Test your awareness – did you notice?

Amazing cycling safety campaign for Transport for London.

A second life for blog.coolz0r.com

When Miel aka Coolz0r tried to upgrade blog.coolz0r.com to the newest version of WordPress, he encountered serious problems with the database. The mess was so severe that he had to give up. He posted a farewell message on blog.coolz0r.com and announced “the end of Coolz0r” on his other blog.

I was at Barcamp Ghent with a lot of other Belgian bloggers when I read the news on Twitter of the crashing death of Coolz0r’s blog. We were shocked. In the week that followed, I offered Miel my help in trying to recover the database and restore his blog. But Miel is a busy man and his job at Microsoft takes a lot of time and mental energy. Finally, over the last weekend we had some phone calls, we exchanged logins and passwords and some essential files, and after some analysis and some tweaking and hacking I was able to bring the blog back online.

Miel, however, had already said goodbye and for him there was no turning back. He will focus his blogging efforts on one blog only: micromiel.com. I thought it was very important that the 1800+ articles that Miel has written in the last three years on “Marketing Thoughts” remain available online. A lot of these articles have no expiration date, they remain interesting and valuable even when the campaigns they describe are long gone. Keeping these articles available is not only a tribute to Miel’s talent but also a service to the marketing community.

So, we agreed that I would host the blog under a new name, “Cool Marketing Thoughts“, which is only a small difference from “Coolz0r – Marketing Thoughts”, that I would clearly identify Miel as the author of all the articles that he has written, and that I can keep the blog alive by adding new content.

From now on, this blog will be a group blog. I am looking for contributors willing to write articles from time to time in the spirit, scope and focus of Coolz0r. If you’re interested, write to luc.van.braekel@gmail.com with a short bio and some pointers to previous work.


I know it’s a bit silent here and believe-you-me I wish it could be otherwise, but I’ve just moved houses and I’m still waiting for my internet provider to come and hook me up. My neighbors have secured their wifi, so I can’t leech (which I would never do, obviously, I just scanned for it out of curiosity) and I’m deprived of online living until the 14th of March.

Work is getting pretty busy too, with the TechDays coming up this week where I need to present 3 days in a row for 6 hours a day. Took me a little preparation time as well to get it all worked out.

Sorry for any delays. I’ve got a few posts nearly done, like the book reviews and a few cool marketing stunts, but I lack the time to style them in a way I feel comfortable with.

I’ll get to it as soon as I can. 🙂

Take care everyone and have a splendid day!

Hello World: Stella

This morning my sister gave birth to a wonderful and super tiny young girl named Stella. I’m going to be the godfather, and I think I’m already totally in love 🙂 Welcome to the world, Stella! I went to the hospital during lunch and snapped these little images to share them with the world:




Stats: 48 cm large, 3 kilos heavy and the cutest face in the universe!

(For John: 105.82 ounces and 18.89 inches)