We are all aware that arts and images are not the only thing that makes ads complete. There will be always the famous slogans and taglines to which contributes to the ultimate purpose of making brands stick into the minds of the consumer market.
Brand recall is a perfect pitch to make any product or service become totally familiar in the minds of the consumer. Although it may not immediately create an impact, effective slogans will really be something you should aware of if you want your whole advertising campaign to serve its purpose well.
Some famous slogans:
- Coca Cola – “Always Coca Colaâ€
- Camay Soap – “You’ll be lovelier each day, with fabulous pink Camay.”
- Playstation 2 – “Fun anyone?”
- Singapore Airlines – “Singapore Girl, you’re a great way to fly”
- Verison Wireless – “Can you hear me now?? Good!!”
You can find more of the famous advertising slogans here.