M+M’s Create Faux Mini-Movie to Discourage Cell Phone Use in Actual Movies

People who use cell phones in movie theaters are annoying. So annoying, in fact, that some other people argue that cell phone use in movie theaters should literally be punished by death, though that may be a bit extreme according to law enforcement and those that cherish human life.

For some reason, otherwise rational human beings have a tendency to abandon logic upon entering movie theaters. Perhaps it’s the cover of darkness that detaches individuals from their transgressions, as otherwise measured requests like “Hey, will you shut the fuck up?” are routinely answered with, “Why don’t you come over here and make me, fuckface?” Then children cry and Cars 2 is ruined for everyone, which wouldn’t have been such a big deal had we not spent $30 on concessions. (That’s where they get you.) Thus, our nation’s fine cinema chains are forced to accept the fact that humans loses empathy for one another once the previews start. That’s where America’s favorite anthropomorphic M+M’s come in.

Not only is this mini-movie from BBDO NY groundbreaking because it’s “the first time all six beloved M&M’S spokescandies have been featured together in one spot,” but it actually features accompanying fake movie posters (see after jump) plastered around theaters that will surely disappoint your children when you have to explain to them that it’s only an ad. (“But you said you wanted to see Cars 2! What the fuck!”) Credits after the jump.


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M&M’s mostram como um celular tocando pode estragar um filme

A se julgar pelos segundos iniciais do video aí em cima, poderia ser mais um trailer de um filme de ação prestes a estrear nos cinemas. Logo, entretanto, o equívoco é desfeito com o aparecimento de duas figuras conhecidas, os M&M’s vermelho e amarelo, que contam com uma importante missão: mostrar ao público como o toque de um celular pode estragar um filme.

Criado pela BBDO de Nova York, com produção do estúdio Traktor, Trailer apela para o humor, suspense e aventura para lembrar os espectadores de desligarem seus celulares antes do início do filme. É possível reconhecer algumas referências a clássicos dos filmes de ação, como por exemplo Velocidade Máxima, entre outros. É diversão pura.

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Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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