Helsinki Region Transport wants you to speak out against racism

Racism and discrimination in public places is becoming a lot more commonplace across Europe. Finland’s capital Helsinki, along with its public transportation, is no different. Bystanders usually don’t help because they lack the courage to do so. Or maybe they just keep to themselves, I don’t know. Regardless, something needed to be done about it. 358 Helsinki and their client Helsinki Region Transport partnered wit The Finnish League for Human Rights to come up with ways to get this issue out in the open.

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Get a bucketful of free travel cards. And a bucket, too.

In Finland they have this thing called “free buckets.” Agency 358 decided to hand out branded ones to advertise the travel card trial offer for Helsinki Region Transport. Apparently the lines lasted for hours, kind of like getting a new iPhone. Six thousand people picked up a bucket and became a walking ad for HSL. The travel card gained 11,000 new users which is almost 900,000 Euro is added sales. Not bad at all for a city of 600,000.

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Sol "Minna Parikka, Shoe Designer" (2016) 3:18 (Finland)

Sol beer celebrates Local Heroes. IN this case, Minna Parikka, Shoe Designer who started a shoe company at 25 after getting fired. Her shoes are delightfully offbeat and very Finnish. But she’s doing quite well and selling her shoes in 25 countries including the States. Good for her!

Sol Beer "Ilahu Boards" (2016) 5;25 (Finland)

Sol Beer celebrates local heroes in Finland– people who have made bold choices to live their lives how they want to and follow their passion.
In this case, it s lahu Boards’ Jan Erik Leutola and Maxim Narbrough who create surfboards for snow. Fascinating documentary series from our friends at 358 Helsinki.

Bob Isherwood "kidnapped" in Cannes 2016

‘Can trolling be a force for good in advertising?’ is a seminar due to be held later today at the Forum in Cannes, to draw attention to it Bob Isherwood was ‘kidnapped’ and three masked men read out a ransom note as the former worldwide creative director of Saatchi & Saatchi acts tied up and messed up.
The “ransom note” challenges the creative community to demand a reply from the cannes Lions organisers whether the statues are ethically produced. Prank or poor taste – considering recent events in Brussels and Paris and the heightened security around Cannes itself this week. The old kidnap troll usually gets some attention, not all positive. Hopefully Hasan and Partners’ seminar has fresher ideas in it.

“We love advertising and marketing but we can no longer watch silently when the world is being destroyed by outright lies, corruption and immorality.

“To demonstrate this, we tried to find out whether the production of Cannes Lions statues stands the light of day. We found sources that claim the statues are produced in terrible working conditions in shady sweatshops. We tried to confirm the information with the festival organisers but did not get an answer.

“You, the creative industry, must demand an answer to this question! How are the Cannes Lions statues produced? What are the conditions and rights of the workers? Go to the organisation and get a response.

“We are not alone, millions of people want to move to a more ethical consumption. Answer these questions publicly, develop your activities and release Bob. You have until dawn tomorrow to answer our questions To increase the pressure, we produced our own statues, ethically. Until you answer our questions we will give out thirty of these ethically produced statues per day.”

Man Licks the World's Nastiest Things to See If Probiotics Keep Him From Getting Sick

Finnish probiotics brand Gefilus is so good at building up healthy bacteria in your gut—thereby strengthening your immune system—that you could lick a pay phone in Moscow and not get sick.

That’s the rough premise of a 22-minute (!) ad from dairy conglomerate Valio.

To illustrate the effectiveness of its product, the marketer hired travel television host Ian Wright, known for his willingness to eat just about anything, to bounce around the globe with a germ-measuring meter. 

Along the way, he slides his tongue across the filthiest surfaces he can find while maintaining a steady Gefilus diet to boost his body’s internal defenses.

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HSL "Sensitive to touch" (2016) 30 (Finland)

HSL has a new travel card reader that has a touch screen. Instead of just telling you that, our favorite Finnish shop Agency 358 Helsinki created a sensual spot with a breathy voice over (in French) no less that explains ze card reader, she is sensitive to touch, non? The porny music is a nice touch, too. Hilarious.

Helsinki Region Transport has some sexy new card readers

Helsinki Region Transportation has some new card readers that are touch sensitive or perfect for groups. This print (and French headlines) put the concept over the sensual top, reminding me of perfume ads. But it also makes sense conceptually, as the new card readers are from France. Very silly. I love it. I can’t imagine any government transportation company doing anything like this in the states. But it just goes to show you that there’s no such thing as a boring client. You can read more info about it on HSL’s website.

Koskenkorva "The great wall" (2016) 1:22 (Finland)

Koskenkova is vodka from a village. It is also the makers of an app called Vodka Farmer, that was quite successful. As way of thanks, the farmers in the village decided to build a Vodka Farmer hall of fame. It’s cute. Also, I have am unhealthy obsession with Finland and its wonkadoodle ways. Just listen to the language. How in the hell could anyone not from Finland ever learn it?

Koskenkorva "Voda from a village" (2016) 1:00 (Finland)

Koskenkorva doesn’t have a bustling city with hip hop stars and big buildings and fancy cars. Nope, it’s just a small village of Finns who make Koskenkorva in the town the Vodka is named after. Great positioning for what I have been told, is a bottom-of-the-shelf vodka. Remember, if the locals don’t drink it, you can always export it.

Helsinki International Film Festival "The Proposal" (2:25) (Finland)

This amazing piece of lunacy was made for to launch The Helsinki International Film Festival, Love and Anarchy. It’s got everything. Action. Romance. Super Heroes. Finns. So silly and so funny.

Heineken "Teemu Keisteri" (2015) 3:15 (Finland)

Teemu Keisteri is an artist and from the looks of it, Heineken sponsors him. God bless those wonkadoodle Finns.

Sol Beer "Outi Pyy" (2015) 2:30 (Finland)

As part of its Searching For Local Heroes campaign, Sol Beer brings us the story of Outi Pyy, a self-described “Trashonista” who quit her 13 year old job working at a denim company to devote her time to making clothes out of discarded clothes.

Sol Beer "Street Gastro" (2015) 3:00 (Finland)

Sol Beer’s Searching For Local Heroes campaign brings us the story of two dudes behind Street Gastro. The guys worked in some of the best restaurants anywhere and gave up that life style to be the Roy Chois of Finland. Their food looks amazing, too. I seriously need to get back to Helsinki sometime soon.

Sol beer "Tebian" (2015) 3:15 (Finland)

Here is some branded content for Sol Beer as part of their ‘Searching for local heroes” campaign. This one features Tebian, maker of all kinds of stuff. He talks abotu his inspirations, takes us through his ADD but hugely productive day. And there’s only one product shot in the whole thing. This kind of “shine the spotlight on,” content lives or dies by the subject at hand. Tebian is pretty cool. Also for those who haven’t heard Finnish before, you’re in for something.

Sol Beer "Pinguino" (2015) 3:00 (Finland)

Sol Beer’s Search For Local Heroes campaign has produced some interesting branded content. This one features Pauli, Finland’s first official surfboard maker. Dude is living the dream making surfboards, following his passion. And it all fits in with Sol’s Tagline: Espiritu Libre: Free spirits.

Sokos Hotels "Couple" (2015) :25 (Finland)

When you and your other half stay in a Sokos hotel, you are totally surrounded by summer and all the fun things you can do. Judging by the smile on the woman’s face and how messed up her hair is when the spot opens, I think we know exactly what the couple is up to.

Sokos hotels "Family" (2015) :25 (Finland)

Stay in a Sokos hotel and you are literally surrounded by summer. Nice camera trickery here.

Cancer Society of Finland "here under the sun" (2015) 1:40 (Finland)

Did you know that 95% of skin cancers can be avoided by using proper protection? Well if you didn’t, this 80’s throwback animated video featuring the VO talent of a Finnish-Canadian wrestler should do the trick. Killer soundtrack, too. The Cancer Society of Finland seems like an awesome client.

Helsinki Region transport wants us to start biking

To celebrate bike week, my favorite Finnish agency, Agency 358 made these tasty looking posters. Fun stuff. And ironic, too. If everyone started biking, Helsinki Region Transport would have a lot of empty seats on its trains and buses.