Collab. consumption has been around for a while now and I’m sure most of you have taken part at some level. You know, going back to traditional bartering, sharing, lending, gifting, swapping and redefining it through technology and community – truly the power of numbers! We’re favouring the experience over just more stuff, we’re drawn […]

YouTube Klubi #14: Let the games begin

Following up on our joint Mojo & ZO session on ‘Understanding gamers and great games’ last Friday, this is a collection of videos that have in the past and recently stirred gamers’ hearts and minds.
First up, the big one, the Mac Daddy of games, ‘Call of Duty’ in its new iteration Black Ops 2 has […]

YouTube Klubi #10: The Easter Bunny Hates You

This Klubi edition is short but not really that sweet. Do you know what the Easter Bunny does the other 364 days of the year? He kicks ass!
As one of the commentators wrote: “I come back back every year for this video.” Aww, isn’t that nice?
Happy Easter,
The Publicis Digital Team

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