Why Rockfish Interactive Was Tapped to Build Mitt’s VP App: Speed

The agency saw building a Romney app as a chance to learn more about rapid innovation and quick turnarounds.

Travelport Smartpoint Shares Yet Another Travel Agent Epic Fail


About a week or so ago, Travelport Smartpoint App released a video that had bored travel agents jumping over desks until one agency experiences an epic fail. This week, the brand is out with yet another goofy video highlighting travel agent boredom or, in Travelport-speak, unproductive behavior.

In this outing, called Raise Your Bar, we have a guy who hangs from the ceiling, swings, and then, yes, has an epic fail. The would be epic fail series is quite good at entertaining as well as delivering the brand’s message of what travel agent life is like without Travelpoint.

Isaiah Mustafa…On A Horse In A Downy Commercial


Wait, what? What’s that voice intoning this new Downy Infusions commercial? Yes. It’s the man your man could smell like, Isaiah Mustafa. It seems Grey New York wanted in on the Isaiah Mustafa action when it sought talent for the ad. And in a nod to Wieden + Kennedy’s Old Spice work, Mustafa ends the commercial, yes, on a horse.

AgencySpy reports Wieden + Kennedy “demanded” to be on set despite having no life-long ownership over Mustafa. Both Downy and Old Spice are P&G products so it would seem the powers that be over at the client aren’t overly concerned. In fact, it may have been their idea.

The spot’s purpose is to rebrand Downy Simple Pleasures as Downy Infusions.

Also of note is the whistling in the spot, a historical hallmark of the Old Spice brand. Is this ingenious cross-branding or lazy creative?

Does Your Agency Have What It Takes to Be a Champion?

At the Olympic Games, as among agencies, some are good, few are great. What can we learn from the champions?

How the Olympics Has Fueled Mobile Growth


This Olympics-focused editorial series is written by Ronald Urbach, Chairman of law firm Davis & Gilbert LLP and the co-chair of the Advertising, Marketing & Promotions Practice Group at the firm.

The Olympics – I have been watching exciting events, fantastic competition and great stories. This week, I became the roving warrior, on the west coast in meetings. How was I going to stay connected to the Olympics? I became emotionally invested during Week One; I was not going to be happy merely reading the results online.

The good news of course is that we now live in a world where being away from a television no longer means having to miss the show. Most of us already carry in our pockets and handbags our principal communication device, our smartphone. But fewer of us are aware that our phone may soon be our principal entertainment and viewing device as well. Already for these Olympics, having a smartphone (and a cable subscription) means having the ability to watch all 302 competitions of all 32 Olympic sports, both as they happen in real time, and in many instances, on demand, in available taped programs.

So although I have been on the road these past few days, often far from a TV, I have still been watching all my favorite athletes compete, and in doing so, have also been watching the commercials that run during all NBC Olympic mobile programming. This means that in the past I would have represented a missed opportunity to advertisers by travelling; today they can still reach me. And I have been impressed by how well advertisers are adapting to mobile – there is real beauty and intensity to many of the spots. It is interesting to realize how captivated I am when watching the advertising on my mobile device. And – in a good bit of news for the industry – it seems I am not alone.

At the beginning of the second week of Olympic programming, NBC reported that around 8 million users had signed up for its live video streaming service, and that there had been over 7 million downloads of the network’s Olympic mobile apps. In close to two weeks, NBC has streamed close to 103 million videos over its digital platforms, and 45 million have been live video streams. To put this number in context, consider that there were only 75.5 million videos streamed for the entire Beijing games, and only 14 million streamed live. Halfway through the London Olympics, NBC had already streamed 8.7 million hours of live digital content, all of which contained advertising.

The advancement of mobile networks and streaming capabilities is greater than ever and the wonder of mobile is becoming ever more obvious. A captive audience, intently focused on their devices, often with headphones securely in place so not a word is missed – it’s an advertiser’s dream. And yet, NBC’s digital properties will run just over $60 million worth of advertising. Although that dwarfs the $20 million in digital ad sales for the 2008 games, it pales in comparison to the over $1 billion in total ad sales NBC made for these Olympics.

Correspondingly, as happens during other major sporting events like the Super Bowl and NCAA championships, the frequency of mobile searches has risen during the Olympics. Google has reported an unusually large, tenfold increase in mobile searches during these Olympic games, which is also good for advertisers who have invested in keyword search and other paid search advertising.

Even the experience on-site at the games is a microcosm for what’s to come in mobile technology. Visa, in partnership with Samsung’s GALAXY S III mobile phone, has implemented mobile payment stations at over 3,000 Olympic retail locations and in over 5,000 taxis in London. Attendees of the Olympic events and Londoners alike can now very easily wave their phones to pay for food, beverages, souvenirs – and get through lines more quickly than ever before.

And it is not just consumers who have been flocking to mobile. So too have the athletes participating in the games. I wonder whether London may be remembered as the first Twitter Olympics? And before you think that this is a bad thing because of complaints that Twitter often spoils the results of the competition – or because certain athletes have turned to Twitter to make less than intelligent statements – consider the positive, too. Social media chatter about the Olympics is at levels never seen before during any sporting event, and all that chatter is driving viewership. Consider the audience: according to some estimates, nearly 60% of viewers talking about the Olympics on Twitter are female, marking an unprecedented level of female engagement around a sporting event.

Sometimes it is difficult to recognize when we are standing at a transformative moment in history. But for me, these Olympics have proven that the migration of consumers to online and mobile media is real and is now happening at an unbelievable speed. We’re sure to see advertisers follow suit in the coming months through increased digital and mobile budgets during major events and in general. It’s an amazing time to be in advertising!

Ronald Urbach is the Chairman of law firm Davis and Gilbert LLP and the co-chair of the Advertising, Marketing and Promotions Practice Group at the firm. His clients include numerous multinational, national, and regional advertising agencies, including those agencies that are viewed as being the top creative agencies in the world. Ron can be reached at rurbach@dglaw.com.

Top 10 Marketing Lessons from the Olympic Games

In the wake of 17 days of British and global sporting achievement, Nicola Clark highlights top 10 marketing lessons from London’s historic Games.

JC Penney Looks to Newspapers in Revamped Marketing Push

In the wake of bleak second-quarter results, JC Penney says it is shifting its marketing from brand building to business building.

Affordable Rare Auto Replicas – Evanta Motor Company Creates Cheaper Version of Aston Martin DBR1 (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) Only five of the legendary Aston Martin DBR1 model was ever built, meaning that to get your hands on this rare race car you’d have to have several million dollars available to fork over….

Are These 10 New Fall TV Shows the Most Likely to Get Full-Season Orders?

See which series TVGuide.com Watchlist users are most excited about, starting with "Elementary" on CBS.

A Journey Through Iceland

Voici cette très belle vidéo de 12 minutes dévoilant un voyage à travers les paysages de l’Islande. Des superbes plans et images réalisés par Henry Jun Lee Wah pour ce clip sur le son « Legend » du groupe japonais instrumental Mono. A découvrir en video HD dans la suite.


Five Media Giants That Could Buy Starz

Netflix could make a big impression by acquiring Starz after its spin-off, but a deal seems unlikely.

Is Your Brand Ready For ‘Generation S’ (Screen)?

How will marketers, brands, retailers and publishers stay relevant to a generation glued to a touch screen?

Gyro nets accountant firm BDO’s global creative brief

BDO International, a network of accountancy firms, has appointed the Manchester office of integrated agency Gyro to its creative account.

What If Those Awful ‘Genius’ Ads Were All Part of Apple’s Stealthy Plan?

New data from market research firm YouGov reveals an uncomfortable truth: Apple's fanboys are getting older.

DIY Lacey Jewelry – The Brit & Co. Braided Necklace is Urban Chic (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) The Brit & Co. braided necklace is sure to make a bold statement; this urban chic piece is easy to put together and best of all it’s affordable. Instead of spending ample amounts of money…

Setenta anos Caetanos

Poucos artistas sabem envelhecer tão bem quanto Caetano Veloso.

Você pode até não gostar dele, é seu direito. Mas você não pode negar a importância e o peso histórico que esse artista (na minha opinião, quase sempre genial e um dos mais completos da nossa música) exerce sobre nossa cultura e nossa história. Dono de uma obra riquíssima, consistente e que ajudou a definir grande parte da cultura desse país por pelo menos 45 anos, Caetano chega à maturidade gozando da mesma popularidade que sempre teve e se tornando um ídolo também de novas gerações, graças à sua inquietude criativa e seu radar sempre ligado ao que vem pela frente.

É fácil perceber o vigor criativo de um artista pela versatilidade e evolução de sua obra. De Domingo (álbum de estreia, junto com Gal Costa, lá em 1967) a Zii e Zie (álbum recente, de 2009, que traz a ousada formação e sonoridade Transrock), o que Caetano construiu ao longo de sua invejável discografia foi um retrato fiel do que ele vivia em cada momento, não se prendendo ao estilo que o consagrou e não se rendendo a tendências comerciais da indústria fonográfica.

Claro, há centenas de hits. Mas eles são o fruto de um mérito e competência autorais que sobrepujam quaisquer determinações rasas ditadas por esse ou aquele ritmo passageiro da moda. A prova disso está na própria sobrevida de todos esses clássicos da MPB, cuja qualidade ri na cara do tempo e do estilo datado que porventura possa ter ameaçado sua força, cada um à sua época.

Não. Aqui a história é outra. E não importa se você ouve Superbacana, Podres Poderes, Não Enche ou Minhas Lágrimas.

Em qualquer época, Caetano é o mesmo desafiador, o mesmo poeta, o mesmo questionador e o mesmo provocador.

O mais legal da sua obra é perceber que essas características se mantêm intactas independentemente de disco, de fase, de tendência.

Quando ele quer ser politico, desafia a todos nós, ao governo, ao mais requintado dos esclarecidos com obras do quilate de Araçá Azul, Jóia, Transa. Quando ele quer ser “apenas” músico, lhe sobra amplitude, e ele consegue ir de seu lado mais obscuro ao seu lado mais doce sem perder a personalidade e, muito menos, o tino para a melodia. Como ele mesmo diz: “Onde queres prazer, sou o que dói?. Onde queres tortura, mansidão. ?Onde queres um lar, revolução?. E onde queres bandido, sou herói.”

Na música ou na literatura, Caetano tem desafios de sobra para quem estiver disposto a encará-los.

Se você é fã, sabe do que eu estou falando. Se ainda não é, está aí um gigante para você descobrir. Dá para ouvir todos os discos aqui.

Em Araçá Azul, Caetano clamava: “com fé em Deus, eu não vou morrer tão cedo”.

Hoje, aos 70 anos, ele está mais vivo do que nunca. E sua obra já é imortal.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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86 Remixed Disney Characters – From Zombie Disney Princesses to Hunkified Disney Villains

(TrendHunter.com) Proving that emulation is the sincerest from of flattery, these remixed Disney characters take childhood memories and turn them into so much more.

Many of these creations play on some darker themes….

VIDEO: Pele strikes global partnership with MediaCom

MediaCom has unveiled a four-year global partnership with Pele that will span the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics in Brazil, through Legends 10, the legendary footballer’s exclusive global agent.

Jack Daniels mostra como seus posters são feitos: do mesmo jeito do uísque

A ano de 2012 avança rapidamente, e estamos cada vez mais distantes do 4 de julho, o Dia da Independência dos EUA. Dificilmente as grandes marcas deixam a data passar em branco, especialmente quando estas marcas são ícones nacionais. É o caso da Jack Daniels, que tomou como uma tradição selecionar artistas independentes para criarem posters com o tema independência.

Este ano, foram selecionados Jon Contino, do Brooklyn, Helms Work, de Austin, e Derek McDonald, de Berkeley. Os bastidores do trabalho de cada um deles foi registrado em vídeo pela Arnold Worldwide, onde cada um deles fala um pouco do seu “ofício”.

O mais curioso é que em nenhum dos videos vemos o uso da tecnologia. Tudo é feito à mão, enquanto os artistas narram como se dá o processo artesanal. E se você já teve a oportunidade de fazer o tour virtual (ou a sorte de fazer o real) pela destilaria da Jack Daniels, sabe que não houve nenhuma coincidência nesta seleção.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Todo tipo de bola (calma, nem todas) nesse curta criado por Daniel Mercadante da Everyone.

As imagens foram selecionadas através do Google Images, mas colocadas numa sequência que geram uma espécie de poema visual.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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