W+K Brings ‘Boston Tea Party’ to Super Bowl in TurboTax Spot

W+K Portland brought its “It’s Amazing What You’re Capable Of” for TurboTax to the Super Bowl last night with “Boston Tea Party.”

“It’s Amazing What You’re Capable Of,” W+K’s first campaign for the brand, debuted at the start of 2014 with “The Year of You,” following the agency winning AOR duties the previous summer. “Boston Tea Party” introduces TurboTax’s new offering of free filing for individuals who file a simple tax return (1040A/1040EZ). The spot imagines that historical event going down a little differently when the British offer to allow Americans to file taxes for free, injecting a bit of big game appropriate humor into the campaign. “Okay, so maybe that’s not exactly how it went down,” the spot concedes, “but you can file on TurboTax for absolutely nothing.”

It may not be the most noteworthy ad of the Super Bowl, but “Boston Tea Party” fits the brand well, managing to simultaneously feel like an extension of the “It’s Amazing What You’re Capable Of” campaign while also introducing a new selling point for the brand.



Creative Directors Dan Kroeger / Max Stinson

Copywriter Darcie Burrell / Brooke Barker

Art Director Chris Taylor

Producer/ Assistant Producer Endy Hedman / Julie Gursha

Account Team Courtney Nelson / Vanessa Miller / Anna Boteva

Executive Creative Directors Joe Staples / Mark Fitzloff

Head of Production Ben Grylewicz

Strategic Planning Amber Higgins / Nathan Goldberg

Project Management Liza Robbins


Production Company Biscuit

Director Noam Murro

Managing Director Shawn Lacy

Executive Producer Colleen O’Donnell

Line Producer Jay Veal

Director of Photography Simon Duggan


Editorial Company Exile

Editor Kirk Baxter

Assistant Editor Nate Gross / Grant Hall

Post Producer Toby Louie

Post Executive Producer CL Weaver


VFX Company The Mill

VFX Executive Producer Sue Troyan

Executive Color Producer Thatcher Peterson

VFX Producer Dan Robers

Color Producer Antonio Hardy

Production Coordinator Benjamin Sposato

Creative Director / Shoot


2D Lead Chris Knight

2D Artists Sarah Eim / John Price / Robert Murdock / Martin Karlsson

3D Lead Tom Graham

3D Artists Phill Mayer / Katie Yancey / Alberto Lara / Jason Monroe / Majid Esmaeili / Mario Afu

Matte Painters Sun Chung / Thom Price / Andy Wheater

Robert Sethi / Chris Knight

Hassan / Nick Lines / Fabian Elmers / Steve Olsen / Dustin Colson / Carl Harders / Simon

Brown / Ed Boldero / Jason Jansky

Colorist Adam Scott


Sound Company Barking Owl

Creative Director Kelly Bayett

Head of Production Whitney Fromholtz

Song #1 Original composed music — “To Win (Hero Theme)”

Song #2 Bob Dylan “The Man in Me”


Sound Company Barking Owl

Sound Designer Michael Anastasi

Creative Director Kelly Bayett

Producer Whitney Fromholtz


Mix Company Eleven Sound

Mixer Jeff Payne

Assistant Mixer Ben Freer

Producer Dawn Redmann

Exec Producer Suzanne Hollingshead

Com a W+K, até imposto de renda parece bom

Se realmente “na vida, só existem duas coisas certas: os impostos e a morte”, como disse Benjamin Franklin, a gente espera que pelo menos uma delas seja indolor – e todos nós sabemos qual aquela que tem mais chances para tal. Daí que uma empresa chamada TurboTax resolveu mostrar nos Estados Unidos que fazer o imposto de renda não é algo tão ruim, com a inestimável ajuda da Wieden + Kennedy.

Não sei você, mas às vezes eu penso que a W+K consegue fazer qualquer coisa parecer boa… até mesmo imposto de renda.

No caso desta série de filmes para a TurboTax, o foco passa do sofrimento dos impostos para o ser humano, e todas as incríveis experiências que ele vivenciou no ano anterior e tudo que ele foi capaz de fazer. Basicamente, é o que a ferramenta faz: oferece uma maneira mais fácil de se fazer o IR, a partir de diversas perguntas como “você se casou?”, “mudou de casa?”, “teve um filho?”, etc.

O resultado ficou muito bacana, sem perder o gancho com o produto.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Life and Taxes: TurboTax Celebrates Your Milestones in Super Bowl-Bound Campaign

Don't think of your tax return as an annual blood sacrifice to our merciless bureaucratic overlords. Think of it more as a delightful recap of your exciting and eventful life!

That's the upbeat message of TurboTax's new campaign from Wieden + Kennedy, themed "It's Amazing What You're Capable Of." With ads already running on TV and online, the campaign will also include a 60-second Super Bowl spot—the brand's first. (In addition, parent company Intuit is donating a 30-second Super Bowl ad slot to a small business selected by voters.)

Each ad in the TurboTax campaign focuses on the major life decisions you make each year that can have an impact on your taxes. "That's what taxes are: a recap, the story of your year," notes the narrator. And speaking of the narrator, it sure sounds like character actor John C. Reilly, but as with many celebrity-voiced campaigns of late, the agency couldn't confirm that due to contractual obligations.

Check out the anthem spot below and a few more executions after the jump.