Convert Your RSS Into Email Newsletters With Ads

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RevResponse, a company that helps bloggers make money by selling and giving away white papers and magazine subscriptions, has a new nifty tool that converts a blog’s RSS feed into an email with automatically inserted promo offers.

RevResponse’s aptly named RSS to Email Tool is a welcome addition to the pretty small group of  RSS converters. A field once teeming with start-ups, it is now the domain of a few email newsletter providers, notably MailChimp,  and Feedburner,  a once innovative product that has become stale after its sale to Google and the departure of Dick Costolo to the greener pastures of Twitter.

Like other similar tools out there, RSS to Email takes your most recent posts and packages them into a template of your choice. The templates come in a range of colors, and while they are not likely to win any beauty pageants the tool does come with a fairly flexible scheduling system that allows you to send digests of your brilliance either once a month, once a week, or on any combination of days of your choice.

Importantly — and uniquely — the tool adds rather unobtrusive ads for contextually chosen whitepapers or other publications right into your blogomail: either a set of text links or an ad with a thumbnail of the publication’s cover. If you run a marketing blog, advertised publications could range from HubSpot’s white papers and something called Chief Social Marketer to the awesomely esoteric niche B2B pubs such as Perishables Buyer and Archery Business.

ContactComplete to Make Connecting With Ad Industry Contacts Easier


Are you a media buyer who needs to know who at Conde Nast Digital handles sales for Hotel Chatter or Golf Digest? Are you a sales rep who would love to be able to make just one phone call directly to the media buyer at Saatchi who handles the account you are trying to pitch?

The Paint Evolution

Les designers espagnoles de CuldeSac ont pensé cette excellente série d’objets “Paint Evolution” pour l’entreprise de peinture Valentine. Imaginant les évolutions du matériel utilisé en peinture, ces objets au design très réussi sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.










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Buzzboard to Provide Digital, Social Media Dashboard


vSplash has introduced BuzzBoard, a digital marketing and analytics platform that gives small business advertisers an overview of their digital presence across websites, search engines, blogs and social media

Ad Creation Tool to Make Mad Men Lazy…And Rich

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A New York Times stork screams, “An Ad Engine to Put ‘Mad Men’ Out of business. it’s a story about PlaceLocal, a program that creates an ad simply from a person entering the name and address.
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Old Ads Browsed, Conferences Buzzed

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Like old ads? Check out Vintage Ad Browser.
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GotAdSpace Brings Ad Power to the People


Well, stranger things have been tried…and worked.

TweetPsych Profiles Twitter Users for Marketers


For marketers fascinated with Twitter and its seemingly endless possibilities, for good or bad, as a marketing channel/platform/whatever, a new service called TweetPsych might be worth a look.

You Mean We Don’t Have to Make 3,000 Versions of That Banner?


According to…yawn…worldwide data from comScore…zzz…, ACME ad network is now the…snooze…third largest in the world. Recently released technology provided by ACME…OMG…

Tacky, Yet Effective


Ad pros groan at the mention of infomercials, yet their continued existence means they pay off. Why not get ahead of the game and add it to your arsenal? Besides, it’s like providing annuities to your favorite stars of the last century.

Paul Hirsch  has been practicing communications since 1983. He now owns his own marketing/pr firm in Northern California. Paul specializes in media relations, marketing collateral, website development and ad design. You can learn more about him on Facebook or by visiting

iGRP to Bring Online Video and TV Metrics Together


YuMe, in partnership with MindShare, has introduced the iGRP or Internet Gross Rating Point, a metric allowing advertisers the ability to compare their online video metrics with their offline television metrics.

Influencers Ads Bring Social Networking to the Tired Ad Banner


Similar to rich media banners from the likes of Pointroll, Influencer Ads are large format ads but with social networkinf functionality added.

Create Email Newsletters with Mad Mimi

Cool tool alert: Mad Mimi, a rare example of the Web 2.0 techno-goodness put to productive use, is a recently launched tool for creating nicely looking email newsletters by dragging and dropping different design elements around the page. Subscription boxes for your site and usage stats are included. Sending to the first 100 subscribers is free. Not sure yet how well it handles multipart (HTML and text-only) messages, but I’ll report back after giving it a more thorough test drive. For similarly easy-made custom landing pages, I recommend Marketo.

Photrade Adds Commerce to Social Photography Scene


Photrade, a free photography website, has launched in beta.

Build Your Own Tube

It’s like ning, only for videos — start your own version of YouTube with

It’s a Daisy Chain of Sensory Delights!


Okay. We don’t make music ourselves, but this iPhone synthesizer is too cool to stand. Wait for the piano sequence around 2:10. Oh, and the song is pretty kick-ass too.

Prediction Markets for Media

Traders on MediaPredict give the Cavemen show on ABC a 6% chance of being renewed.

MediaPredict is a prediction market where traders bet play money on all sorts of media events that range from show renewals to season finales. (The Economist published a short write-up on the company a year ago.)

Advertising and Predictive Markets

Facebook, Twitter Buzz Visualized

Facebook’s Lexicon graphs occurrences of every queried term (up to five at a time, above: “cucumber”, “tomato”) across profile, group and event Walls, illustrating the ebb and flow of user buzz. What’s up with that cucumber buzz spike?
Facebook blog

People on twitter talk more about tomatoes than cucumbers as well (see twittermeter, also see these other cool viz tools):

Block Twitter Madness Out of Your Life

Let me start by acknowledging that Twitter looks useful. I remain one of those who don’t get it (I tried), but there are many other things I don’t quite understand and in most cases my ignorance is due to my own limitations.

So, Twitter, it’s not you, it’s me. A few things have been bugging me about you ever since we met — readers are not sheep to be called followers — but really, you are cool. We’ll remain polite to each other even if entrenched in our respective worldviews. Who knows, maybe we’ll do business together one day.

What I can’t explain — nor calmly bear — is the nauseating giddiness that’s been bubbling in my RSS reader for the past year. Everywhere I clicked, it’s been twitter this, twitter that. High-school dramas over who tweeted what to whom. (Speaking of 2.0 dramas, here’s a great collection.) It was amusing for a couple of months, after which I hoped the spotlight would turn away. It never did, so I thought I’d do something about it myself. Now, everywhere I browse, the words “twitter” and its derivatives are replaced with what the whole thing really is – “madness”. All it took was a Greasemonkey Firefox extension and a slightly tweaked profanity filter.

It’s like one moment you have hundreds of canaries in your room, and then suddenly someone turns them all off.

It’s quieter, and everything makes a lot more sense, too.

The followers of GapingVoid’s author mourned his departure from madness in some 150 comments.

Make Games with MS Excel

I wrote about games build in and for MS Excel earlier, and now Gamasutra runs a very detailed feature showing some of the hidden powers of the office application:

“It’s time to learn a new 3D game engine name: Microsoft Excel.

It is understood that Excel is an all-round office tool, but probably it is unknown that it has a bunch of features that makes Excel a high-class 3D graphics engine.

In this article I will demonstrate Excel’s arithmetical facilities, the embedded rendering subsystems (there are two of them!) and the revolutionary approach which might just cause a paradigm shift. I hope you will discover that Excel effectively and efficiently incorporates practicality, tons of features, the multi-platform portability and the high performance with the unique and futuristic 3D engine features.”

Check out Excel Music Synthesizer build on MS Excel 2007.

PowerPoint Karaoke