RTO+P Launches ‘Thank-o-Matic 5,000,000? for Planet Fitness

Planet Fitness

Today Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners launched “Thank-o-Matic 5,000,000″ to celebrate Planet Fitness reaching 5 million members.

Visitors to the website can enter their information to receive a personalized thank you video and enter into a sweepstakes for a chance to win a variety of prizes. Each day, five people will be selected to win $500. At the end of the promotion, “five grand prizes will be awarded including: Mazda 5, a five-day cruise, a five-day trip to Hawaii, 50” smart TV or a five year PF Black Card membership.” The promotion will run from today until March 20th and is open to both members and non-members.

As you may recall, Planet Fitness made a name for itself as a “Judgement Free Zone,” free of the “lunks” (their term for sweaty bros who grunt while they lift weights) typical of traditional gyms, and their recent advertising has continued in that vein. Stick around for their most recent spot, “Pilatatumba,” along with credits for ”Thank-o-Matic 5,000,000,” after the jump. continued…

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RTO+P Crafts New Hire Totem Pole

In October, Philly-based Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners welcomed eight new hires with paper doll likenesses of themselves.

Now, in an attempt to up the ante in the creative welcoming of new employees department, the agency has crafted a totem pole featuring eleven new hires that were just announced today. The totem pole was sculpted by Steve Thompson, RTO+P’s “Maker,” out of basswood and stands proud at 26 inches tall.

“We’re stoked to have all this new talent aboard and we’ve heard the totem of their likenesses can actually produce rain when held at a specific angle,” says Steve Red, president/CCO of RTO+P. You can view a short documentary on the sculpting process above. New hires include (from top to bottom of the totem pole): Jacqui Abel, Senior Account Manager; Jonathan Bayless, Social Driver; Megan Auld-Wright, Copywriter; Travis Hyatt, Developer; Gillian Darr, Account Coordinator; Chris Arasin, Interactive Designer; Allison Berger, Community Manager; Will Nathanson, Account Director; Alex Moreno, Junior Social Creative; Joe Schoppy, Junior Social Creative; and Meg Dibley, Junior Content Producer.


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