Half of China’s Local Car Brands Are Likely to Fail, IndustryGroup Warns

More than half of China's domestic car brands will be weeded out by competition over the next three to five years, predicted Dong Yang, vice chairman and secretary general of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.

AOL names former Reuters brand head Jolie Hunt as CMO

AOL has appointed former Thomson Reuters brand head Jolie Hunt to the newly created role of chief marketing officer, following a global restructure that saw the company’s marketing function stripped out of the UK and relocated to the US.

Porter Novelli Recruits Digital Exec From Yahoo

The Omnicom Group PR shop has tapped Joe Shantz, Yahoo's former marketing-insights director, as it aims to renew its digital offering.

Instalação ensina turistas a pronunciar os nomes de ruas na Dinamarca

Momo Miyazaki e Andrew Spitz são bem diferentes – ela é norte-americana e ele francês – mas ambos foram morar em Copenhagen, na Dinamarca.

Assim como você já deve ter passado por isso em viagens, eles não fazem ideia de como se pronuncia os complicados nomes de ruas. Convenhamos que, para qualquer turista, compreender esses “detalhes” é essencial na hora de pedir informações.

Pensando nisso, Momo e Andrew criaram uma instalação tecnológica para ajudar os perdidos nas ruas turísticas de Copenhagen. Você chega na placa, aperta o botão e pronto, quase uma aula de dinamarquês.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Omnicom Reports Margin Growth, on Track for 2012 Goal

Omnicom Group announced a 3.7% boost to its operating income in the second quarter, as well as 2.8% growth in net income.

Stanley, o piano interativo

Você já viu a programação dar vida a todo tipo de máquina. De cafeteiras que geram infográficos a assadeiras que usam Twitter para avisar que o pãozinho está pronto.

Stanley é um piano secular, que agora entende, conversa e toca músicas pedidas pelas pessoas. Qualquer um pode solicitar uma música através do Twitter, @stanleypiano,

De 20 a 22 de julho, Stanley irá realizar performances ao vivo num evento em Seattle, inclusive com streaming online para quem quiser assisti-lo no mundo todo.

Para os mais chegados em detalhes técnicos, a agência Digital Kitchen explica nesse esquema como funciona tudo. Aliás, a traquitana do piano fica exposta para que as pessoas possam ver a mágica acontecer.

E avisam: Stanley adora todo tipo de música, mas tem preferência pelas indies, e pode até negar pedidos.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Obama and Romney Wondering What Happened in Attack Ads

Candidates want to know where the hope, change and tax returns went.

Color Human Bodies

Le photographe français Julien Palast nous présente sa série de clichés appelée « Skindeep ». Reprenant la beauté de la forme humaine et de ses contours avec des corps enrobés, le rendu coloré et original est très réussi. Des courbes et des matières à découvrir dans la suite en images.

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Zaarly Teams Up With Los Angeles Times, Everyday Health For Commerce Push

Zaarly wants to become a task master for publishers and retailers.

Interpublic Launches Unit Focused on Lowering Print Costs

Bad news for publishers? A new unit will focus on leveraging the ad holding company's global print spending to pass on savings for its clients.

Little Caesars’ Gleich: Shops Need ‘Latitude’ to Do Their Best Work

Since joining Little Caesars last year, Ed Gleich has overseen a review, awarded the business to BFG 9000 and launched the pizza chain's first national marketing campaign in 15 years.

Why Hulu’s Deal to Carry ‘Larry King Now’ Matters

Hulu's deal to stream and sell ads in "Larry King Now," a series from fledgling digital network Ora TV, may open new avenues for fledgling online content producers.

The 300 Year Time Bomb


300 Years Time Bomb looks at the relationship between time and technology by presenting a long-lasting timed explosive. In the scenario, a time bomb is set to explode in 300 years time. The bomb’s timer displays the years in seconds making us question what meaning such a large number holds and changing our dramatic relationship with countdown timers continue


Advertising Agency: WCRS, London, United Kingdom
Creative Director: Dave Johnson
Art Director: David Dearlove, Richard Knox
Copywriter: David Dearlove, Richard Knox
Agency Producer: Jack Bayley
Media Agency: Vizeum
Production Company: Betsy Works
Editing Company: Marcus Eley
Director: Kjetil Njoten
Producer: Peter Maynard, Debbie Impett
Post Production: Glassworks
Editor: Rachael Spann
Audio & Record Company: Will Cohen

Calderys India business card by Paradigm Plus, Pune

Challenge: Our client Calderys India, world leader in refractory solutions, asked us to create a DM for their existing clientele to communicate the change in the company name from Calderys to Calderys India, while assuring continuing quality products, services and company support as before.

Concept: To create something on the line of a formal communication to maintain strong business relationships. It had to have a factor of surprise for customers while effectively delivering the message of change. That is how the innovative Business Card was born. There was an envelope that was designed to represent the old Business Card where the message ‘we have changed’ was communicated on the flap of the envelope. Once the recipient opens it, they would pull out a new Business Card with the New Company Name mentioned on it.

Result: These Business Cards have been sent to Calderys India clientele along with a personalized gift. Customers were surprised by this smart Business Card and thereby it delivered the message effectively.
This has generated a good amount of awareness about the company name change amongst existing clients while also presenting them with a new Business card for further communication.

Advertising Agency: Paradigm Plus, Pune, India
Copywriter: Akshay Kulkarni
Visualizer: Ramesh Kompelli
Account Executive: Akshay Kulkarni
Account Planner: Madhulika Basu

Fincube Structure

Retour sur ce projet d’architecture « Fincube », le nom de cette structure pré-fabriquée qui peut être installée et démontée en très peu de temps. Située à Ritten en Italie, cette construction au design très réussi est une création du studio allemand Aisslinger. Plus d’images à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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New Career: Stale Bread

Advertising Agency: Qi-Integrated, SIngapore
Creative Director: Maxx Koh, Perry Goh
Art Director / Copywriter: Perry Goh
Production Company: Ace Framing Gallery
Photographer: Wei Ming

50 Stunning Stacked Structures – From Building Block Abodes to Building Block Skyscrapers (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) These stunning stacked structures represent the growth in alternative building designs. These designs are contemporary and immediately grab attention.

Stacked structures are easy to spot with…

Parkinson’s UK appoints The Assembly

Parkinson’s UK, the Parkinson’s disease charity, has appointed creative collective The Assembly to devise a brand campaign to raise its profile.

Social Media-Inspired Wardrobes – The ‘b for bel’ Outfits Will Match Your Online Profile (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) Society’s obsession with social media has now extended to the spaces within closets, thanks to the ‘b for bel’ outfits. This stunning collection of fashion-forward apparel pays…