Tim Tebow Throws Babies

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Hahahaha. Nice Tim Tebow spoof.
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Exclusive! Sneak Peek At Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad (OK, Not Really)

div class=”imageleft”img alt=”tim_tebow_spoof.jpg” src=”http://www.adrants.com/images/tim_tebow_spoof.jpg” width=”150″ height=”85″ //div

Want to see the Tim Tebow ad?
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Yet Another Viagra Spoof


When a four hour erection isn’t long enough, there’s Stifficade.

DirecTV Ads Now Feature Heath Ledger, JFK, Jesus


If you had an issue with the Chris Farley commercial for DirecTV, you might have an issue with these spots featuring John F. Kennedy, Heath Ledger and Jesus.

Soccer Ball Causes Plane Crash in Israel


OK so the fake plane crash thing has been done before.

Mentos Isn’t The Only Thing That Makes Soft Drinks Explode


Apparently this Sprite commercial was banned in Germany though it’s listed as spec work on YouTube.

GM is Retarded


“We at GM have been screwing your tailpipe for years. And now with your help and the inefficiency of the American government, we’re gonna screw you again.”

Are You A Loser Who Can’t Find Your Own Wife?


Spoofing the whole mail order bride thing.

Scho-Ka-Kola: ‘Chocolate Bull’ for Energy Junkies with a Sweet Tooth.


Funny or Die does its part for the German economy: bringing much-needed international awareness to Scho-Ka-Kola, a chocolate energy product whose campy packaging has begged for spoofage for years without relief.

‘Come on Down to Clevelandtown, Everyone!’


“Buy some food that’s prepared near the street!”

Homeless Frank Gets a Grand to Sniff Out PCs


Microsoft’s objectively douchey “Laptop Hunters” was overripe for parody from moment of launch, hence this spoof featuring Homeless Frank, who’s offered a grand to buy a PC.

Inside All of Us is…Poop


Wait, what? So here’s the deal.

Mystery Solved! Peter Arnell is Mister Six in Disguise!


Oh now it all makes sense.

It’s the New WTF Blanket!


You’ve heard of the Snuggie, right? No? Well you’re missing out on one of the coolest new fashion ever to hit the … television in the form of a stupid infomercial.

‘We Want People to Be Screaming from Houses Across the Country’


Guerrilla Comm and Silicon Alley Insider scooped us on this Onion spoof on Sony: its complex, overambitious product line, and utopic rape-your-eyeballs ad strategy.

Breaking! New Technology Turns Computer Screen Into Tanning Bed


To convince people of the dangers of skin cancer, UK charity SKCin, with help from Rubber Republic, has launched ComputerTan

Bud Macs, Portfolios Gamed, Animals Fed, Diversity Tackled


This is really, really lame but since it has to do with Super Bowl advertising we’re gonna share.

Lady Lashes Out Against Ubiquitous Yogurt Advertising


“Yogurt eaters come from every race, but just one socio-economic class: the class that wears gray hoodies. It’s that ‘I have a Masters, but then I got married’ look!”

Got A Fat Ass? Derrie-Air Wants Your Booty


While it purports to be for a good cause, it’s also tossing aside political correctness and charging passengers by the pound.

‘Oh My God, I Hate the Spartan Laser!’


After all the accolades that rained down on Halo 3’s “Believe” campaign this past awards season, the last thing I wanted to see was yet another monument to the game’s mystique. But this spoof about a homicide detective investigating a dead rookie Team Slayer makes “Believe” seem fresh again.