Men Are Spending More to Improve Their Self-Worth. Don’t Be Dumb, Cash In Early


Earlier today, Gay List Daily sent its (mostly male) subscribers an invitation to try John Allan beauty products.

How Many Days Does it Take to Become a Sex Bomb?


Apparently seven.

Author Attacks Gawker With Britney Spears Stickers For Book Promotion


Gawker recently found the door to its offices plastered with Britney Spears stickers in an apparent retaliation for Gawker’s less than kind (though totally warranted) words about author Tao Lin’s promotional tactics

‘Hey Whipple, Squeeze This’ Will Add Four Hours to Your Workday


A few months ago, a senior copywriter recommended I read Hey Whipple, Squeeze This by Luke Sullivan. I was incredulous, mostly because I’ve been swinging off Ogilvy’s left you-know-what since Confessions of an Advertising Man.

‘Circus’ Knows How to Make Use of a Bombshell, Among Other Things


Circus is this brilliant boomer lifestyle magazine that describes itself like this: “Debate, discussion and controversy. Let’s talk about the over 50s.”

Powerlines: How Reagan Won Hearts and De Beers Made a Monopoly


We just finished reading Powerlines: Words That Sell Brands, Grip Fans, and Sometimes Change History, by CMO Steve Cone of Epsilon. (The one with the specs and the grimace.) It’s a survey of propaganda that probably helped color the landscape of your life. The last chapter has tips on creating a powerline — not a guaranteed formula, but still good stuff to keep in mind.

Seattle Times Takes Issue with Baring Vagina


This month the National Council of Jewish Women, Seattle is co-sponsoring a couple of performances for the Vagina Monologues at the Museum of History and Industry.