JWT, MassMarket Make Using Tissues Seem Fashionable

MassMarket and JWT New York have partnered up with noted fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi to make blowing mucus into a tissue fashionable for Kleenex in the new spot “Do My Thing.”

The 30-second spot, directed by Grady Hall, highlights different women (there are only women in this ad, because men don’t use tissues — they just blow snot rockets) expressing their personal style with their Kleenex selection. The new designs follow the ladies, enveloping their surroundings in their patterns and colors. To achieve the effect, MassMarket “brought together an interesting mix of artists and techniques to smoothly unite the multiple shots for this project,” explains VFX supervisor Diego Vazquez. This included implementing “traditional 2D, stylistic motion graphics and dynamic 3D.” The team’s distinctive visual design really shines in the spot, succeeding at making Kleenex’s new styles seem appealing and inviting. Credits after the jump. continued…

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Bacardi, OW Get Revolutionary with Rum

You rumdrinkers out there might not have known this while pounding down eight dollar shots at trendy bars, but Bacardi Rum has quite the historical significance. Think Cuban Revolution, Spanish-American War, and the Rough Riders. I don’t remember learning about any of these connections in social studies class – hmm, I wonder why, board of education? – but thanks to OppermanWeiss, “¡Vivimos!” the history of Emilio Bacardi Moreau and his company’s revolutionary roots will be on display in the coming weeks with a cinematic spin.

The above clip is the second ¡Vivimos! spot from OW and director Jake Scott, featuring a handsome and thinly mustachioed version of Emilio Bacardi Moreau set to a grainy image filter. The video does embellish a bit, making it appear as if our Bacardi hero was going to be gunned down spaghetti western style. Truthfully, or at least according to the Bacardi website, Bacardi Moreau was exiled from Cuba to North Africa twice, but who are we to nitpick with an actiony marketing campaign 115 years after the fact? Also be on the lookout for the ad in movie theaters, because Bacardi and Screen Vision partnered to put the clip on 100,000 screens across the country. And if you are really into Cuban revolutions, the brand is unrolling added content through Shazam, so everyone can also vivimos with their smartphones out.

Credits after the jump.


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