Why Marketers Should Care About Consumer Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility

In today’s socially conscious environment and political climate when a company takes responsibility for its actions and the subsequent impact on communities, employees and stakeholders, the results go a long way. This is no secret to companies in various industries. The Sustainable Investment Institute (Si2) recently reviewed the current state of companies’ sustainability reporting and…

Diversity Efforts Are Often White-Washed and Dulled Down. Here Are 5 Ways to Improve These Initiatives

As we round out July, I am taking refuge in the fact that we’ve survived another round of the International Festival of Press Releases, sometimes referred to as Cannes Lions. This year’s festival followed the patterns of years past. The biggest spending, hottest and most powerful of the advertising industry went to France to ensure…

4 Ingredients That Go Into Creating a Cohesive Influencer Ecosystem

Influencers have become a force in shaping consumer opinion and purchasing patterns across industries. The challenge for brands is to cut through the noise and find appropriate personalities that align with their audience. The right influencers can effectively compel narrators for your brand values. Before you engage with influencers, clearly identify brand values so you…

Advertising World, Why Are We Not Embedding Climate Change Discussions Into Our Boardrooms and Campaigns?

Every year, our University of Oregon ad program brings 100-plus creatives, strategists, managers and producers to New York for Creative Week. It’s a remarkable front row seat to trends of the industry. While visiting agencies, production houses and awards shows, we get a snapshot of industry trends and professional realities that few get the chance…

Brands Can Change the Narrative, Especially Around the Stigmatization of Feminism

Denmark is the world’s least feminist nation, according to a new survey on attitudes toward gender. Only a quarter of Danish women identify as feminists. This is surprising news given that the country surpasses many other European nations on gender equality. It seems there is still something rotten in the state of Denmark. But as…

Advertisers Need to Pay More Attention to the Weather When Planning Campaigns

Advertisers have got a lot to think about. For one thing, trends are constantly shifting in terms of the creative that resonates most with audiences as well as the types of messaging that those audiences respond best to. On top of that, there is a fair amount of work that goes into determining who the…

Making Horizontal Career Moves Can Help You Grow Faster

How do you get from where you are today in your career to where you ultimately want to be? While there are many options, there are two common paths to advancement: climb the proverbial ladder in a traditional sense or lattice your way to your desired job. As you think and plan for your next…

It’s Time Brands Add Genuine Consciousness Into Their Marketing Mix

When John Mackey, co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods, and a university professor published Conscious Capitalism in 2014, a slew of advertising and marketing campaigns that espoused purpose-led conceits swept the awards at Cannes and the Effies the year prior. In fact, 2013 could be considered a breakthrough year for conscious advertising with “Real Beauty…

How Agencies Can Fight Against Unconscious Biases When Hiring

No one starts their hiring process by saying, “Today I’m going to make some biased hiring decisions.” But those decisions happen every day, and the advertising industry–despite some agencies’ best efforts–remains far too homogenous, with some groups significantly underrepresented. One reason bias is so pervasive is that it’s part of human nature. It’s a byproduct…

Apple’s Privacy-Minded Moves Should Be Just the Beginning

Earlier this month, Apple made a small step toward making privacy levels more transparent with the signing in with Apple feature. Ultimately, Apple is giving users more granular control over their data. Also, Apple’s iOS 13 operating system now lets users grant one-time access to location. Under this scenario, if an app needs the data…

As Traditional TV Evolves, Television Rating Systems Remain the Same

The history of television ratings is of great interest to me because–to quote Maya Angelou–“if you don’t know where you’ve come from, you don’t know where you’re going.” Market research firm The Nielsen Company, founded in 1923, is perhaps best known for its ubiquitous television ratings, but Nielsen actually started out measuring radio ratings before…

Why Recent Privacy Initiatives Do More Harm Than Good for Marketers and Consumers

Privacy has escalated to be a top priority. Marketers and publishers–along with consumers, legislators, CEOs and presidential candidates–are being confronted with how to approach privacy. The largest tech companies have put their stakes in the ground. Apple, Google and Facebook have all recently announced privacy initiatives with the goal of appealing to consumers and their…

D&AD New Blood Highlights Rift Between Eager Creatives and Scared Agencies

Last week, the D&AD New Blood pencils were handed out at a glitzy ball in London. Tipsy, freshly minted students swaggered on stage to collect their trophies, big ambitions in every gleeful smile with thankfully none of the big egos to match. To every one of them, I say well done. You worked hard, competed…

How Brands Can Use Throwbacks to Evoke Nostalgia Among Consumers

Maybe it’s a smell, a song, a food, a toy or even a simple logo. Whatever it is, nostalgia triggers a connection in your memory so deep and special that you are transcended to a previous version of yourself. While triggers vary by individual, the power of nostalgia is undeniable, yet it is often overlooked…

Nike’s World Cup Spot Celebrated Women but Sidestepped Addressing Pay Inequality

The stage was set for all of us take part in something powerful and influential. The United States women’s national soccer team dominated the FIFA Women’s World Cup amidst political and social turbulence and brought home their unprecedented fourth World Cup trophy. Following the win, televisions and social media platforms were inundated with “USA” chants…

Amazon Killed Brick and Mortar, So Why Is It Investing in Stores?

Amazon shot to fame from its rapid growth, incessant innovation and quirky business practices. But more than anything else, the company was credited for the demise of traditional brick-and-mortar retailers. As online sales increase exponentially, Amazon has been credited with single-handedly killing Borders, Toys “R” Us, Sears, J.Crew and countless other stores that have filed…

3 Ways Amazon’s Prime Day Is Ushering In Back-to-School Shopping Season

School’s out for summer, but Prime Day will awaken even the sleepiest of teenagers–and most importantly, their teachers and parents who are all clamoring for the best deals. Over the past five years, we’ve seen an evolution of this day, transforming from a pureplay Amazon event into an industrywide cultural moment. This year, the experience…

What It Means for Advertisers as Accenture Ventures Further Into Agency Turf

In the famous story, the smaller, weaker David defeats the giant Goliath armed with just a slingshot and a few stones. But what happens when we freeze-frame on that scene and pan out to realize that Goliath himself is being stalked by a much bigger foe many times his size? That’s certainly the case for…

3 Tips for Winning Top Talent at Your Ad-Tech Company

It’s a tough time to be an ad-tech recruiter, especially when it comes to making skilled technology hires. With the continued tech boom, the allure of emerging industries like AI and robotics and concerns about how ongoing privacy regulations will change the nature of targeted advertising, attracting talent to a mid-sized ad-tech company or startup…

TV Upfronts Prove Its Value and Worth to the Industry for Another Year

As this $21 billion television upfront marketplace wraps up negotiations between the networks and media buyers, it may come as a surprise to some that the networks are commanding actual price and revenue increases, landing somewhere north of 8-9% in pricing for primetime, according to some reports. After all, TV’s death–or at least irrelevance as…