Don’t mess with us or we’ll take our $300m and go home! (Pretty please…)

WATCH OUT!! Lawmakers are looking to change privacy laws that internet advertising is so dependent on to do what we do. Research has proven that in-order for online advertising to work you gotta get results that are quantifiable, whether it’s stats or behavioral data. Did you know the online ad biz is as important as small farms are to the U.S economy? Me neither. I’m thinking the government may want to layoff the big boy that contributes $300m to bottom line. Take a look at this slightly corny short  and research that was conducted to see just how they don’t wanna piece of us. 


Jinean Robinson is a CCIO (Chief Creative Infections Officer) who has been in the communications industry for over 8 years, specializing in creative strategy and implementation, 360 branding communications, and brand development. Join her at or her firm’s website at

Target Audience Points you to the Right Direction

Behavioral Marketing OnlineIf you want a good business, the best people to solicit proper direction other than your usually reliable management team would be the people endorsing your product. In this case, the world of social marketing would do well to serve the demands of their visitors, the main reason why websites are getting good hits and rankings.

Two sites come into mind. and Facebook. Of the two, Facebook has somewhat recovered from its earlier blunder of releasing new tools to allow members to track other user’s actions on the site. A year later, Facebook introduced a service that let retailers announce a user’s activities on their websites as a form of advertising. But since then, they have redesigned and unveiled a new approach, making them one of the popular social networking sites known to man today.

On the other hand, took a turn for the worst, mainly focusing on the advertising binge which led to their downfall. While they tried to recover from it, new sites like took over their niche.

So if you want a good tip, “Do Not Upset Your Users”. That makes all the difference in business particularly in the cyber world.

(Source) AFP