Dog in Peril Curbs Potential Violence in Latest Pedigree ‘Feed the Good’ Spot

A month after launching its new global campaign called “Feed the Good,” Pedigree returns with the second installment of the effort, which is again created by BBDO–though now, Melbourne-based Clemenger BBDO takes over on ad duties. In this spot, dubbed “The Good Fight, which began airing Down Under earlier this month, what starts as a potential street battle culminates in a quick crusade to save a loose dog who’s stuck in the middle of a busy street and whose helpless owner can only look on. Our potential street fighters, though, quickly turn into heroes and save the day all the while forgetting about their tiff. As for the dog, it gets a very well-deserved treat from its owner in the spot’s concluding moments, which serves as a relieving comedown from a somewhat tense ad.

In a recent comment to Campaign Brief about the overall Australian Pedigree work, Mars Petcare general manager Sylvia Burbery says, “Pedigree believes that dogs make the world a better place and bring out the good in us all. ‘Feed the Good’ sets out to connect with Australians emotionally and encourage a donation of just $2 to help raise vital funds for our established charity partner, PetRescue, and support the fantastic work they do to care for and re-home unclaimed animals.” The ultimate goal of “Feed the Good” is to feed 100 million dogs globally. Hopefully, they’re well on their way.


Client: Pedigree
Creative: Clemenger BBDO Melbourne
Activations: The Marketing Shop
Media: Starcom
PR: One Green Bean

Clemenger BBDO Pulls ‘Strings’ for Transport Accident Commission

Clemenger BBDO Melbourne launched a new campaign for Transport Accident Commission emphasizing the importance of parental role models in determining childrens’ future driving behavior.

The 60-second “Strings” marks a drastic change in approach for Transport Accident Commission, which historically has relied on depicting car accidents to show the potential outcomes of poor driving decisions. “Strings,” on the other hand, the first work from Clemenger BBDO, doesn’t even have a car in it. Rather, it takes a simple but impactful approach to teach parents how their children are mirroring their driving behaviors. A child, attached to strings, mimics a series of driving gestures — such as checking his self phone for text messages, yelling at another driver and answering the phone. As the camera pans out, it is revealed his movements are controlled by his father in front of him, followed by the message, “What kind of driver are you raising?”

The shoot was not exactly easy to pull off, as Stephen de Wolf, Clemenger BBDO Melbourne creative director explains it involved “an intricate rig that linked our father and son, with professional puppeteers directing our talent,” with the spot filmed in a singled take, requiring “a perfectly timed and synchronised performance from both of them.”

Clemenger BBDO has carved out something of a niche for itself with thought-provoking driving PSAs such as “Local Legends” and “Mistakes,” so it’s no surprise that its Melborune division delivers a compelling take here for Transport Accident Commission.



Amy Cockerell – Marketing Coordinator

Cherie Chandler – Marketing Project Manager

Samantha Buckis – Road Safety Project Coordinator

Samantha Cockfield – Senior Manager Road Safety

Clemenger BBDO Melbourne

James McGrath – Creative Chairman

Ant Keogh – Executive Creative Director

Stephen de Wolf – Creative Director

Jim Robbins – Senior Copywriter

Luke Thompson – Senior Art Director

Sharon Adams – Print Producer

Sonia Von Bibra – Executive TV Producer

Karolina Bozajkovska – Senior Agency TV Producer

Steve Pratt – Retoucher

Lee Simpson – Managing Partner

Naomi Gorringe – Group Account Director

Kate Joiner – Senior Account Manager

Patrick Nally – Account Executive


Tomas Mankovsky – Director (Blink)

Camilla Dehnert – Producer

Geoffrey Simpson – DOP/Cinematographer

Elodie Fouqueau – Editor

Lucinda Thompson – Designer

Duncan Horn – Flame Artist

Theodore Vidgen – Music Composer/Arranger

Stephen Boniface – Photographer (Match Photography)

Paul Le Coutier – Sound Designer/Engineer

Production Company – Finch/Blink (Co-production)

Post Production Company – Method Studio/Glassworks

Sound House – Flagstaff

Special/Visual Effects – Glassworks

DrinkWise Austrália ensina a forma apropriada de se beber

Sexta-feira pré-Carnaval e tem muita gente se preparando para uma maratona alcóolica. E quem melhor para ensinar as pessoas a maneira apropriada de se beber do que os australianos, verdadeiros especialistas no assunto? How to Drink Properly é o nome da campanha criada pela Clemenger BBDO de Melbourne que prega o consumo moderado de bebidas, utilizando uma linguagem jovem e divertida.

Os quatro filmes da campanha são, na verdade, animações em preto e branco que trazem um protagonista que tem a missão de diferenciar os erros e acertos das pessoas quando bebem. Nenhum deles será exibido na televisão – inclusive por conta da linguagem -, e ficarão disponíveis somente no YouTube. A ideia, inclusive, é concentrar toda a comunicação em redes sociais.

Vale o play em cada uma das animações. Com certeza, você irá reconhecer muitas pessoas nos personagens apresentados.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Origin Energy quer esclarecer o mistério por trás da energia elétrica

A Origin Energy lançou uma campanha integrada para explicar aos australianos como eles consomem energia elétrica e, consequentemente, como eles podem controlar seus hábitos e economizar. Na versão completa, a bela animação 3D criada pela Clemenger BBDO Melbourne cria um mundo fantástico, onde um macaco andando de bicicleta, ursos polares, enguias e imãs briguentos são responsáveis pela produção de eletricidade, como se fosse uma máquina de Rube Goldberg.

A produção é bem feita, traz um elemento lúdico para um assunto que normalmente seria bastante chato. Mas traz algo mais, também: uma forte influência do clássico Happiness Factory, que a Wieden+Kennedy criou para a Coca-Cola em 2007. Vale o play.

energy1 energy

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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