The Wall Street Journal Wants You to ‘Make Time’ to Read its Content

The Wall Street Journal has launched a global campaign, urging readers to “Make Time” for the paper.

Enlisting for its initial effort, the campaign aims to show how even the busiest of readers make time for the paper in order to stay on top of the business community. In the spot, a busy tells an associate he’ll be right back as he escapes to a quiet room and reads The Wall Street Jounral on a tablet. “I don’t have time to read The Wall Street Journal,” he says. Text appears on screen reading, “People who don’t have time make time to read The Wall Street Journal. If can “make time” for the paper, the spot seems to suggest, surely you can too. The campaign will run through June and will feature such other celebrities as designer and philanthropist Tory Burch and SAP CEO Bill McDermott.

“This campaign highlights the value of making time to read the Journal, no matter how busy people are,” Suzi Watford, chief marketing officer of Dow Jones, told The Drum. “It also confirms that subscribing to the Journal puts you in a community with other ambitious people who prioritize being at the top of their game. Our subscribers are in very good company.”

The Dalai Lama Can’t Swim, Has No Desire to Surf

As you slide into weekend mode, spend 5 minutes watching this Dalai Lama interview clip from PTTOW! Summit 2011. At the invite-only conference, celebrities and business leaders gathered to talk shop, and His Holiness also happened to be there. He spoke to the crowd about his world views and then took questions from the audience. Surfer Kelly Slater decided to ask a unique question, avoiding the philosophical shop talk. Slater went straight to his forte around the 3:00 mark in the clip, asking if the Dalai Lama would be interested in catching some waves with him.

On a side note, did not get to ask his question to the Dalai Lama, but at least he tried.

PTTOW! and Kindling Media released a few other videos , including a 26-minute clip you can watch after the jump about brand reinvention with Chrysler head of marketing strategy and operations, George Neill. No word yet on whether he surfs.


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Media Decoder Blog: Bertelsmann Acquires Full Control of BMG Music Company

Bertelsmann restarted BMG in 2008, and now has bought up the 51 percent stake owned by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, signaling a full return to the music business.

Branded content com sabor brasileiro


Que o Brasil está no lugar certo e na hora certa, ninguém mais duvida. O rapper já realizou seu sonho da casa própria e parece que está sempre por aqui. Snoop Dogg também já é figura mais que conhecida. Aproveitando um pouco de toda essa vibe boa, algumas marcas estão surfando a onda de maneiras parecidas. O mais recente lançamento de é a música “Great Times”, que veio acompanhada de um videoclipe gravado no Brasil, e que explora o tema da cerveja Bud. Pra quem não é publicitário, passaria praticamente despercebido a presença da marca. Ela está ali no refrão e nas passagens do video sem incomodar. Para os fãs, um video e música nova pra curtir.

Há pouco tempo atrás, a Jawbone fez algo parecido ao convidar Snoop Dogg e Marcelo D2 para também criarem uma música e video, agradecendo o Brasil. O resultado é um conteúdo com apelo internacional e sabor brasileiro.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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