McKinney Sticks it to iPad, Kindle for Samsung Galaxy Pro

McKinney just launched a new campaign for Samsung’s Galaxy Pro series called “It Can Do That.” If that sounds a lot like Apple’s “There’s An App For That” 2009 campaign for the iPhone 3G, Samsung would probably welcome the comparison. Their 60-second television spot takes on Samsung’s competitors in a very direct way.

The first spot in the campaign — also called “It Can Do That” — showcases the Galaxy Pro’s multi-functional capabilities, while disgruntled users of the iPad and Kindle ask “It can do that?” They also take on a Microsoft Surface user, making fun of the fact that his “tablet” has a keyboard, battery dock and mouse. The spot concludes with the tagline, “The Next Big Thing Is Here.” While the approach borders on being a little smarmy and self-satisfied, it certainly does make the competition look bad by pointing out situations where Samsung’s product can do things that their competitors just can’t. You just have to wonder, and this always seems to be the problem with this kind of approach, if they could have pulled this off without making Samsung users seem kind of mean about it. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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Urban Ministries of Durham, McKinney Want to Name a Small Item After You

Names For ChangeIt’s common for people to donate money to have a wing of a building or stadium named after them. But what about donating for items that really make a difference? Durham agency McKinney and Urban Ministries of Durham “are offering naming rights to every small item that, in totality, helps them change a person’s trajectory in life.” You could lend your name to a plunger, a light bulb, a bus pass.

The project, Names For Change, attempts to raise money for Urban Ministries of Durham so they can provide food, shelter and a hope for the future to those in need this holiday season. Names For Changes was created by Jenny Nicholson and Nick Jones, the folks responsible for Spent: the interactive game that teaches people how difficult it is to live in poverty by positioning the player as an unemployed single parent who must make it through a month with $1,000 left in their savings account. Names For Change wants to lend people’s names to every day items because they ”want you to see how critical every item is to helping us fight homelessness.” Like Spent, it helps raise awareness by educating people about the importance of things they take for granted.

The Names For Change site is well designed. As you scroll down the page, you see different items that you can donate to lend your name to. Next to each item is its cost. There are also inspiring audio clips from the Program Director and Head Chef at Urban Ministries of Durham, as well as current and former residents. At the bottom of the page is the amount raised, and the fundraising goal. Currently the project has raised just $10,332 of its $100,000 goal, or enough to help two people out of homelessness. If you’d like to help make a difference (and have your name attached to an everyday item that means everything to those who truly need it), head on over to Names For Change now. And if you haven’t already played Spent, give it a try. Then, make all your Republican friends play it.


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