So, Now You’re Social; Got Personality?
Posted in: UncategorizedWhether a casual user, raving addict, or total agnostic, you’ve come into contact with Social Media (SM) sites and are aware of their influence on our daily lives: We can be hired, fired, or even jailed as a result of Social Media use. We can find lost loves, ruin current relationships, and even fix relationships…all in the social media space. There are SM experts, gurus, and enthusiasts. And of course, there are even SM celebritites. Not to mention those few of us that use Social Media for business (imagine that!).
But, please realize this, oh SM narcissists: Even though you have 1500 Facebook “friends” and 40,000 followers on Twitter “being social ? having personality.” Luckily, for all of us, we can now rate your personality via HubSpot’s free Personality Grader, saving us the time of following you.
“People often forget that your personality itself is a powerful marketing tool. With our new free application, marketers can ask their personality, ‘How we doin’?’ and avoid devastating social interactions. A fully optimized personality is a key piece of any successful inbound marketing strategy.” -HubSpot
Want to see how you rate? Go to the Grader and enter your name or the name that you use as your alias…depending on which you use more, results may differ.
When you find your score, let me know if you exhibit personality or find yourself “…sorta social, demented and sad, but social.” (from the The Breakfast Club)
Jeff Louis is a Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: or on twitter @jlo0312.