David Lynch Christian Louboutin Spot: Très Chic or Just Strange?

It’s been eight years since David Lynch last released a full-length film, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been busy: he’s launched his own coffee line, become a spokesperson for transcendental meditation, written and directed this Dior video, designed limited-edition Dom Perignon labels, and teamed up with Alyssa Milano to create a line of lycra-based workout leggings.

The latest addition to his marketing oeuvre is this :30 spot for Rouge Louboutin, Christian Louboutin’s $50 nail polish that lets fashionistas match their mani/pedi to the brand’s iconic red-bottomed shoes.

That was exactly as strange as we expected it to be–though it still amounted to a more coherent narrative than Inland Empire.


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Khuong Nguyen x Louboutin

Voici une série de photographies retouchées pour la campagne de promotion de la nouvelle collection de chaussures Christian Louboutin. Dirigée par le photographe Khuong Nguyen, les visuels s’inspirent de contes connus pour mettre en scène les chaussures.








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