BBDO, Twix Encourage More Right Twix Vs. Left Twix Feuding

BBDO’s latest spot in its feudal Twix campaign, “Break Room,” continues to stoke the feud between left and right Twix.

In the spot, a worker in the left Twix factory wonders what a right Twix tastes like. As he takes a bite, a camera zooms in on him and a tube ejects him from the factory, presumably to the right Twix factory. Viewers are encouraged to “Try both. Pick a side.” I’d like to see a more in-depth discussion of the differences between the left and right Twix factories. Are the factory conditions really all that different? Is one more sanitary than the other? Who started this feud? Come on Twix, give us something to work with here.

This fight-stoking campaign seems flat out irresponsible. Why do you have to give us something to fight about, Twix? This could lead to ongoing feuds that rival the east coast vs. west coast battles of the 90s. Can’t we all just get along? Credits after the jump.  continued…

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Snickers Drops Down the Celebrity Hierarchy with Kenny G

Betty White, Joe Pesci, Robin Williams, and… Kenny G. Aside from picking the most odds-and-sods group of entertainers out there, Snickers and BBDO New York have a knack for choosing celebrities with just enough relevance for the “You’re not you when you’re hungry” campaign. The title for best Snickers jokester is a toss-up between White’s roughhousing football player and Pesci’s whiny wingman. The latest spot, “Cards,” won’t top its predecessors, mainly because Kenny G doesn’t speak throughout the whole clip, but you can always lose yourself in his patented melancholy saxophoning.

It’s strange to think that the first ad with White came out over three years ago, but these spots seem to have enough social support to keep on kicking, even as the celebrities get less celebratory. Maybe for the next one, BBDO could get all four celebs in one room at the same time – a group of hungry people who all need to eat Snickers. That way, we could get Pesci to look at Kenny G and unleash a “Who is this fuckin’ guy?” tirade. Everybody wins, even Kenny G, since he’d be in two commercials in the past decade instead of one. Credits after the jump.


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