TBWAParis Raises Awareness for Amnesty International France

TBWAParis, Amnesty International France’s advertising agency for 10 years, has a new ad for the organization, which is celebrating its 35th anniversary.
The 1:55 film, entitled “Pens,” uses a clever visual device to tell the story of an unnamed protestor. The protestor is arrested, detained and abused, but released following thousands of petitions for his release. Set to a soundtrack performed by Paolo Nutini, with a short, stirring excerpt from Charlie Chaplin’s The Dictator, the spot champions Amnesty’s process of mobilization via the signatures of its supporters. “Pens” is a clear expression of Amnesty Frances’s ““your signature is more powerful than you think” slogan and a powerful encapsulation of what the organization stands for. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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Modern Day Pinocchio Unknowingly Lies About Sexual Health for AIDES

From TBWA\Paris comes a new spot for AIDES which depicts a wooden man dry-humping some girl he picked up at a bar. Titled “Woody” (because PENIS BONERZ HAHAHAHA), the spot is a reminder to girls everywhere that the dude you meet out at the club might have AIDS or Herpes or something but might not know it. Wrap that rascal, as the kids say. Rubber up! (As I say.)

As you may recall, AIDES is no stranger to provocative, weiner-laden advertising. Why just a few years ago they sent a CGI penis on vacation with the help of Goodby, Silverstein + Partners to remind us that you don’t know where that penis you’ve randomly encountered has been. It could be rubbing itself all over Aztec ruins for all you know.

On the same subject-ish, an aside: I attended a “Friendsgiving” party this past weekend where we all went around the room and said what we were thankful for. A rather intoxicated friend of mine stood up when it was his turn and announced loudly to the room, “You know, my penis has been a lot of places over the course of my life.” He then pointed to his girlfriend and said, “You’ve been the best!” Somehow, he managed not to get slapped. On that note, full super-French credits, and a making-of video, follow after the jump.


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TBWA Continues Ad Blitz for Nissan Note with Fun ‘Ghost Train’ Spot

“Anticipate the unexpected with Safety Shield technologies,” says a narrator in Paris-based TBWA\G1’s spot “Ghost Train” for the Nissan Note. Normally such an announcement would come as a somber reminder of what could go wrong without the aid of such technology, usually following the car stopping short of a child who has run into the street (or something along those lines). We’ve all seen those ads. But TBWA\G1 went a different route with “Ghost Train,” attempting to make a utilitarian technology seem fun.

In the work above, a couple takes their car into a kind of drive-in haunted house, which is a thing that really should exist. The driver is alerted by the Safety Shield technology before a series of the haunted house’s robotic ghosts and ghouls approach the car. They seem to be having a lot of fun, and the high-tech looking baddies are some good eye-candy. It’s an entertaining little 46-second spot (although the Franz Ferdinand song featured was a little annoying). Nothing mind-blowing, but I’ll take a little low-key Halloween fun to start my Monday. Credits after the jump.  continued…

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