Allen & Gerritsen Debuts First Campaign as Blue Cross Blue Shield AOR

Allen & Gerritsen of Boston unveiled a new campaign for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts today, their first since Blue Cross named A & G its agency of record.

The campaign, called “Blue Cross Blue Shield of You” (pretty lame name, we know) features three TV spots highlighting the stories of actual Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts plan members. Each of these stories is very different, highlighting that each Blue Cross plan is unique to the needs of its policy holder. These vary from a man competing in a “Spartan” race, to a woman biking to work for physical and spiritual health, to a startup offering Blue Cross Blue Shield to its employees. All these stories have a very Massachusetts flair to them, or as Allen & Gerritsen Creative Director Doug Gould puts it, “This campaign celebrates the fabric of our region through individuals, while mirroring the values of the Blue Cross Blue Shield brand.” Spolier: You might hear a Boston accent or two in there. Its a pretty no-nonsense approach that’s refreshing compared to the more schticky approaches certain other insurance agencies take.

In addition to the :30 and :60 second TV spots, the campaign also spans radio, digital video and banners, and out of home.

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