Rooster NY Teases New ‘How to Do Everything in the World’ Series for Vans

Rooster NY has teamed up with Vans for a new series called “How to Do Everything in the World,” starring Gavin McIness, of baby-fighting fame.

The series marks the third straight season Rooster has teamed up with Vans for their “Off The Wall” programs, a common sense match considering the agency/production company’s skateboarding proclivities. “With all the life hacks and listicles available on the web, we wanted to make sure that the really, really, really important things people need to know didn’t slip through the cracks,” says Arzi Rachman. The new series promises to teach viewers how to “fight, drink fly, and more.” And if Gavin McIness’ involvement is any indication, we can probably expect it to be pretty funny. Check out the trailer for yourself above, and keep your eyes peeled for the new series starting on April 23rd at the Off The Wall site.


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