Nail, Stonyfield Want You to ‘Cheat on Greek’

Nail Communications has launched an innuendo-laden campaign for Stonyfield Organic’s Petite Creme yogurt.

In the pre-roll video (featured above), entitled “Confessions,” a group of women talk about Greek yogurt, albeit in somewhat suggestive terms. It opens with a woman laughing and saying, “I don’t know, a couple times a week, I guess,” before whispering “I don’t really enjoy it.” “It’s just too much in the morning,” adds another woman. The spot concludes by asking, “Not satisfied with Greek yogurt,” followed by the “Cheat on Greek” tagline and a shot of Stonyfield Organic’s alternative.

A “Choose Your Own Adventure” style series of YouTube videos also deals in suggestiveness. The first video in the series asks “So you want to cheat on Greek?” Answer “yes” and you’ll get a coupon, “no” and you’re redirected to a video asking “Are you sure?” Here the series makes a grammatical error, as answering “Yes” to “Are you sure?” lands you the coupon, while “No” leads to a series of videos of “hunks” who attempt to seduce you. (And the suggestiveness gets a little gross, with one guy offering “pure pleasure and ten grams of protein.”) All the videos can be found on the campaign’s microsite. We expect a protest from the American Family Association for Stonyfield’s “promotion of adultery” within 72 hours.

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DDB California, Kingsford Want You to ‘Get Off Your Gas’

With barbecue season right around the corner, DDB California has a new campaign for Kingsford Charcoal, complete with the new tagline, “Get Off Your Gas.”

In the 30-second broadcast spot, “The Social Grill,” DDB California pokes fun at the cultural obsession with social media. As attendees of a fun-looking  backyard barbecue look on, a man’s next door neighbor uses his “Social Grill,” a gas grill with social media capabilities. The man, grilling alone, takes a selfie and uses the grill’s speech activation and other goofy features, while the barbecue attendees simply relax and grill up some tasty grub. In addition to the TV spot, the campaign also features online videos and digital skins on as well as Kingsford-owned social channels. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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