EU hits Microsoft with $1.4bn fine

LONDON – Microsoft has been fined a record $1.4bn (£682m) by the European Competition Commission for failing to comply with a 2004 anti-trust order, the largest EU fine ever imposed against a single company.

Picture Loans ad banned by ASA

LONDON – A Picture Loans ad has been banned by the advertising watchdog for being misleading, because its light-hearted tone gave the impression that taking out a loan did not require careful consideration.

Willy’s redirects traffic in Halmstad to lead customers to opening night of new store.

The new and improved Willys stores are about to open and to ensure that customers will find their way there, they’re actually redirecting traffic with mysterious traffic signs all over the town of Halmstad. All roads used to lead to Rome, but now they lead to Willys.

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RNLI appoints Acxiom to beef up donor database

LONDON – Lifesaving charity the Royal National Lifeboat Institution has signed an agreement with Acxiom to use its data services.

Archant adds more titles to portfolio

London – Customer publisher Archant Life has acquired four new magazines in an effort to boost the size of it regional title portfolio.

How did I survive the Starbucks shutdown?

Yawwwwwwwnnn. Starbucks closed up shop for a few hours last night to “re-educate” its employees. I didn’t take it so well. Could’ve used a grande with extra foam around 6 p.m. Went to Dunkin’ and forgot to order a latte to get their 99-cent anti-Starbucks price. Odd how the mind wanders. The large with three sugars gave me enough pep to begin research on this post. I walked past the nearest Starbucks and peered inside. A half-dozen baristas were nibbling scones. Maybe they were playing one of the mix CDs they sell. Sounded like Al Green. My attention was dragging, so I didn’t bother sticking around. Napped at my desk. Began writing this item, but was too tired for complete sentences or coherent analysis. Thursday and Friday, McDonald’s is giving away a McSkillet Burrito with each drink purchase. The last time I had a McSkillet, I hallucinated I was Ralph Nader and stood in rush-hour traffic begging commuters to vote for me and drive safely. Or maybe I acted that way after downing three grandes in less than an hour. So hard to focus. Can’t keep my eyes open. Think I’ll turn in early.

—Posted by David Gianatasio

Top 67 Naughty Ads – Sex Sells (SUPER GALLERY)

It’s been proven time and again that sex sells. That’s nothing new, but to keep things fresh, marketers have to figure out how to keep it sizzling. Ad agencies have found ways to sell everything from alcohol and fashion to technology and even burgers. Some ads are shocking, while some are artistic. …

Top 67 Naughty Ads – Sex Sells (SUPER GALLERY) (VIDEO)

( It’s been proven time and again that sex sells. That’s nothing new, but to keep things fresh, marketers have to figure out how to keep it sizzling. Ad agencies have found ways to sell everything from alcohol and fashion to technology and even burgers. Some ads are shocking, while some are artistic. …

Top 69 Naughty Ads – Sex Sells (SUPER GALLERY)

It’s been proven time and again that sex sells. That’s nothing new, but to keep things fresh, marketers have to figure out how to keep it sizzling. Ad agencies have found ways to sell everything from alcohol and fashion to technology and even burgers. Some ads are shocking, while some are artistic. …

Morgan Spurlock’s latest deep-fried exploits

Spurlock The last time we saw Morgan Spurlock in theaters, he was shocking the world by showing people how eating three grease-fried meals a day is bad for you. Now, his gimmicky iconoclasm takes a turn for the geopolitical with his upcoming movie, Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden? Here’s the trailer, in which Spurlock putzes around the Middle East, befuddled as to why no Arabs are taking a white guy ironically dressed like them seriously. They might also be wondering where Rockapella is.

—Posted by David Kiefaber

RKCR/Y&R invites controversy with shocking BBC race spot

LONDON – Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R has created a provocative ad to promote BBC2’s new season on Britain’s white working class.

O’z Bags: Dogs

O'z Bags: Dogs

High fashion bags. Available in most sizes.

Advertising Agency: Fortune Promoseven Dubai, UAE
Creative Director: Marc Lineveldt
Art Director: Shaun Dean Thomas
Copywriter: Neil Walker-Wells
Published: December 2007

Arrive Alive: Driving

Arrive Alive: Driving

Who’s driving?

Advertising Agency: The Jupiter Drawing Room, Johannesburg , South Africa
Creative Directors: Graham Warsop, Michael Blore
Copywriter: Darren Kilfoil
Art Director: Daniella Bucceri
Photographer: Seppi Hochfellner

Arrive Alive: Drunk

Arrive Alive: Drunk

Drunk behind one wheel could land you in between another two.

Advertising Agency: The Jupiter Drawing Room, Johannesburg , South Africa
Creative Directors: Graham Warsop, Michael Blore
Copywriter: Darren Kilfoil
Art Director: Daniella Bucceri
Photographer: Seppi Hochfellner

Arrive Alive: Take a seat

Arrive Alive: Take a seat

Take a seat and think about the consequences of drunk driving.

Advertising Agency: The Jupiter Drawing Room, Johannesburg , South Africa
Creative Directors: Graham Warsop, Michael Blore
Copywriter: Darren Kilfoil
Art Director: Daniella Bucceri
Photographer: Seppi Hochfellner

McDonald’s Big ‘n’ Juicy Burger “Giant napkin” double page spread

More napkins from McDonald’s and DDB in Stockholm, Sweden. Seems the motto for this campaign was “think big”. Here oversized napkins made out of real napkin paper were stapled into the middle of Metro as a double-page spread.

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Laser Eye Care & Research Center: Glasses

Laser Eye Care & Research Center: Glasses

Throw your glasses away.

Advertising Agency: Fortune Promoseven Dubai, UAE
Creative Director: Marc Lineveldt
Art Director: Ramzi Sarieddine
Copywriter: Neil Walker-Wells
Published: February 2008

Laser Eye Care & Research Center: Contactlenses

Laser Eye Care & Research Center: Contactlenses

Throw your contacts away.

Advertising Agency: Fortune Promoseven Dubai, UAE
Creative Director: Marc Lineveldt
Art Director: Ramzi Sarieddine
Copywriter: Neil Walker-Wells
Published: February 2008

McDonald’s Big ‘n’ Juicy Burger “Giant napkin” poster

More giant stuff from McDonalds and DDB in Stockholm, Sweden. This time they turned a poster into a giant napkin dispenser – with real napkins inside. I wonder how long it lasted, I bet homeless people used the napkins as bed linen.

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Gotta Love Those Hitler Metaphors

I usually tire of the YouTube videos friends send me, but this one is pretty damn good. I’d say it’s pretty tough to use Hitler in a funny way, so kudos to whoever made this.