True Calls All Travelers to Fly Air New Zealand

Air New Zealand worked with agency True on its latest brand campaign, “Calling All Travelers.”

After pushing its connection with Peter Jackson‘s The Hobbit films for the past several years, culminating in the brand’s “The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made” sendoff, Air New Zealand looks beyond Middle Earth following the conclusion of the trilogy. While the airline hasn’t been totally dependent on The Hobbit-related ads and promos during those years, it has a had a hard time finding its footing without references to Middle Earth, as in the ill-received Sports Illustrated collaboration “Safety in Paradise.”

The hobbits aren’t completely gone from “Calling All Travelers” either, as the Baggins home makes a brief appearance in a montage of New Zealand’s attractions. Of course, New Zealand does a pretty good job of selling itself, with its astounding biodiversity and beautiful locations. True leans heavily on the island country’s natural beauty in the spot, while positioning it as “Far away from expected and nowhere near ordinary.” And if the spot’s attempt at humor (through the true source of what initially seems to be a voiceover) falls a bit flat, it still should entice curious viewers, and especially the “serious travelers” it targets, to consider traveling to New Zealand. The campaign also includes a contest inviting participants to build an itinerary for a chance to win the ultimate New Zealand vacation.

True Facts Infography

Le site Kind Of Normal a imaginé des infographies amusantes appelées « TruthFacts » qui livrent des petites vérités sur notre quotidien, notre époque (digitale) et nos diverses habitudes ; des anecdotes dans lesquelles tout le monde peut se reconnaitre. Une sélection des différentes infographies est disponible dans la suite.


Air New Zealand, a “companhia aérea oficial da Terra Média”

Para quem trabalha na Air New Zealand, o fantástico mundo criado por J.R.R. Tolkien faz parte do dia a dia. Pelo menos é o que mostra Just Another Day in Middle-earth, comercial criado pela True para lembrar, mais uma vez, que a ANZ é a “companhia aérea oficial da Terra Média”.

Com participação do ator Dean O’Gorman e narração de Sylvester McCoy – o anão Fili e o mago Radagast, o Castanho – de O Hobbit -, o filme aproveita o lançamento do segundo episódio da trilogia, A Desolação de Smaug, para lembrar que a Terra Média está  mais perto do que se imagina. Destaque, ainda, para os papeis desempenhados pelos próprios funcionários da Air New Zealand.

Além de Just Another Day in Middle-Earth, a companhia aérea também fará um voo especial partindo de Auckland,  quando um Boeing 777-300 deverá chegar a Los Angeles bem a tempo da premiere de O Hobbit 2, no dia 2 de dezembro. A estreia mundial – inclusive Brasil – está prevista para 13 de dezembro.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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