GSD&M Targets Wedding Season for Southwest Airlines

GSD&M is launching its fall campaign for Southwest Airlines with a new spot, entitled “Wedding,” which debuts this Sunday during NFL programming.

The ad touts Southwest Airlines as the perfect partner for wedding season. While it may seem like odd timing (with wedding season just ending), invitations for weddings during the season are likely making their way out now, and people like the woman in the ad may be wondering how they’re going to make it to several different weddings without going broke. The spot takes a humorous approach, showing the woman partying it up, dancing at several different weddings, before finally resting (very) easy on a Southwest flight. “Everyone deserves 73 dollar fares,” says a voiceover, “because wedding season can get expensive.”

The broadcast spot, as well as a few which roll out later in the month, will run through December. There’s also a print campaign, shot by photographer Martin Schoeller, which features product-focused messages promoting “Bags Fly Free” and free in-flight TV courtesy of DISH. (more…)

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GSD&M, Welikesmall Make Science Look Cool for U.S. Air Force

Yeah bitch, science!

If you’ve been paying attention to education in this country, you probably know that U.S. students aren’t stacking up so great against students around the world. They’re currently ranked 25th globally in what educators have taken to calling STEM: science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

In an attempt to get more students to pursue careers in science and technology (other than meth manufacturing), the U.S. Air Force teamed up with agency GSD&M to create a project called the Air Force Collaboratory, described as “an online educational platform that pairs students with Air Force experts to tackle three unclassified military projects.” The projects include a prototype technology to rescue people trapped in collapsed structures, determining where to launch the newest GPS satellite, and designing the next generation of unmanned aerial vehicles.

GSD&M partnered with interactive design consultancy Welikesmall to create video content from three Air Force bases, including Air Force Space Command — one of the most restricted-access areas in the country. Using video, including shots captured by crawling through debris in simulated earthquake conditions, GSD&M and Welikesmall created an informative and engaging video. They make science and technology seem kind of cool, not always an easy feat. The video was lacking one crucial piece though: Bill Nye.

Welikesmall also created a social media network that allows the Air Force to constantly update the site with new content, projects and notifications. They even turn the project into something of a game, with users able to see how their ideas rank against their peers. It will be interesting to see what new ideas emerge from this endeavor. Credits after the jump. continued…

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Let’s Celebrate National Hot Dog Day with Schweigert Meats

Minnesota Twins fans don’t have much to cheer about these days. Their team is in 4th place in the AL Central, and they have a new outdoor stadium, which is problematic when you remember that playing baseball outdoors in Minnesota may not be fun in April or September. But, there is temporary relief. Today is National Hot Dog Day – I didn’t know, either – and Schweigert Meats, which produces the official hot dog of the Twins, has used the special occasion to release a couple of short video spots that show how the brand’s meat is “overly uncomplicated.” The brand is opting for a tongue-in-cheek tone with the videos and slogan as the campaign expands over the next few months with digital, print, and TV ads in the extended Minnesota region.

The campaign comes from Austin-based Proof Advertising and seems to appeal to a certain Northern blue-collar rural population that may find humor in the soft irony of things that are overly uncomplicated. But when it comes to Minnesota Twins advertising, Proof and Schweigert will have to step up their collective game to surpass the ability of the dandruffless Joe Mauer. Credits after the jump.


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