Surviving An Existential Winter
Posted in: UncategorizedAl Jazeera follows Occupy through the winter as the movement continues to build after violent evictions across the country.
Al Jazeera follows Occupy through the winter as the movement continues to build after violent evictions across the country.
An indie filmmaker traveled to Zuccotti in September 2011… this is what he saw.
Check out this creative jam from the land of Starbucks.
Over the course of history, human welfare has transformed from an economy of gifts to an economy of commodities. In his new book, Sacred Economics, Charles Eisenstein explores how we can realign towards the humanity-based economy.
Today’s global economic realities reveal deep fissures within mainstream economic theory. Could this be the swansong of global capitalism or the beginning of an even more aggressive phase of neo-classical economics?
A year after the Arab Spring touched down in Bahrain, the people of that country are still demanding change. At Pearl Roundabout, the epicentre of last years’ vicious government crackdown, protestors have gathered again.
“We’ve seen it before, we’ve fought it before, we’ve beat it before.”
The organization Israeli Apartheid Week has put out the call for citizens of the world to support Palestinian freedom, and to take part in global actions starting February and March 2012.
Our mental software is ill prepared for the technological experiment humans have unleashed on the natural world … but it’s not too late to update the program. If you haven’t already, check out this award-winning documentary inspired by Ronald Wright’s 2005 book, A Short History of Progress.
Live stream from the nonviolent Occupy Movement in NYC and financial districts around the world.
Live stream from the nonviolent Occupy Movement in NYC and financial districts around the world.
“Winner Take All Politics” authors Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson discuss Washington’s preoccupation with the economic concerns of the 1% at the expense of the rest.
The Occupy movement has taken much of its inspiration from Spain’s “Outraged” movement. What lessons does Spain have for Occupy now?
Via The Real News. Transcript of the interview available here.
Once a rising star in the industrialized world, Ireland now has the highest per capita national debt in the world – a debt to be paid by the people, not the 1% behind the crash.
Read more at Al Jazeera:…
“Shoot first, think later.”
Watch and learn about the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) being debated in Washington, legislation that will give big companies and government agencies the power to shut down any website they please.
Find out more at http://
While you’re reading this, congress is debating a bill – the Protect IP/SOPA Act – that will radically suppress the free-flow of information on the web. Go to and tell your Member of Congress to say no.
Find out more at:
How the multinational corporate kleptocracy and global tax evasion keeps millions of Sub-Saharan Africans trapped in poverty.
Money taken illegally from the developing world is worth 10 times annual global aid budgets, according to a recent study by a Swedish agency, Forum Syd.
Tax evasions by multinational companies in Africa is so vast that one tax analyst believes that if the money were paid, most of the continent would be “developed” by now.
But, lacking a sophisticated tax code, or the people qualified to enforce tax laws, many African countries continue to lose money that could solve most of its financial problems.
Al Jazeera’s Peter Greste reports from Nairobi.
As American politicians gear up the rhetoric for yet another Middle Eastern conflict, don’t forget to consider the special interests pulling the strings.
A year and a half after Toronto’s G20 protests, 6 organizers face sentences of up to 2 years in jail. Here’s a message from those still on trial by the Canadian government.
Read the full statement at and show your support!
American unions have been in steady decline for two decades, accounting for a paltry 7% of workers today. Al-Jazeera investigates the concentrated attack by mega-corporations on labor and how #Occupy Wall Street could spark revival.
Unrepentant architects of the financial crisis, Goldman Sachs, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Harvey Mansfield and Niall Ferguson get a holiday visit from the Occu-elves.