Online video: advertisers need to start asking what success really is

As part of an occasional series of comments, Martin Galvin, director of agency sales at Specific Media, argues that online video has made it easier than ever before for brands to connect with consumers, but has created challenges when it comes to defining success.

PepsiCo Says Brand-Building Efforts Are Gaining Traction

PespiCo is on target to increase its advertising and marketing this year — its second-quarter outlay rose 40% — and CEO Indra Nooyi said "we are seeing higher brand-equity scores translated to top-line growth" as a result.

Mario Bros. com 7 mil post-its

Você sabe o que acontece com o seu Post it quando você não está por perto?

O FinalCutKing encontrou uma explicação bastante divertida neste vídeo feito em stop motion com mais de 7 mil daqueles papeizinhos grudentos. Uma dica: tem tudo a ver com o game Mario Bros.

Ah, e antes que vocês peçam o making of, aqui vai ele:

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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13 Ice Cream-Inspired Decor Pieces – From Sweet Treat Fixtures to Frosty Dessert Fans

( These ice cream-inspired decor pieces look as good as the real McCoy despite the fact they are completely inedible. This classic frozen treat is loved by children and adults alike with its creamy…

Group M’s Proctor Talks Mistakes, and How To Overcome Them

In our weekly series of conversations with media leaders about how to succeed, Group M Global President Dominic Proctor speaks on mistakes — the lucky kind, the silly kind and the inexcusable kind.

AOL Preps Big Changes to Patch Amidst Sound Q2 Results

In the turnaround world of AOL, smaller revenue declines are still viewed at wins. By next year, Wall Street likely won't let the company enjoy that luxury.

Troller T4: Forest

“Troller T4. Find a road anywhere.”

Advertising Agency: JWT, São Paulo, Brazil
Executive Creative Director: Roberto Fernandez, Ricardo John
Creative Director: Fabio Brandão
Art Director: Lucas Aguiar, Diego Lauton
Copywriter: Lucas Tristão
Illustrator: Lapix (3D)

Planet Solar Boat

Découverte en images du plus grand bateau solaire au monde : PlanetSolar. Un catamaran fonctionnant exclusivement grâce à l’énergie contenue dans la lumière, où les parties amovibles lui permettent d’exposer au soleil un total de 537 m2 de surface photovoltaïque tout en proposant un design impressionnant.

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Planet Solar Boat6
Planet Solar Boat5
Planet Solar Boat4
Planet Solar Boat3
Planet Solar Boat2
Planet Solar Boat1
Planet Solar Boat8

Kohl’s Seeks Shop for Strategy Work

The retailer says it is looking outside its current stable of agencies for a "strategic addition."

Twelve Wild and Crazy Ways to Find a Job in a Tough Economy

Frustrated job hunters are coming up with unusual, and sometimes wacky, ways to find jobs.  Do they work? Sometimes.

73 Playfully Peculiar Playgrounds – From Offbeat Jungle Gyms to Sliding NYC Condos (TOPLIST)

( Your neighborhood parks have got nothing on these peculiar playgrounds, filled with adventurous obstacles and whimsical details. Colorful plastic slides and sky-high swings are looking far-out…

Media Agenda: Ben Wood

Ben Wood, managing director for iProspect, talks to Media Week about the explosion of data and the role agencies now face in the challenge of helping brands reach the right consumers.

My Media Week: Rufus Olins

This week, Newsworks chief executive Rufus Olins breaks the back of his Media Week Awards judging, talks tablets and ‘shiny squirrels’ with new hire Vanessa Clifford, and looks forward to the Olympics boosting his members’ brands on the newsstand.

Get That Awkward Team Member in Front of Your Clients

We routinely shield clients from socially awkward staff by letting account people do the talking, but these team members should be out front, too.

Find Your Greatness: Nike lança campanha global anti-Olimpíadas

Os Jogos Olímpicos de Londres começam em dois dias, e a Nike – que não é patrocinadora oficial do evento – também tem suas próprias estratégias para se apropriar desse momento.

Já faz isso com a Copa do Mundo, sendo reconhecida no final de cada edição como a principal patrocinadora, mesmo não dando um único tostão para a FIFA, por exemplo.

Sendo assim, a marca acaba de revelar a sua campanha global voltada para os Jogos, mas com uma abordagem praticamente anti-Olimpíadas.

“Find Your Greatness” destaca o esforço e vontade dos atletas amadores ao redor do mundo, onde qualquer lugar pode ser chamado de “Londres”.

Além da peça central de manifesto, com 60 segundos, a inicitiva incluir outros diversos filmetes de 15 segundos dedicados as principais modalidades olímpicas. Assista todos abaixo:

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Majority of UK consumers ‘cannot name Olympic sponsors’

More than half the UK population cannot confidently name a single Olympic sponsor, despite the hundreds of millions poured into sponsorship programmes, according to research from ICM on behalf of Third City.

Human Mosaic Photography

Les compositions photographiques de Claudia Rogge sont toujours aussi impressionnantes. Présenté sur Fubiz il y a près de 4 ans, elle revient avec une série de visuels où les corps se mêlent dans un tourbillon dramatique pour des compositions rappelant les tableaux des grands maîtres. Plus d’images dans la suite.

fulmine 1

People on the Move: Bluefin Names JP Maheu CEO

The former CEO of Publicis Modem and Razorfish is joining the social-TV-analytics company as it continues its growth.

Institutions must come together to help sport grow, says Tony Blair

Sport needs to stay rooted in the community and institutions need to work together to ensure it thrives in the UK, said Tony Blair, former prime minister, at the Beyond Sport conference this morning.

Sky recruits Harry Redknapp to front fantasy football campaign

Harry Redknapp, the former Tottenham Hotspur manager, and his wife Sandra are to feature in a series of three ads for Sky Sports as the start of its fantasy football season nears.