Four Marvel TV Shows to Film in New York

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced that Walt Disney and Marvel Studios would spend about $200 million shooting the live-action series in New York City. All of the shows will debut on Netflix.


Mixed Reactions From Media Critics After One Cuomo Interviews Another

Some watchers questioned whether it was appropriate for Chris Cuomo, a journalist on CNN, to interview his brother, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York.


Forget TV; to Spread Word, Cuomo’s on Radio

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, whose brother is an anchor on CNN, seems more at home with an older medium.


Ad Campaign Selling State to Businesses Is Criticized

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s administration says the ads are a valuable tool for recruiting businesses, but critics say they are a backdoor way of elevating the governor’s stature.


Hollywood Fears New York’s Gun Control Laws May Stymie Filming

Industry officials worry they may be barred from using assault weapons and certain magazines in productions.