Astronaut Crash Lands Into Bed With Super-Hot Chick


Hmm. It’s like Fallen Angels except with astronauts. Axe really does have some sort of twisted preoccupation with the sky. BBH London has created the next entry in the brand’s astronaut-themed ad campaign. In this outing, we see the after effects of interplay between a crash-landed astronaut and his lucky hottie.

Anyway, it’s all to tout the fact showering with Axe is like showering like a hero. Which, of course, would be nice if it were true.

Durex Helps Partners Fondle Each Other Over Webcam


So back in the day, we had AOL chat rooms. Then Yahoo chat rooms. And, youngsters, this was before it was easy to see or send a picture of whomever you were chatting with. You had to use your imagination! Actually, that was usually a much better experience.

Then came voice chat. Then video chat in its various incarnations. But the one thing that was missing from these digital experiences was touch. Well, at least touch from the person with whom you were chatting. Oh come on. We’re all adults here. You know exactly what I’m talking about.

In any event, Durex has seemingly solved the lack of physical touch during digital interactions. The condom brand has developed Fundawear, underwear with built in “touchers” that can be controlled by an app allowing your webcam partner to do all the things they used to tell you they wanted to do if only they were right there next to you.

But there seems to be one downfall to this revolutionary invention. In order to be “touched,” one must wear the underwear. Which, sadly, means a whole lot less nudity online. All of which causes one to wonder if this is some super-secret, clandestine effort by a collection of conservative cause groups aimed at ridding the internet of nudity. If so, quite brilliant.

Check out the Facebook promotion here where you can get your own pair of Fundawear.

Semi-Naked Teens With Hand-Bras Promote Swiss Magazine


It would seem this ad is aimed at parents who have inadvertently stumbled upon images of their daughters online in, shall we say, compromising positions. It’s for the Swiss parenting magazine Fritz Franzi.

Of course it being a Swiss ad written in English with formulaic, minimal copy and image in the lower right hand corner posted to Ads of the World almost proves it’s not a real ad. We’ve reached out to Fritz Franzi for confirmation.

The magazine, though, is real and provides parenting advice for parents with school-age children. Via.

Guys, Shave Your Balls if You Want to Get With Kate Upton


Guys, if you had a chance to make it with Kate Upton, you had beter play by her rules. And her rules require you to, yes, shave your balls. Ms. Upton appears in a Gillette video saying as much while mastering the art of the Boob Jiggle Chuckle. What’s the Boob Jiggle Chuckle? Watch the video and you’ll find out. And where’s the animated gif? Come on, people. This video is a week old! Get on it!

While Ms. Upton certainly does have wonderfully jiggle-tastic boobs, the rest of her is shaped like a boy. We prefer this.

Drink Milk. Get Laid By A Water Nymph


There’s nothing worse than a sex dream that gets interrupted before, well, you “finish.” So drink milk and get laid by a water nymph. Yea, that’s the message Jeff Goodby gives us in this Goodby, Silverstein & Partners commercial for the California Milk Processors Board.

So yea. Drink milk. Get laid. And “finish” your sex dreams. Which, apparently, milk can guarentee if you drink a glass before bed.

Real-Time Marketing? How About Real-Time Sexy?


All this talk about real-time marketing, inappropriate tweets and Tiger Woods has us in serious need of a relaxing diversion. Well thanks to Victoria’s Secret answering the question, “What is sexy?”, with a bunch of lingerie-clad models prancing about, we have our diversion. Enjoy.

Blush Lingerie Supports Pussy Riot With Lingerie Stunt


In support of Pussy Riot band members who were arrested and sent to prison last year for protesting against Vladimir Putin on the alter of a Moscow cathedral, Bush Lingerie is out with an ad which features a lingerie-clad woman prancing through the streets of Russia.

The effort aims to raise $2,500 for one month of care for the band members.

Some will say, it’s a valiant effort. Others will say it’s just a brand leveraging a political issue for its own gain. We say it’s a woman prancing around in her lingerie. Relax and enjoy.

Ford in Hot Water Over Ads Featuring Bound, Gagged, Barely Dressed Hotties


An ad campaign created by an Indian agency for Ford has come under fire for its creative approach. Three ads, which tout the brand’s Indian-made Ford Figo, feature cartoon characatures of women (and men) bound and gagged in the vehicle’s trunk.

Ford has issued an apology which, in part, reads, “We deeply regret the publishing of posters that were distasteful and contrary to the standards of professionalism and decency within WPP Group. These were never intended for paid publication and should never have been created, let alone uploaded to the internet. This was the result of individuals acting without proper oversight and appropriate actions have been taken within the agency.”

One ad features Paris Hilton along with Khloe, Kourtney and Kim Kardashian. A second ad features former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi with three busty women. And a third features Formula One racer Michael Schumacher with three other racers, Sebastian Vettel, Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso tied up in the back.

The ads, never intended for publication, were leaked to the internet.

Of the ads, the Ford statement continued, “The posters are contrary to the standards of professionalism and decency within Ford and our agency partners. Together with our partners, we are reviewing approval and oversight processes to help ensure nothing like this ever happens again.”

But, but, but…wouldn’t it be cool to open your trunk and find three hot guys or girls waiting to be rescued? Just think of the fun you could have with that. OK, OK, while we’re sure the creative team was going for some sort of dark humor, these sort of attempts rarely frly with a mainstream brand…let alone any brand.




‘Jaws’-Like Danger Threatens Bikini-Clad Bather


Here’s an interesting approach that calls attention to skin cancer prevention. Of course, it’s flawed because the sun can reach you even when you are in the water. Anyway, in this Peruvian ad, we see a bikini-clad lady make her way into the water. She is accompanied by the theme from Jaws. We here the theme song until she dips under water signaling the danger is over. That, of course, is the flaw but we get what the creators intended. Cover up. Keep yourself shielded from the sun’s harmful rays.

Valege Lingerie Helps Two Boobs Find Each Other


It’s all about proper cleavage, right? Just the right amount of inward and upward push to form that perfect crevice of delight every woman wants to have and every man wants to dive into. Well now thanks to Valege Lingerie, two boobs will never again suffer from being apart from one another.

Created by Paris-based Marcel, these three ads are, perhaps, the wittiest bra ads we’ve seen in some time. Cartoonish in nature, they avoid the in-your-face sexualization of Wonderbra and the impossible-to-achieve beauty approach of Victoria’s Secret. Just two boobs trying to get together. And every woman can relate to that.

Sports Illustrated Teases Swimsuit Issue


As if the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue actually needs any promotion. But that didin’t stop the brand from putting one out to support its week-long push to get everyone to clamor for its cleavage collection as if humans were a species that can’t get through one day without fantasizing about having sex with Kate Upton. Oh wait.

Percussionist Slaps Four Thong-Clad Asses


Here’s one of the more unique methods a musician can use to call attention to his band. Percussionist Jorge Perez, member of the musical group Patax, can be seen in this video having his way, musically speaking, with four woman who have offered up their thong-clad asses for Jorge to, well, slap as he sees fit.

Ashley Madison Slyly Sleazes Way Into Super Bowl


Right up there with PornHub in the great Super Bowl Free Publicity Land Grab game is Ashley Madison which just ran a print ad featuring a hotly-clad, coin-flipping female referee under the headline, “Do You Prefer Head or Tail?”

Oh how wonderfully witty! Head or Tail? Get it? Yea, we thought you did.

Ashley Madison, the website married people go to when they want to have an affair, placed the ad within a Super Bowl insert in the San Francisco Examiner.

Ashley Madison Founder Noel Biderman reportedly offered love-child fathering Dan Marinino a job saying, “The Dan Marino love child is just the latest in a long line of adulterous behavior supported by the organization. Should CBS fire Marino for his indiscretions, I’d be happy to have him on the team at AshleyMadison.”

Agent Provocateur Model Loses Her Pussy


So the whole pussy double entendre thing? Dead, done, gone, right? Nope. Agent Provocateur has dusted it off and is foisting in out face for it Valentine’s Day promotion.

So we have a woman wandering around her house in her lingerie (naturally) who hears a noise outside and her cat screeching. She heads outdoors and catches the attention of a man running by. And oh yes, she asks, “Have you seen my pussy?”

Well, yes, maam, it’s right there between your legs. OK, he didn’t say that. His tongue dropped, she scowled at him and he went on his while. Out lady friend then proceeds to continue looking for her cat by calling, “Here pussy, pussy, pussy….”

Diet Coke ‘Hunk’ Returns, Gets Giant Facial


Diet Coke is celebrating its 30th birthday with the return of the Diet Coke Hunk character. The ad is the fourth in a series which began in 1994. The original, which starred Lucky Vanous as shirtless construction worker, centered on a group of women who would gather in a office window every day at 11:30 to watch a shirtless Vanous take a break with a Diet Coke. Additional versions of the ad followed in 1998 and 2007. The 2007 version caused a bit of a storm as hunk actor Francois Xavier, unlike in other ads, did not take his shirt off.

This new 2013 version, entitled Gardener and directed by Rocky Morton, returns to it roots. In the ad, a group of five female friends sitting in the park during their lunch break watch the latest hunk, model Andrew Cooper, mowing the grass. One girl has an idea and sets a Diet Coke can rolling down the hill – timing it perfectly to intercept the gardener’s path. He picks it up, opens it, and as it has been shaken up, the Diet Coke shoots up all over him, soaking his t-shirt. Hmm. Remind anyone of anything? No, your mind is not in the gutter. It’s a blatant, sexually-fueled double entendre.

After the Diet Coke erupts all over him, Cooper gives the girls some topless entertainment. All perfectly innocent fun. But what if the gender roles where reversed? What if it were group of guys ogling a hot female gardener who took her top off (not revealing her breasts but a bikini top) after a Diet Coke erupted all over her face? Oh yes, you can bet the sexual objectification police would be all over that one. How dare a group of men get their rocks off watching a woman get a Diet Coke facial? How degrading! How insensitive!



MTV’s Wrist Slapped For Airing Racy ‘The Valleys’ Ad


Much of what we see on reality shows is a sad representation of the human race, or at minimum, the sliver who doesn’t mind their inner most idiocy broadcast to the world. MTV’s The Valleys is no exception. But we’re not here to debate the finer points of reality TV programming. We’re here to share with you an MTV UK ad promoting the network’s The Valleys.

The ad has been lambasted by the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority which said, “Many of the interactions between individuals at the party were depicted with a sexual element and we considered that the overall tone of the ad was sexual.”

Indeed, the ad is filled with sexually-charged content such as a women juggling (flexing) her breasts, a girl grabbing her naked ass, a buy motorboating a girl’s breasts, two girls riding a stuffed sheep and a woman licking a guy’s nipples.

The ASA hasn’t banned the ad but they were not pleased with Clearcast which is responsible for approving ads for broadcast and claimed the ad would not be shown in children’s programming. Additionally, the ASA has informed MTV the ad should not air prior to 7:30PM.

Terry Richardson Shoots Sexed-Up 2013 Equinox Campaign


Fitness brand Equinox has once again hooked up with photographer Terry Richardson to shoot the brand’s 2013 ad campaign. The campaign, shot at the Pierre Koenig Stahl House in Hollywood Hills is said to “voyeuristically capture a moment made possible by the Equinox-powered body.”

So the takeaway? If you work out at Equinox, you can look hot walking up stairs in high heels, slink across a pool table in a sexy cocktail dress, peer knowingly into the camera while laying on a bed as a headless hottie stands over you and strike a starter block pose naked while yet another impossibly hot woman drapes herself over your back.

See? Staying fit dertainly does have its benefits, right?

Richardson’s work for the brand’s 2012 campaign came under fire for degrading women.




The 30 Sexiest Ads of 2012


During the holidays the serious business of advertising is a bit slow. Most of you are visiting relatives, drinking egg nog and eating ham. And probably looking for something a bit more interesting than a fourth viewing of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. So it’s the perfect time to bring you a round up of the year’s sexiest advertising.

Yea, we know. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not really that important. But it is fun. And if there’s any time of the year when you have bit of extra time to have fun, it’s during the holidays.


If you are working, your boss is relaxing in the Caribbean and your clients are off skiing in Europe so you have you have nothing better to do than pass the time reading this sort of silliness on Adrants.

So here we go. In no particular order, here are the 30 (or so) sexiest ads of 2012.

Agent Provocateur Has A Threesome

In February, lingerie brand Agent Provocateur brought us several sexy scenarios, one of which included a man and two women frolicking beneath the sheets. The RSA-created work, which will included a series of three videos, was described as a “departure from the fierce and overtly sexy world in favor of a softer, more romantic type of erotica.” Perhaps. Though it’s still sex.

Carl’s Jr. Knows How to Sex Up A Barbecue


Sort of like a sexed up version of the classic 1980’s Reeses Peanut Butter Cups commercial, Carl’s Jr. delivered a couple of smoking hot barbecue babes appropriately clad in cleavage-enhancing halter tops, ass cheek revealing short shorts and stem-enhancing FM footwear to tout the marriage of pulled pork and hamburger.

In the ad, the two distractingly delicious ladies, each embodying the qualities of both the girl next door you want to introduce to your mother and the tantalizingly drool-worthy girl you want to slam up against the wall and…oh…sorry…back to the business at hand, tussle at the grill until their gyrations result in the “invention” of the Carl’s Jr. Memphis BBQ Burger.

Liquid Plumber Snakes Drains and Flushes Pipes

Even ads targeting suburban housewives can be sexy. And Liquid Plumber showed us just how it’s done. Dropping just about every sexual double-entendre known to man, a woman in a grocery store has a fantasy in which she gets the double impact of having her drain snaked and her pipe flushed. The kids won’t be off the school bus for two hours. Plenty pf time top play.

Kate Upton Earns Ad Babe of the Year Award


Appearing in no less than five commercials in 2012, super hot Kate Upton flaunted her 34D’s as proudly as a mother cheering on her child at the Olympics. Upton earns special mention on the list this year purely for the voluminous volume of prodigious pulchritude she shared with us throughout the year. Throughout the year, Upton appeared in ads for 2K Sports, DirecTV, Carl’s Jr., Skullcandy, Guess and Zoo York

Saatchi & Saatchi Hypes Cannes New Director’s With Porn Shoot

This one’s more pure fun and hilarity than sexy. Touting the Cannes New Directors’ Showcase, this Saatchi & Saatchi London-created video directed by Chris Palmer features an adult film maker who wishes he was making commercials. Watch and see if you can identify all the ad-related references. Funny stuff.

Kelly Brook Explains How Her Boobs Got So Big


This ad featuring busty babe Kelly Brook tells us “You could have a pair like Kelly’s” if you just pick up a pair of official Sports Relief Socks at your local (if you’re in England) Sainsbury today.

Megan Fox Heats Things Up For Sharper Image and Acer

While we think Megan Fox was decidedly cuter/hotter/prettier in during her Transformers Days, she still captures the eye quite alluringly. In 2012, Fox appeared in a few campaigns for Sharper Image and one for Acer. In the former, she does the usual hot ad babe thing. In the latter, she gets a bit more brainy.





Agent Provocateur: Still Making Ads Only Men Can Dream Up

Um, like, yea. This would totally happen. Maybe in the Penthouse Forum section (does that still even exist?) but certainly not in your real life. Likely, you’d get some sweaty pig with too much body hair and a beer gut chasing you in tighty whities than some hot chick whose dress happens to rip off revealing her super hot lingerie. But it’s an ad. And it has a hot chick in it. So it’s on the list.

Surfing is the Hottest Sport


Perhaps the hottest ad of the year, this lascivious objectification of surfer girls is a slow motion paradise of bootyliciousness that shows no shame in gratuitously lusting after three pretty young things to hype a surf camp. And that, my friends, is what makes it a sexy ad. Like it or not.

Miranda Kerr Heats Up the Beach


The stunningly sexy Miranda Kerr appeared in a Victoria’s Secret commercial for the brand’s Summer 2012 line of cotton lingerie. Set to the tune of Rhye’s “Open,” (which may be central to some sort of copyright issue because the sound on the video has been disabled) the commercial has Kerr in a tropical, beach-side setting lounging around and prancing about while grinning at the camera and caressing her own body.

Porn Star Irons While Having Sex

International porn legend, Nacho Vidal, has unleashed his secret to stellar performance in bedroom. In a comical mostly-NSFW video, we see the effects of the aphrodisiac/performance enhancement supplement Fortiplus on Vidal as he pleasures woman after woman after woman…all while he seemingly goes about his daily business. Epically funny.

Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders Do ‘Call Me Maybe’


Long, long ago in a time before Gangnam Style assaulted every last device connected to the interwebs and every last airwave signal, there was Carly Rae’s Call Me Maybe and it was big. Really big. Well, that was before Psy redefined the definition of big. Of the many Carly Rae Jepsen’s knock offs, the Miami Dolphins cheerleaders did one to promote their annual eye candy calendar.

Idealista Says Shut Up And Sleep With Me

In highschool it was cool to have sex in a car. Oh wait, not really. We had sex in cars back then because it’s not like we could bring our date to our parents house and have explosive sex within earshot of mom and dad.

But for adults, there’s no reason to have sex in a car. No reason at all. And housing site Idealista knows this. To convince those adults who are still doing it in the backseat they need to grow up and get a place of their own, the brand…shows people doing it in the backseat and getting caught. Hilarity ensues.

Big, Bodacious Boobs Boldly Build Business


How do you effectively promote a calendar that was created to hype a site which sells bikinis? You feature the site’s founders, Natasha Oakley and Devin Brugman, two impossibly-hot, epically-endowed ladies with, it would appear, an amazing business sense and the unfettered boldness to, well, use their bodies to build that business. You can further appreciate the pair’s qualities on their Tumblr and by following their Instagram accounts (Devin, Natasha, A Bikini A Day).

GoDaddy’s Post Hot Girl Advertising Still Hot


What’s a list of sexy ads without the grand purveyor of sex, GoDaddy? Not a list which is why we’re including the first work the brand’s new agency, Deutsch did for the agency. The new campaign introduced a new notion of sexy without completely dropping its old version of sexy. The new campaign began to highlight the behind the scenes sexiness of GoDaddy and what Go Daddy can do for its customers.

Hot Athlete + Slo-Mo = Lust-Filled Axe Ad

Half-dressed athletic women are, by definition, hot. And so are all women in Axe commercials. Put the two together and you’ve got yourself a Sexiest Ad of the Year contender. This ad, called Hot Putt, cobbles together athleticism, lust, drive, intensity, slo-mo drama and ridiculousness into a wonderfully weird bit of wittiliciousness.

Candace Swanepoel So Hot She Watches Herself Have Sex

Nudity and a plethora of S&M-like activity fill this Brian Atwood ad featuring Candace Swanepoel who sits in an office (naked) and watches herself on video screens engage in a bit of clothed, orgy-like action.

Monica Cruz Reveals True Self


In the mini-epic, called Wilhelmina, Monica Cruz steps out of a carriage into a dark, dingy and wet London street circa sometime in the 1800’s. She enters a building and is led to a back room, a photo studio of sorts where a gruff looking photographer promises his camera will “photograph your true self.” And because she is wearing Agent Provocateur lingerie, we know just what kind of true self we will see.

Girls Still Just Wanna Have Fun

This work for jewelry brand Morellato featuring Russian model Irina Shayk takes Cyndi Lauper’s Girls Just Wanna Have Fun to heart. And if we are to believe this ad, prancing around, caressing one’s own deliciousness and making seductive eye contact are all a girl needs to do to have fun.

Lara Stone Does Double Entendre-Filled Breast Flesh Fetish-Fest

This ad for Calvin Klein, set to the tune of Salt n’ Pepa’s Push It, is a double entendre-filled, breast flesh fetish-fest in which Stone thrusts forth her bulging globes of glory while gyrating and asking viewers to “push it good.” And push it it exactly what some will want or need to do after viewing.

Bouncing Boobs Still An Advertising Mainstay


And in the “nothing sexier than a pair of bouncing boobs” category comes this work for Mack Boots in which Renee Somerfield tantalizes a poor pooch with her pulchritudinous puppies.

Sex in Advertising Sells…Advertising

In Portugal, they have no problem whatsoever sexualizing not just advertising but the industry itself. Ah, if only working in advertising where really like this. After all, who wouldn’t want to knock out a few creative ideas while bathing in a hottub with a threesome of awesome?

The Hottest Toothpaste Ad You WIll Ever See

In this very strange but sexy ad, a man and a woman return home from an evening out and proceed to go at each other as if neither of them have had sex in over a year. The intensity builds, the passion mounts and…well…just watch it all the way to the end.

Ann Sommers Sexes Things Up With ‘Christmas For Grownups’

Christmas has always been a time of joy and celebration for families the world over but lingerie and sex toy retailer Ann Summers wants us all to know Christmas is also very much for adults as well.

Mosquito Interrupts Wet Dream

Guys, ever have that feeling of uncontrollable urgency when your girl strips down to her underwear and climbs on top of you all ready for action? She smiles. Her breasts spill forth forming endless cleavage and you can’t wait to… Wait. What was that? She’s not your girl? And you’re dreaming? And there’s a fly in the room? Yes, this is how we sell mosquito repellent.

In Bed With Candace Boucher


Dressed in peach-colored lingerie, Candace enters a bedroom, drops her robe, gives us a view of her in sexy lingerie, slowly approaches a bed and then rolls across it in a way that, well, gets your mind moving in a certain direction. Remember, though. This is only a commercial. In real life, Candace probably wants nothing to do with you. Luckily this is only a commercial and you can let your mind travel wherever you please as you watch.

Ad Urges You to Squeeze Womens’ ‘Bits’

In a commercial overflowing with double entendres about women’s breasts, this ad for Club Orange will have you snickering as the ladies equate the juciy naturalness of oranges to breasts…which they squeeze just to be sure.

Awkwardly Sexy, Christmas-Themed Ad Pimps Funeral Parlor


OK so we’ve all seen those cheesy car dealer commercials filled with ridiculous inanities and horrific production values, right? But how about funeral parlor commercials? If you ever do see them they’re usually somber and dignified. Well, not so with Funeraria Lopez which, though not necessarily undignified, is certainly filled with cheese.

In the ad, we see the funeral owner, his staff or family, Santa and two hotties clad in sexy Santa costumes, one of whom can be seen lounging in a coffin.

Weird. Just weird.

Disney-Like Soundtrack + Bikini-Clad Model = Fruit Drink Ad


With a soundtrack that plays very much like a tune from the latest Disney pop star, this work from Israeli agency Reuveni Pridan IPG for fruit drink Yafora Tavori is all fun and frivolity…complete with a red-headed beauty in a bikini swimming with fish.

And somehow the notion of fish and salt water connotes a fruit drink that actually tastes good.