Barris de Bourbon viram meio de transporte em filme da Woodstock

Em Woodstock, no estado do Kentucky, a maioria dos habitantes decidiu trocar seus carros e caminhões por uma alternativa de transporte, digamos, mais sustentável: barris de Bourbon. Pelo menos na imaginação dos criativos da agência CumminsRoss, que retrataram esta ideia no filme de uma bebida chamada Woodstock, da Asahi Premium Beverages.

How We Roll foi produzido para o mercado australiano, segundo o AdWeek, razão que talvez justifique a visão caricata dos habitantes da cidade – na verdade, Lebanon Junction, e não Woodstock -, retratados como um bando de caipiras espertos.

Uma locução, no final, diz que “Em Woodstock, Kentucky, descobrimos que quanto mais rolamos barris de carvalho americano, melhor será o sabor do Bourbon”.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Bourbon Ad Shows You the Peculiar Way People Get Around in Woodstock, Ky.

Woodstock Bourbon's ad showing its hometown's enthusiasm for the brand is pretty funny (well, besides that "Barrellel Parking" sign—groan). But it's right on the brink of being one of those fake homespun liquor ads that Henry Rollins used to laugh at, what with the fiddle music and rural aesthetics. It's like O Brother Where Art Thou? but less subtle.

Perhaps this is because it was made by Australian agency CumminsRoss for the Australian market, and so it needs to show a somewhat cartoony version of Kentucky.

Still, you can't deny the funny visuals. Perhaps Mila Kunis can take a day trip from the Beam distillery in Clermont and learn how to barrel roll like this.

Credits below.

Client: Asahi Premium Beverages
General Manager, Marketing: Kate Dowd
Woodstock Brand Manager: Kelly Jones

Creative: CumminsRoss
Chief Executive Officer: Sean Cummins
Executive Creative Director: Jason Ross
Copywriter: Chris Ellis
Art Director: Aaron Lipson
Managing Director: Chris Jeffares
Group Account Director: Hayden Isaacs
Account Director: Damiano Dipietro
Account Manager: Jessica Chamberlain
Agency Producer: Susannah George

Media: CumminsRoss
Chief Media, Innovation Officer: Kirsty Muddle
Media Manager: Tom Johnson

Production Company: Guilty
Producer: Jason Byrne
Director: Tony Rogers
Director of Photography: Shelley Farthing-Dawe
Postproduction: The Butchery, The Refinery
Offline Editor: Tim Parrington
Online Editor: Eugene Richards
Grade: Vincent Taylor
Sound Design: Flagstaff Studios
Sound: Paul Le Couteur
Stills Photographer: Christopher Tovo