uma parceria entre os curadores do MoMA e a Columbia Business School resultou na criação de uma espécia de rede social da arte moderna. O projeto, desenvolvido para a exposição Inventing Abstraction-1910-1915, que estará em cartaz no MoMA a partir do dia 23 de dezembro deste ano, é composto por uma série de infográficos que mapeiam as relações entre as linguagens artítiscas, as obras realizadas e também a amizade e colaboração que havia entre artistas, músicos e cineastas ligados à arte naquele tempo.

Para mapear tudo isso, o MoMA convidou o professor Paul Ingram, da Columbia Business School, especialista em análise de redes através de métodos de Economia e Administração. Em entrevista para Artnews, Ingram conta que começou a usar diagramas de redes sociais para ensinar executivos em seus MBAs, relacionando laços de conexão com inteligência no ambiente de trabalho. Ele explica:

“A qualidade das conexões nesta rede social – estar em mais e diferentes caminhos entre os artistas – é associada à criatividade. De acordo com essa métrica, Kandinsky é o artista central na história da arte abstrata”

A exposição pretende celebrar os 100 anos de arte abstrata mostrando as obras antalógicas que foram marcos históricos no movimento artísitico, bem como uma retrospectiva completa contando uma história para além das obras de arte, através das conexões que haviam entre e por trás delas.

O resultado do projeto será apresentado como um mapa explicativo dentro de um livro, lançado na abertura da exposição, e também em um site. Quando for ao ar, os usuários poderão clicar no nome da cada artista para enxergar suas conexões. Veja abaixo como está ficando:

A arte de mapear redes sociais de movimentos artísticos é bastante antiga. Muitas outras conexões já foram analisadas e transformadas em infográficos como: o Movimento Dadaísta (1919), Árvore da Arte Moderna (1933), Cubismo e Arte Abstrata (1933) e até alguns mais recentes como Grafismo e Arte de Rua, lançado este ano, que você pode ver abaixo.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Door Step School: Ink Pad


Door Step School is an NGO that sets up camps in and around the residence of the underprivileged section of the society and runs literacy programs. In India, when it comes to signing on official documents, the thumb impression is a common alternative exercised by illiterate adults. Using design we turned the symbol of illiteracy into a tool to write. A transparent sheet with cut-outs of the alphabets of Hindi (devanagari script) was placed on top of a regular ink pad. This allowed individuals to print their name, using the familiar thumb
impression. The joy of being able to write evoked a spirit to join our program and learn.

Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Mumbai, India
Creative Directors: K V Sridhar, Nitesh Tiwari, Vikram Pandey
Art Director: Amit Thakur
Photographers: Kevin Periera, Mugdha Gudhe
Ink-Pad Fabricator: Bhaarat Godbole

17 Geek Chic Editorials – From Sultry Librarian Looks to Nerdy Photo Shoots (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) Have no fear about being called a geek; this collection of high-end nerd photo shoots gives new meaning to the term geek-chic.

Once a nasty label for outcasts, nerd has become a reclaimed word…