Hill Holliday Producer Raps to Promote ‘Tweethearts’ for NECCO

Hill Holliday has a new campaign for NECCO’s classic Sweethearts, “#1 selling non-chocolate Valentine’s Day candy,”  that personalizes the messages on the candy hearts via Twitter.

Here’s how it works: simply visit the Tweethearts site and tweet your message to @tweethearts, then take a look at your Tweetheat, fill out the name and address where you want it sent, pay $29.99 (yikes!) for a one pound bag, and wait 3-5 business days for the gift to show up. Users who don’t wish to order the candy can choose to simply share the digital image of their peronalized Tweetheart instead, not a bad option for those who don’t feel like ponying up $29.99 for a small bag of candy. Hill Holilday VP and creative director Rick McHugh was very excited about the campaign, saying, “Turning something that’s digital into something that’s physical is a dream creative assignment, and we’re thrilled to bring it to life for NECCO.”

The best part of the campaign has to be Hill Holiday producer Chuck Woodard rapping in the above video. Needless to say, it’s pretty funny. We’ll abstain from commenting further, and hand this one over to the comments section…


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