X-Men Meet Mad Men in Quiznos’ Newest Pop Culture Sandwich

Quiznos' Toasty.tv, a branded content hub that got an early boost from a popular Game of Thrones-House of Cards mashup, is once again pounding together two pop culture icons.

The results of Mad X-Men: Don Draper's Future Past are mixed, but one theme is consistent with the previous video: The main actor (Ross Marquand, who also played Quiznos' Frank Underwood and Rust Cohle in a spot-on AT&T parody) may not look the part, but he sure talks the part.

Somewhat ironically, the video's best scenes are almost pure Mad Men homage, with a random X-Men reference thrown in at the end. (If you're going to put that much effort into Mystique special effects, why waste it being awkward and quasi-homophobic? Eh, it's your money, Quiznos.)

Via Digg.

Quiznos Cooks Up a Winner With ‘House of Thrones,’ but Will Funny Videos Be Enough?

The buzz is heating up for Quiznos, who has scored a hit with its House of Cards/Game of Thrones mashup called House of Thrones.

Machiavellian Congressman Frank Underwood is transported to the Seven Kingdoms, where he eliminates characters as mercilessly as George R. R. Martin himself—though he avoids killing fan favorites like Tyrion Lannister, settling instead for a merciless teasing.

Hindered by a script that is only mildly funny, the spot is held aloft by an exceptional Kevin Spacey impersonator and a spot-on concept: crossing two of today's hottest properties for maximum viral effect. They even give a few spoiler-ish nods to the fans who've read all the way up through A Dance of Dragons.

Windowseat in Los Angeles created the video, which is part of Quiznos' new content strategy for its recently launched Toasty.tv site—an interesting ploy, considering that Quiznos has just filed for bankruptcy and people are questioning whether this kind of buzz will actually sell sandwiches.

Given the target market, this kind of advertising is great for the brand. But before they invest in entertainment, they should probably focus on making subs that aren't substandard.


Quiznos Vs. Subway

A few days ago I wrote about the Subway commercials advertising $5 foot-long subs with the annoying yet catchy jingle. Well, what do you know. Today, just now, I got home from work, find an excellent rerun of Top Chef and the firs thing I see is an ad from Quiznos for $5 foot-long subs. However, this one is lacking a little jingle. Instead I find myself in a laundromat where the lady behind the counter peels a five off the wall and eats it. The payoff? There is a better way to “eat five dollars.” They also boast more meat than Subway, which is why you are getting more bang for your buck. When it comes down to it and the battle of the $5 foot-long, Subway did it better. Quiznos strikes me as overdone and obvious (and what seems to be done in a crunch to compete with Subway’s offer). But take a look for yourself. I’ve even posted the Subway spot again.

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