These Blatantly Racist and Fat-Shaming Ads Aren’t as Evil as They Seem

Do black people and fat people deserve to earn less money than skinny white people? 

Well, no, but the arguments in favor of such a wage gap are somewhat entertaining in two new spots from, a Belgian organization whose mission is to raise awareness about equal pay for … another demographic. (You can probably guess where this is going, but we won't spoil the surprise.)

The comparison certainly isn't perfect, and this tactic likely won't win over many who are unconcerned with the real wage gap at issue. It also probably won't go over too well with people who earnestly do feel held back in their careers because of their race or weight. But with ads so joyously sarcastic, it's hard to hold too much of a grudge.

Via Creative Criminals.


Coke Wants You to Live Like Grandpa, You Self-Destructive Slob

Your grandpa was a svelte boss. You, by comparison, are a junk-gobbling slob, according to a slick new split-screen ad for Coca-Cola from agency David in Buenos Aires. The spot, part of a larger effort to position Coke as anti-obesity, is meant to compare granddad's modest approach to life with today's steady diet of too much everything: oversized sandwiches, lattes and pre-TV-dinner hot dogs. Don't cut out Coca-Cola, though. Sugar water is cool, so long as you're riding your bike to work and taking the stairs. Because no matter what, it's important to enjoy life, and sugar water—or maybe aspartame water—is clearly the key to happiness. 


Gray Matter: Does This Ad Make Me Fat?

We could reduce obesity by finding its causes, but that isn’t so easy.

Fat superheroe watching TV / Gras Double!

obesesuper2008 obesesuper2009
Fat Batman for Sabugosa Bookstore – 2008
Agency : Fields (Brazil)
Fat Superman for Active Life Movement – 2009
Agency : Latin Works Austin, Texas (USA)
To see other ads using overweight super-heroes click here
C’est pas la 1ere fois que l’idée des gros super héros est utilisée, mais là ils sont carrément dans la même situation… bref une ressemblance un peu trop grosse pour être totalement fortuite?
Un télescopage paru d’abord dans CB News magazine N°1037
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DrinkACT Shows Off New BODY TRIM

actcanbluewhiteredlarger-fullHealth living requires health eating and that is precisely what DrinkACT is trying to preach. They have introduced their latest product BODY TRIM, a follow up to their previous all natural low calorie, naturally sweetened drink to the billion dollar plus energy drink, ACT or Advanced Cell Therapy.

BODY TRIM from ACT boosts energy and promotes weight loss as well as healthy cholesterol, blood sugar, cardiovascular system and immune systems with a proprietary blend of natural herbs and juices. It comes in convenient pouches that are easy to take to work or travel with. It only has 20 calories and is sweetened naturally with stevia.

(Source) Press