Yelp Remixed Its Ad About a Bad Yoga Instructor, and Now He's Even Worse

Back in June, Reid Sheehan Latimer + Crew made this “Yoga” spot for Yelp, positioning the review network as the place people go to find businesses that meet their needs (instead of where assholes and aspiring Internet comedians go to whine about bad service).

The spot’s yoga instructor merited his own Twitter feed,  the spot’s back with a remix, giving you even more of the rotund yoga instructor who has mastered The Weeping Cobra and generally making everyone around him uncomfortable.

The resulting clip includes footage not seen in the original spot, along with a house drum loop, cartoony overlaid animation, and a splash of Auto-Tune on the bad yoga instructor’s vocals.

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Swedish Lifestyle is Back to Taunt America in New Wasa Crispbread Ad

Sweden is getting its high cheekbones all up in America’s grill once again, asserting its Scandinavian superiority with this online spot for Wasa Crispbread.

An American woman in Sweden takes a yoga class and happily discovers that it’s filled with hunky, English-speaking dads and their adorably flexible babies. Because in everyone’s favorite progressive paradise, family leave for fathers can last a very long time… and, apparently, babies are frighteningly good at yoga.

“I wrote the Yoga Baby script after a visit to Sweden when a friend noted that the Swedes seemed to have more male nannies than anywhere else,” says Scott Goodson, CEO at StrawberryFrog, which created the campaign. “But they weren’t nannies, they were daddies who get 6 months parental leave for each newborn. That deserved a film!”

Sweden has been flexing its blond muscles in ads lately, with this Wasa campaign following the popular “Like a Swede” initiative from trade-union group TCO earlier this year.

“The naturalness of Swedish life, the fit lifestyle and the Nordic mindset is very different and fun and in many cases inspiring for American men and women,” according to Goodson.

Well, America’s pretty cool too. We’ve got … um … Tim Howard … when he’s not playing in the U.K., that is. And we’ve got other great stuff. Like GM Cars and grade-A produce. U-S-A! 

Patriotism notwithstanding, this particular yoga class feels like an exercise in strangeness for its own sake. I guess I shouldn’t get all twisted up about it, though.

Yoga To The Core Series

Le photographe allemand Björn Ewers du Studio 314 (également représenté par Cosmopola) a fait une série de photographies intitulée « Yoga To The Core », dans laquelle la modèle Lena Fishman réalise des positions de yoga, sur fond de baselines en néons avec une belle typographie qui a été travaillée par Cmykay.

Cmykay’s site.


Coreografia reproduz partes do corpo humano

Toda vez que vejo um comercial bacana no YouTube e percebo que quem postou – cliente ou agência – não se preocupou com a qualidade do vídeo, dou uma broxada. Não consigo entender como alguém pode investir tempo e dinheiro em um projeto e ser tão descuidado na apresentação. Foi mais ou menos o que senti com The Power of Movement 2014, filme que a Lowe Roche criou para a entidade de mesmo nome.

O objetivo do filme é mostrar como a yoga ajuda a combater a artrite, além de divulgar um evento que a entidade realizará no dia 2 de março, no Canadá. Para isso, foi criado uma coreografia incrível – bailarinos e instrutores de yoga reproduzem partes do corpo que reconquistam o movimento. O tipo da coisa que seria ainda mais impressionante em HD. Ainda assim, vale o play.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Activewear Maker Lucy Urges Women to Drop Into a Yoga Pose at the First Sign of Holiday Stress

How do you deal with holiday stress? Activewear maker Lucy is humorously urging women to try something unconventional this year. Try dropping to the floor and adopting the "child's pose" from yoga—with your legs tucked under you, your head down and your arms outstretched in front. That should calm your nerves in line at Macy's, as long as security doesn't come running.

The tongue-in-cheek spot below from ad agency Mono, directed by the actress Elizabeth Banks, shows the strategy in action. Give it a shot, and let us know how it goes.


If Your Thighs Can Touch, Lululemon Pants Might Not Be Right for You