Mercedes C and E-Class Bear Ghosts of an Illustrious Past
Posted in: Uncategorized“I think I need to talk to you about something.”
“I think I need to talk to you about something.”
In Doctor’s Office, Cat Sitting and Airport, Wieden+Kennedy, NY depict ESPN Radio as a network so down-to-earth that audience members will think nothing of taking liberties I wouldn’t take with my mom.
I want to tell you that I don’t like it. That its lack of high concept makes me wince. That it utilizes a jingle. But I can’t. I just can’t. Dammit, I like the the $5 footlong spots. There I said it. And I am not ashamed. Much.
Oh,Lincoln likes them, too. Wonder what Jared thinks?
Family Resources in Florida tapped Salter>Mitchell to help promote marriage on the Fed’s dime. (Your tax dollars at work! …Just sayin’.)
If you watch any TV at all, you’ve probably seen that Saturn ad where a bunch of people go “That’s a Saturn…?” and then “That’s a Saturn?” and then (with contempt!) “That’s not a Saturn!” followed by the admiring “That’s a Saturn, all right!”
I’ve always liked the Whiteboard ads. Yeah, yeah, I know a lot of you too-cool-for-schoolers are haters but I think the campaign is smart, differentiating, and appropriate for the brand. Top it off with the fact that is sells pretty hard, too. I’ve also always felt there was a real charm to the simplicity of the spots and the clever illustrations. But a great deal of that goes away, for me anyway, once you add the animation and the extra characters in with Azula.
So, here’s the question I’m posing to people who know or would like to posit: Did the campaign need to evolve for message or did the creatives simply get bored before we (or at least I) did?
Spoof meets the big-leagues in this trailer for Under the Same Moon, a Hispanic-American film with a title so sappy it could itself be a spoof.
French company Tefal is promoting a newfangled muscle:fat tracking scale for beachside midlifers that suffer the indignity of sucking it in.
Check out this dope Hispanic pop culture mash-up for MTV, put together by PandaPanther. It’s totally random, but maybe random is better than seeming too focused. Interstitials like this one will appear in the MTV Tr3s Top 20 countdown…
Have you ever been to Build-a-Bear? You know how the employees give you a little heart pillow to wish on and put inside your bear, right before it’s sewn up?
The ads are French and they debut on the 26th of this month.
The tagline: “Avec Coca-Cola, on parle tous football,” which translates to something like “With Coca-Cola, everyone speaks football,” which is a roundabout way of saying Coca-Cola makes football buddies of unlikely pairs.
More Beijing Olympics/Adidas gorgiosity by TBWA/China and Psyop. This one tells the story of Hu Jia, a competitive diver who in five years won a slew of Olympian silvers before taking the gold in Athens. Great mix of individual determination and community pride in these spots.
“There are many thankless jobs out there. This – isn’t – one of them,” barks this new ad, “Thankless Jobs,” for the US Coast Guard.
Watch closely as a Ford F-150 is harnessed into living form by the mercurial fluid of the cold, hard streets. Kind of like Alex Mack.
There are few things more lame than a competitive staring match between two non-blinking pros, unless those pros are also inanimate objects.
We swear we’ve seen this before, but it’s been lost in the vast archives of Adrants — which contains not only ads, but souls, your precious time (WASTED! HAHA) and other doodads.
Tonight, is a big, big night for brands. Star brands, studio brands and marketer brands all mix on the red carpet. We can count on the Nicholson brand doing well tonight. It’s a tradition to cut to him grinning in the audience. His smile is as iconic as the Clydesdales. But what about the marketers that are making their big bet with this event instead of the hyper-hyped Super Bowl? Follow a live chat with the pundits on Adfreak’s new OscarFreak. If you are so moved, leave your opinions on the winners and losers here or as an audio comment. We’ll update this post with our own opinion in the morning. In the meantime, we already know what Judd Apatow thinks of the whole thing.
Courtesy of Anonymous Content, for the Maryland Lotto’s Big Bucks Party Pack:
Now that the Writers Strike is over, people are clamoring to know when their shows are going to return with new episodes. The short answer for many is "not for a while, but check back in April." For others, however, that answer may be "never again."
On that short list of "never again" could be the Cavemen show inspired by the GEICO commericals. What does that mean for our unshaven friends? How about a new online/Facebook campaign for GEICO? I’m not sure if this was something created a long while back for GEICO, or if this is a new offering. In any case, if the Cavemen come back to commercial-land, I’ll be happy.