All the Ads in This London Subway Station Have Been Replaced by Pictures of Cats

It isn’t often in advertising that we get a happy ending that isn’t totally fictional and “brought to you by. But here one is, in all its furry glory!

In early May, we wrote about Glimpse Collective’s Kickstarter quest to replace all the ads in a London Underground station with images of cats. By the end of that month, U.K. animal rescue center Battersea joined forces with them, offering its cats up as models, in hopes that nice Londoners would experience love at first sight. 

Despite that endorsement, things weren’t looking good. In the last few days of their campaign, Glimpse—which created the Citizens Advertising Takeover Service, or #CatsNotAds—had raised $17,487, just over half of its objective (£23,000, or nearly $30,500). The company appealed to agency heads to provide rescue funds, and we closed our minds and hearts, awaiting the inevitable snuffing-out of a beautiful dream. 

But this week we discovered God exists, and loves us. On Monday morning, commuters passing through London’s Clapham Common Tube station were accosted by feline friends. 

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Here's the Best Reason Yet to Put Cats on Every Ad Space in This London Tube Station

Hundreds of years from now, a new bionic race of human beings will look back on this moment—among other vestiges of our time—and conclude we all shared a god after all. (It’s happened before.)

Remember Glimpse, the socially conscious agency that wants to fill a London subway station with nothing but billboards of cats? With just three days left on their Kickstarter campaign, they’ve found a way to sweeten the deal.

Battersea, the animal rescue center and one of the U.K.’s biggest charities, has agreed to partner with Glimpse to put stray cats on the posters—so, in addition to thinking fewer ad-cluttered thoughts on their commute, Londoners may actually be able to take a furry friend home with them. 

But that’s not all. The agency could still use help getting this off the ground. 

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Why Every Ad Space in This London Subway Station May Soon Have a Cat on It

It can be exhausting to travel by subway, especially when you work in advertising. Subways are home to some of the grabbiest, ugliest creative in all of existence, often in multiples. 

To wit: Yesterday, while stepping out of the Paris Métro, I saw a billboard for the Chatons d’Or, or The Golden Kitten, a new tongue-in-cheek ad awards show. I was tired, not in the mood, and—worst of all—it put my brain back in work mode again, well after midnight. 

Given how many award shows we already have (I mean, did you know we even have one for TV interstitials? Those are literally ads to advertise your upcoming ad break), and how many other lowest-common-denominator inanities we’re subjected to when traveling to and from anywhere, we’re pretty receptive to this Kickstarter campaign to replace all the ads in one London tube station … with pictures of cats. 

Nothing else. Just cats. No $9.99 bikinis perched alongside gym memberships. No award shows, ironic or not. No blockbuster movie posters all in a row, punting an aged actor as a hilariously bad grandpa. Cats. Cats

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Glimpse Door

Un miroir trompe l’oeil très original et inattendu. Inspiré par les moments ordinaires de la vie et designé par la californienne Sarah Tamala Kang, ce miroir extérieur donne l’illusion d’une porte s’ouvrant sur une pièce différente.


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