The Internet. The greatest enabler perhaps ever known. The ability to acquire and distribute information at a furious and daunting pace has proven to be the downfall of many a business, political candidate, celebrity etc. However, those who seize control have experienced unprecedented success. Capturing the minds of those fluent in Internet language proves to be the primary goal of advertisers for the future.
In May, the International Society of Human Rights (ISHR) released a group of 3 ads which succinctly and adroitly summarize both the fears and triumphs of widespread Internet distribution.
The political implications are clear: target and mock those who seek to suppress the free spread of information. Labeled “To Teach Dictators a Lesson”, the sharp simplicity and wit of the ad depicts perfectly the conflicting opinions of those on both ends of the spectrum. The brilliance of the ad lies in the subtle usage of the imagery of the stifled flow of information.
Subtlety is an art form lost on many advertisers who often go for gross exaggerations in the name of attention grabbing. As depicted in my last blog, such strategies often undercut the intended message. Quite oppositely, the subversive humor of this ad strikes a poignant note.
Delivering a meaningful but catching message to those who can rapidly attain information from a variety of sources proves difficult. However, those who succeed do so in slight-of-hand subtlety rather than slap-you-in-the-face bravado.
Dan Davis is a Freelance Writer carving out his growing resume, specializing in copy writing, and subjects from sports to the arts. Contact him on LinkedIn.