The Naked Truth of Advertising

The Naked Truth Cowboy

Advertising is a strategy to get attention and provide colorful information and insights as far as promoting a certain product or service these days. Apparently, one thing that people fail to consider is the age factor. Kids are exposed to the various forms of mediums such as television and print advertising and from these modes alone, they get educated informally.

Advertising can help or hurt a business. A lot lies on how they are carried out and conceptualized. As far as the proper way to use these advertising strategies is concerned, social responsibility has to be added to the fray. You just have to be sensitive to the target market you are carrying out since not all people will analyze them.

On March 10th, Dr. Jean Kilbourne, an internationally recognized author and lecturer, visited the Fort Hays State University campus, describing how the advertising industry serves as a damaging element in the gender socialization process.

Her presentation, “The Naked Truth: Advertising’s Image of Women”, focused on a “toxic environment” created for the “sake of profit.”

(Source) The Edge

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