Area 23 Creates ‘The State of Diabetes’ for The diaTribe Foundation

Area 23, part of FCB Health, teamed up with diabetes advocacy organization The diaTribe Foundation for a campaign called “The State of Diabetes” launching today, on World Diabetes Day.

The campaign is based around the insight that if the 343 million people living with type 2 diabetes around the world were recognized as a sovereign state by the United Nations it would be the world’s third largest country. So Area 23 and The diaTribe Foundation launched an initiative petitioning the United Nations to recognize type 2 diabetes as a sovereign nation. While it’s fair to assume that no one involved actually expects that one to pan out, The diaTribe Foundation hopes the initiative will “spark conversations about furthering education and awareness efforts, and even inspire access to healthier food across the globe.”

“In emerging nations—where processed and fast foods are too often more accessible than healthier options—‘lifestyle choices’ may not really be choices,” explains Kelly Close, founder of The diaTribe Foundation. “Education on an individual basis is only one piece of the puzzle. We need to put type 2 diabetes awareness on the agenda, at the national and international levels.”

Area 23 also worked with artist Henry Hargreaves and director Tim Hawkey for a PSA video promoting the initiative. The video sees Hargreaves construct a world map made out of the kind of unhealthy foods that can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes and asks “What kind of world are we creating?” before directing viewers to the campaign microsite, where they can choose to sign a petition addressed to the UN. Print ads for the campaign are designed to drive traffic to the microsite as well, while social media efforts will also support the campaign. (more…)

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Draftfcb NY Soundtracks Jamaican Bobsled Team

Yesterday we brought news of Draftfcb New York’s case study for the Jamaica Tourist Board. Well, that agency is feelin’ the rhythm and has just released a song for the Jamaican bobsled team, called, appropriately enough, “The Bobsled Song.”

The song was written by Sidney Mills and Jon Notar, “according to the shape and length of the actual race track” at Sochi, in order to act as a soundtrack to Jamaica’s run. What’s more, the song’s lyrics sync up perfectly with the lefts, rights, and straightaways of the course. This is best illustrated in the fun, mostly 8-bit video game style music video above. (Anyone else wish this game was real?) Everybody loves Jamaica’s bobsled team, thanks to Cool Runnings, and now there’s one more reason to watch Jamaica compete at Sochi. This Sunday, head on over to, tune in for the first heat at 11:15 AM, and the second heat at 12:45 PM, and play “The Bobsled Song” when Jamaica starts their run. Or follow @VisitJamaicaNow on Twitter for updates on when team Jamaica runs. It’s bobsled time. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Draftfcb NY Releases Jamaica Tourist Board Case Study

Back in 2012, the Jamaica Tourist Board decided to stick with Draftfcb New York (who started work for them all the way back in 1991) for five years following a competitive review.

That decision seems to have paid off, as Draftcb just released a case study for the Jamaica Tourist Board, and the results are pretty irie. The agency’s recent campaign for Jamaica Tourist Board, which included setting up a the world’s largest stress ball in Times Square this past November, brought results including a 423% increase in Facebook daily impressions, 1,264% increase in Facebook engagement. Draftfcb spends the ending of the 2 minute video interviewing New Yorker’s who are clearly still stressed out. Maybe they need to take the advice of the Tourist Board’s Christopher Dobson, and “come down to the beautiful, warm island of Jamaica,” where they have more efficient means of relaxation. Credits after the jump.


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